Chapter 40: Maxwell family II

"Actually, your father and I will not only be absent for the Charlotte's ball, but also for the rest of the Season. You know that we're both not getting younger, and it has always been our dream to visit the east. Summer is the most agreeable time of the year for our age to travel, so, last week, your father has asked permission from the king, and he granted our request. We already have our tickets and would be leaving on Wednesday." Celine answered.

Serena was not completely convinced and felt that there was another reason that she did not know of. However, at the same time, she does prefer that her mother be absent this coming Season. Although her position as crown princess was still strong, she knew that behind her back, some people were already speculating and were just waiting for an opportunity to attack her.

If they would just attack her then she can bear it. She can fight with them tooth and nail. However, she could not bear to see her mother hurt.

There was one time she heard queen consort Floresca mention that there was no surprise with her not being able to give birth successfully for who will be inherit the genes from?

It was no secret that her mother was not able to successfully give birth to a child after being married to her father for more than a decade. That's why her parents opted to adopt a child, which was Leonard, from her father's distant relatives. It was only by some miracle that after a year her mother gave birth to her.

At that time, she was so affronted that she almost went into a catfight. She understood that there was some sort of battle for the crown between brothers regardless of how skewed it was, but Queen consort Floresca had no right to involve her mother.

She had to control her raging emotions to preserve her image, so she did nothing on the spot. Of course, it did not end just like that, and she would never let Floresca off without a lesson. Revenge is a dish best served cold so in the end, she made queen consort Floresca who used to rule the ladies of the ton into a social pariah.

That happened 2 years ago after she lost her 2nd pregnancy.

Last year, after she lost her third pregnancy, there were not a lot of talks because Geoffrey was with her the whole time. This year though might become another story. She can take all the scrutiny, but she could not let her mother suffer the same.

Perhaps, that was also the reasoning behind the travel. She knew that her mother would never think that way, but her father must have considered that.

"Serena, do you not want us to leave?" Celine asked when she noticed that her daughter did not respond immediately. If she asks, then forget about the treatment. She would rather stay. If she just whiffs that medicine like last time, then she won't feel a thing.

Simoun furrowed his brows. "Celine, not now. We really must go on that trip. We've been planning it for so long." Though he was concerned about Serena, his wife's condition was more urgent.

Serena shook her head and smiled. "Mother, how can I stop you from your well-deserved vacation? I'm just thinking if I should go packing and just head there with you. It would be nice to have a family trip like that." Though she was saying so, given the absence of Geoffrey and the upcoming Season, she can't join them even if she wanted to.

"Indeed, that would be nice. We should have done that before you got married." Celine said wistfully.

Simoun understood what his wife meant but he's not giving up on her. "Celine, I believe we can do that after. Serena, I do apologize, even if you wanted to, I could only reject you in joining us. We do deserve our honeymoon travel after raising you for so long right?" he said. He knew that Serena wasn't serious when she said she will join them, but then again, she was a bit too spoiled and stubborn, so who's to say?

Serena laughed with her father's words. "Ok, ok. Sorry. I was just saying. Anyhow, father. Mother, please excuse me. I went here straight after arriving and now, I think I need to use the loo."

"That's disgusting Serena." Simoun couldn't help but reprimand.

Serena grinned at her father.

Celine just laughed. "Alright. You should also rest after that as I know the trip here must have taken a toll on you. I will have your father call Leonard to join us for dinner. It's rare for us to have dinner together these days."

Serena nodded with a smile. Indeed, the travel was not easy. Although the road from the capital to their duchy was one of the best and it was only 2 hours travel, it was still too bumpy and dizzying for her. "Ok, mother. See you later."


Leonard frowned as he read the letter from Annalys. He did not expect much but getting rejected on his first try by a lady who did not even pass his own standards was not very reassuring.

Unlike his words to Geoffrey that day, he didn't really think that Annalys was all that nor did he think so lowly of himself. Again, he would never even consider Annalys if not for the situation. For aside from his inexplicable feeling that she was no good, he did not find her attractive.

Well, it's not that Leonard was shallow and to be fair, Annalys was beautiful compared to the average standard. However, given that his sister is the most beautiful in the empire, and his ex-lover not being the far-off second placer, one ought to understand why he thought that way.

Anyhow, why did he say those words again? Oh yes, because he wanted Emily hear it, which by the way was not that effective. She even laughed at him telling him that his acting was so bad.

He denied he was acting and that he was serious about Annalys but Emily only gave him a sarcastic smile after laughing more. Then she told him that she wished him luck because she bets that he would only get rejected for obvious reasons.

Just thinking about it and now having the letter of rejection in his hands. Damn.

He shook his head. Even if he did not like Annalys and she even rejected him, he must persevere. The Season was just about to begin and…

"Excuse me, Milord." His personal valet, Jim, said as he opened the door.

Leonard who was in his study sitting behind his desk folded the letter he just read as he looked up. "Yes?"

"His grace called and instructed that you head to Cornwell ducal palace now."

"Did he say why?"

"He said that her highness is there and that her grace wants you to join them for dinner." Jimmy reiterated.

Leonard looked at the time. It was 3 in the afternoon. "I see. Then, go prepare my vehicle. We'll be leaving in 30 minutes." He announced.
