Chapter 39: Maxwell family I

1st of July 23rd year of Edward V's reign

The day was Sunday and Serena took it upon herself to visit the Maxwell ducal palace in Cornwell incognito. It was only two hours away by vehicle and since Geoffrey was not home, no one can tell her otherwise. Not that Geoffrey would ever say no.

Once she arrived, the servants almost went into a frenzy, but she told them that there was no need for any ceremonious receiving as this was her home and she's there for a surprise visit to her parents. The last she saw them was 4 months ago and though they would call each other frequently, she did miss them so.

Entering their ducal palace, Serena strode across the endless entryway then took the wide oak staircase one step at a time. Arriving at the top landing, she turned towards the east wing and quickly made her way down the immense carpeted corridor to the large double doors that opened to her parents' bedchamber. She raised a gloved hand to knock.

*thud thud

Duke Simoun Maxwell, Serena's father, who was helping his wife take her medicine had to pause. Who could be knocking on their door at this hour?

Duchess Celine Maxwell, Serena's mother, seeing Simoun's creased brows used her fingers to straighten his wrinkled glabella. "The servants won't knock unless it is a matter of great importance. Go see what it is about…" she said with a smile.

Simoun looked at his wife in worry. She was getting sicker by the day, but she wouldn't even tell their daughter and servants (lest they accidentally let it slip to Serena). However, he also understood why. Their daughter, Serena, was going through a lot lately and they didn't want to add to her stress by letting her know that her mother was sick.

*Thud thud

Simoun turned to look towards the door. No servant in their ducal household would dare knock successively in such short interval.

Celine also thought the same thing. Recalling that crown prince Geoffrey just left yesterday for Torton according to what she read at the 'times' this morning, she realized that there was only one possibility. The one knocking should be their daughter. Although she didn't want Serena to know that she's sick, she was very happy that she visited. Besides, she can keep up with appearance. Thus, she drank the whole bowl of medicine in one gulp, then stored the bowl inside the drawer of the nightstand.

"Moun, it must be Serena. Quick, how do I look?" Celine asked.

Simoun who also assumed as much smiled before tucking a stray hair behind her ear. Although his wife has aged and lost weight because of her illness, she was still the most beautiful in his eyes. "Still as lovely as the day when I first saw you." He replied.

Celine hit his hand away. She knew he was only saying that to make her feel better. But at least it meant that she doesn't look like she's dying anytime soon if he can still say those words. "Then quick, open the door."

Simoun ruffled her hair before standing up to open the door.


When the door finally opened and Serena saw her father, she immediately enveloped him in a hug. "Hello father! I missed you." She greeted before peeking behind his back searching for her mother.

Simoun would have been surprised with the intimacy if it was in the past but since he already got used to it, he just patted his daughter's back. "I missed you too."

Serena's eyes went to the grandly ornate bed on its three-foot dais where sitting was her mother. She swiftly let go of her father to approach her.

"Mother! I missed you so dearly." Serena greeted as she hugged her mother.

"I missed you too, my dear. I'm so glad to see you." Celine replied as she hugged her daughter back.

Serena feeling her mother's bony back could not help but comment. "Mother, I think you lost a lot of weight. Is there anything I should be worried about?" she asked in concern.

"What nonsense are you speaking? It's just my diet. You'll understand when you get to my age that there will be a lot of food you can not consume. In the past, I can eat as much steak, cakes, and desserts that I want. Now, I have forcibly become a vegetarian and have no appetite." Celine explained.

Serena could not help but laugh. It was worrying but seeing her mother enthusiastic in explaining, she surmised that there must be nothing to worry about.

"Alright, alright. Sorry mother." Serena apologized.

Meanwhile, Simoun who was watching the two with a wistful smile shook his head before asking, "By the way Serena, why are you here today?"

Serena pouted. "Can't I just come and visit you because I missed you? Am I no longer welcomed in our estate because I have been married off?" Serena retorted as she feigned hurt before looking at her mother and saying, "Mother, look. Father is bullying me."

Celine laughed as she comforted her daughter. "Now, now. You know you are always welcome in our home."

Simoun knew that Serena was only fooling around to make them laugh. So, he just smiled before sighing exaggeratedly and then saying the word, "Women."

Serena having the response she wanted also smiled before raising her concern. "Mother, I did not see your and father's name in the list of attendees for the Charlotte's ball. Is there any particular reason for it?" she asked.

Celine already had a feeling that Serena would ask that. Initially, they did not know that Geoffrey would be sent to Torton, so Simoun took the opportunity to ask the king for permission to leave Windsor so that they can seek treatment for her disease. The king allowed it, so they were able to decline the invite to Charlotte's ball.

Then, this morning she and Simoun read from the news that Geoffrey left yesterday and so, they discussed if they should still go as planned. Celine was having second thoughts about leaving but Simoun convinced her otherwise. Her condition was getting worse and more likely than not, she would cause more worries for their daughter rather than be of help if she were to attend the season. Thus, Celine decided to reply with what they agreed on.
