Chapter 46: Prelude to the ball I

The Season was an annual period when it was customary for the kingdom's elite families to unite for balls, dinner parties, soirees, tea parties et al decked in their finest attires. Although such families had their grand estates in their territories, they would relocate to their elegant mansions in the capital for several months to immerse themselves in Windsor's milieu.

The Charlotte's ball marked the beginning of the Season, and it was hosted by the royal family in the royal palace. Thus, not only was it the most anticipated event, but it was also the most extravagant.

For that year, despite the tragedy in Torton and Ferpen, the event still maintained its extravagance not because the hosts did not care about the victims, rather it was because the accident happened just 2 weeks ago while preparations for the ball has begun way earlier.

Of course, Serena, being the one heading the event, considered making some adjustments. However, in the end, she decided not to. Why? Because regardless of whatever she does, criticisms would still follow.

If she lessens the extravagance, her mother-in-law and queen consort Floresca will criticize her. If she maintains the extravagance, the press and some attendees will criticize the ones hosting the event. Obviously, what option would she take? Besides, even if she decides to make it less extravagant, it won't lessen the expenditure because everything has been paid for beforehand.

In any case, as her vehicle passed through the gates of the palace heading to the back of the house because she's part of the royal family and would be entering the event separately from the guests, she observed that the attendees lined outside as they waited their turn to walk inside the venue were still adorned with their finest garments and jewelries as usual. If that's any indication, then it meant that she made the correct choice.

As Serena alighted her vehicle, she was welcomed by one of the king's attendants and was informed that the king requests her presence in his study.

For a moment, Serena felt troubled. For what other reason would the king have to demand her presence at this opportune moment other than to reprimand her for the lavishness of the ball?

She knew that her father-in-law was not in the dark about the reality that from two years ago, it was she who was the one running the show when it came to the inner court despite not being a resident in the royal palace. However, he let her be because she suspected that he has been satisfied with her taking charge.

She swallowed as she stood behind the attendant who just knocked on the door of the king's study. Of all the members of the royal family, she knew that the king was the only person she could not afford to offend. The king, having absolute power, can alter the course of her life even with all her careful planning. Fortunately, despite the reality that she has not successfully given birth to Geoffrey's child yet, he hasn't said nor done anything against her which meant that she was still under his favor.

She assumed that the reason for his favor were because; one, he was the one who granted the royal decree between herself and Geoffrey; two, she has never done anything to offend him; and three, she have performed her duties as crown princess with utmost excellence.

Now, she feared that she may have touched his reverse scale due to the lavishness of tonight's ball. What if he suddenly goes against her? If he does, then it's game over for her.

She was just thinking of a plausible excuse when the door opened and the attendant with her bent to his waist giving her a respectful bow while indicating she enter.

As Serena stepped foot inside the room, she saw the king who was sitting on the oak desk as if waiting for her. She tried to read his expression to gauge his mood. However, he looked up and before their eyes could meet, she quickly lowered herself for a curtsy. "Your majesty." She greeted.

The king looked at his daughter-in-law who was still in a curtsy. He observed that she was dressed more lavishly tonight despite Geoffrey's absence. Perhaps she was treating her dress and jewels as her weapons in her quest for holding on to her position.

Well, he'll let her do whatever she fancies so long as she doesn't cross the line. Besides, his son was still enamored with her, and he can completely understand why.

When the door closed and only the two of them were present in the room, he finally addressed her with a smile. "Serena, my dear daughter-in-law. It's good to see you. Come, I have something I want to talk to you about." He instructed as he walked towards one of the Grecian styled sofas and sat.

Serena straightened herself before walking over to take a sit on the other sofa facing the king. Based on the king's speech and manner, it doesn't seem like she was there to be reprimanded. Thank God.

"It has come to my attention that your mother-in-law seems to have decided on having Geoffrey marry a second wife and that she already went ahead with forming an agreement with the Cross family. Have you been informed?" he asked.

Serena pinched the edge of her dress with her thumb and index finger. Was this it? Was this the end for her? "Yes, mother has told me about it."

"I see. Now do tell me the truth, are you in favor of the match or not?"

"Your majesty, I…" Serena paused. She didn't know how to continue. For how can she be honest given her circumstance?

"Serena, as I've told you before, just call me father when it's just us and the rest of the family. You've been my daughter-in-law for almost four years now, and I have been considering you as such for more than that. So, come on, be honest, I won't take it against you." He coaxed.
