Chapter 47: Prelude to the ball II

Serena swallowed. Well, damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. Then, might as well take the leap.

"Father, to tell you the truth, it's not that I'm against Geoffrey taking a second wife in the future especially given my circumstance. However, Annalys has been my lady-in-waiting for almost 4 years. It's not that I don't want her to marry in, but rather, it would feel a little awkward. Aside from that, I have already talked to Geoffrey about it, and he was against the match." Serena explained.

King Edward's eyes curved. Truly, even cornered his daughter-in-law really knew how to play with words. In any case, he wasn't planning on replacing her anytime soon, so he'll let it pass. "Is that so? Then, that's quite reassuring because I for one am not in favor of the match. The queen, as you know have always been aggressive against me, for reasons you might already have heard of. I would not deny that I have committed some faults in the past. However, regardless of my transgressions, don't you agree that I have sufficiently made it up to her given the present?"

Serena did not really care what the king was alluding to, however, what she took note of was that he was also against the match, and that's good enough. She nodded her head.

"Before I made the royal decree betrothing you to Geoffrey, Loretta has already been negotiating with the Cross family to have Annalys marry my son. At that time, I intervened and chose you instead because I believed that you were the better match to my son. I think that based on your relationship with Geoffrey I have been correct. Do you agree?"

"Yes, father. And I thank you for your grace."

"However, as you said so yourself, the circumstance seems not to be in your favor. Serena, you have been and have always been my choice for my son, and I believe even now, that I made the right choice. Yet, be that as it may, my hands are tied. For if I were to intervene again, perhaps this time your mother-in-law and the Cross family would take that as a personal slight. So, tell me, what do you think should we do?"

Serena bit her lower lip. She's not stupid enough to believe that the king was telling this to her out of the goodness of his heart or that he's being sympathetic to her plight. There must be another reason and it must be that he wanted her to do something for him. But what? Has he caught wind of Leonard sending a letter to Annalys asking if he could escort her? Did he think that she was the one behind that? But what benefit would he receive with that match?

Yet, no matter how much she thought about it, she couldn't find any other connection why the king was telling her this besides that, unless the king was being truthful which was more unlikely.

"Father, I know you might be disappointed in me, but in truth, another reason why I'm not in favor of the match was because my brother, Lord Leonard has been quite taken with Lady Annalys. In fact, if not because of his humble origins, my family would have already presented our suit to the Cross family." Serena uttered.

"Hmm… I see. Now that you mentioned it, I can see that Leonard and Annalys have the potential of being a good match, and you should know how much of a fan I am of love matches. I can understand your apprehensions though. The Cross family has always been strict with who their children should and could marry. In fact, even if they haven't had an agreement with the queen, which mind you was not with my consent, I wouldn't be able to simply issue a royal decree betrothing Annalys to your brother lest they petition that I'm abusing my authority. So, how about this? If your brother could make Annalys agree to marry him, then I would help the two of you settle the Cross family and the queen after." The king suggested.

Serena wondered if the king said those words because he truly was in favor of the match or that all along, his purpose for having her there was because of that. Did he want her to make that match happen? However, no matter his reason, the result would indisputably be favorable to herself. Aside from that, the king's message was clear. He still favors her, but it would depend on herself if she's capable enough to get herself out of her predicament.

"Then father, when that happens, my brother and I could not thank you enough." Serena finally said.

The king smiled, taking note of the word when. "No need to thank me. After all, it would still depend on Leonard and yourself how to make that happen. Anyhow, I believe that it's time we join the rest of the family." The king said as he stood up then offered her his outstretched hand.

Serena tried but ultimately failed from keeping a straight face. She could already imagine the expressions on queen Loretta, queen consort Floresca and her two sons, faces once they see her enter the waiting area with the king. She has no doubt that they were already thinking of ways to provoke her without Geoffrey by her side. Not that she would give them the satisfaction. However, with the king on her side for them to see, well, even she must admit that it was beyond her expectations.

"Thank you, father." She replied as she placed her hand in his. Though she did not like the king per se, it's a different story when they're standing on the same side.

King Edward V's lips tilted upwards. He has to say, although the main reason he chose Serena for his son was out of political considerations, he really did outdo himself on that regard. If his own father chose someone like her instead of Loretta, then he wouldn't have to seek satisfaction elsewhere.
