Chapter 1: Awakening

SOTC: Ruelle~ Rival

3rd Person Pov~

A black SUV pulled into a parking lot heading towards a big warehouse.

Klaus: Welcome back to Chicago Stefan.

As they step out of the SUV that had just parked into Klaus's warehouse. As they were walking Stefan stops Klaus.

Stefan: What are we doing here?

Klaus: I know how much you loved it here, bringing back memories of the good old ripper days.

Stefan: Blocked out most of them. A lot of blood, a lot of partying. The details are all a blur.

Klaus: Well that's a crying shame, Stefan. The details are what make it a legend. Word was the Ripper of Monterey who got lonely, so he escaped to the city for comfort. It was prohibition, everything was off-limits then, which made everything so much fun. Chicago was magical.

Stefan: Yea well I'll take your word for it. As I said, I don't remember most of it.

Klaus: Ready to get down to business, then?

Stefan: Why am I still with you? We had our fun, your hybrids failed. I mean don't you want to move on?

Klaus: We here to see my favorite witch.

Klaus then walks over a couple of coffins, his sibling lying in them. He walks over to a coffin different from the others.

Klaus opens the coffin to reveal a beautiful brunette in a very old but gorgeous dress.

Klaus: You are about to meet my youngest sister.

Stefan: I thought you said we were here to meet a witch?

Klaus: We are. My sister is a witch.

Klaus then grips the dagger and pulls it out. Within a few moments, the girl gasps awake.

Rosalinda's Pov~

As I awake, I sit up and look around. Instantly I'm met with my brother Niklaus and someone I thought I'd never see again.

Rose: Silas?

Stefan: No I'm Stefan.

Rosalinda: My bad, please forgive me. What tis the year Nik?

Klaus: Well sister it is 2011 and you've been asleep for 311 years give or take a few years.

Rose: Why have you awoken me.

Klaus: Remember how you promised me that you would help me break my curse?

Rose: Ah you require my assistance.

Klaus: Yes and no. I have already broken the curse but can't make my hybrids. I need you to do a spell to see why.

Rose: Well I'd love to except I can't do any magic just yet. Since I have just awoken I have to give it time for everything to awaken thus including my magic.

Klaus: Well then, I guess it's a good thing I know another witch. But here are some clothes, you can't go walking around in what you are wearing.

I quickly change and then walk over to Nik.

Rose: This is what people wear these days? It's not bad but I preferred my dresses and corsets.

Klaus: I know, you look great. Now come and let us find out what's stopping me.

Without another word, we get into what Niklaus called a car. Within minutes we are in front of a building that reads "Gloria's Bar"

Klaus: Looks familiar doesn't it, Stefan?

Stefan: I can't believe this place is still here.

With that Klaus goes and holds the door for me. I walk in and instantly sense a semi powerful witch.

Gloria: You have got to be kidding me.

Klaus: So a hybrid walks into a bar-

Gloria: Stop. You may be invincible, but that doesn't make you funny.

Rose: I'm sorry but please do not interrupt my brother. Tis very rude.

The witch just stares and me but after a few moments she looks away. Her eyes then going to Stefan.

Gloria: I remember you.

Stefan: Yes. You're Gloria.

Gloria: Mhm.

Stefan: Shouldn't you be...

Gloria: Old and dead? Now if I die, who's going to run this place, huh?

Klaus: Gloria is a very powerful witch.

Gloria: Not as powerful as your sister though. The spirits don't like what I'm doing. I can slow the aging down some. Herbs and spells, but don't worry, it'll catch up to me one day.

Klaus: Stefan, why don't you go and fix us up something from behind the bar.

Stefan: Yeah, sure.

Gloria: I know why you're here. A hybrid out to make more hybrids? That kind of news travels fast.

Klaus: So what am I doing wrong? I broke the curse.

Gloria: You did something wrong. Look, every spell has a loophole but a curse that old. we'd have to contact the witch who created it.

Rose: Well that's going to be hard because that would be the original witch. She happens to be very dead.

Gloria: I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me, Rebekah.

Klaus: Rebekah. She's a bit preoccupied.

Gloria: She has what I need. Bring her to me. Or don't. Why are you here? I mean you have one of the most if not the most powerful witches right next to you.

Klaus: Oh she will help but right now, everything is still awakening for her so her magic isn't up to the task. Yet.

Before Gloria could reply, Stefan walks up to Klaus with what looks to be some kind of photograph.

Stefan: What is this?

Well, as I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place.

Stefan: But this is me. With you.


As we step back into the warehouse Stefan is still pestering my brother and won't let the photo go.

Stefan: This doesn't make any sense. Why don't I remember you?

Klaus: You said it yourself, that time had a lot of dark holes.

Stefan: No, if you knew me, then why haven't you said anything.

Klaus: I'm a little busy right now. Memory lane will have to wait.

As Klaus goes to walk away, Stefan roughly grabs his arm and instantly I'm brought back to all the times Mikael hit Klaus and would hurt him. Without even thinking my hand goes and Stefan starts choking due to my magic.

Rose: I suggest you listen to him. He said he's busy so you'll have to wait. Now be a good boy and do as he says. Also, don't grab my brother again.

After saying my piece I release my magical hold and he quickly gasps for breath.

Stefan: What the hell was that, I know witches and I've never seen or felt magic like that?

Klaus: Well my sister is a special kind of witch. Now if you wanna know how we know each other, let's just say we didn't get off to a brilliant start. To be honest I hated you. You were in a relationship with my other sister, and being the overprotective sibling I am. I didn't like that.

Stefan: Your Sister. So I knew another original vampire?

Rose: If you can't handle it, then why ask?

We walk over to the casket, Klaus opens it to reveal Rebekah.

Stefan: I don't recognize her.

Rose: Well be smart and don't tell her that.

Klaus: Yes, Rebekah's temper is worse than mine.

I quickly pulled the dagger out and handed it to Nik.

Rose: It's time to wake up, sister.

After about 10 minutes of waiting and us just standing around Klaus walks back over and looks at her.

Klaus: Any day now Rebekah. She's just being dramatic.

Rose: Niklaus! She's been daggered for over 90 years or so you tell me. It's a magical sleep. She's not as strong as me it's going to take her a bit. Just relax.

While waiting, Klaus decided to tell Stefan the story of how they met and hung out. Shortly after starting, he finishes. Huh must have not stayed together for long.

Klaus: I was your number one fan.

Stefan: Why should I believe any of this.

Klaus then walks over to a guard and starts compelling him.

Klaus: When she wakes up, tell her to meet us at Gloria's bar. Then volunteer your carotid artery and let her feed until you die.

Stefan: Where are we going?

Klaus: You think I'm lying. Stefan. We know each other. You trusted me with one of your secrets and now I'm going to prove it to you. Sister come.

Stefan: How?

Rose: I'd like rather stay. Something isn't right and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

Klaus: While my sister stays, I and you are going to your old apartment.

When they leave I set my mind on Gloria's Bar and within seconds I'm wrapped in white smoke and then I'm not.

When the smoke clears I'm face to face with Gloria.

Gloria: Where's Rebekah?

Rose: Waking up, now I have this feeling and my feelings are never wrong. There is something off about you. So why do you want Rebekah?

Gloria: To contact the original witch.

Rose: You wouldn't need here when you have Klaus and me. So I ask again why do you need Rebekah?


Rose: Hold that thought, I'm being called.

And with that, I poof to where Klaus is calling me. When the smoke clears I'm back at the warehouse.

Klaus: Ah sister, I see you heard me.

Rose: You know I always do, now why did you call?

Rebekah: He called you back for my sister.

Rose: Bekah!

I run over and hug her tightly.

Rose: So what are we doing?

Klaus: Well apparently Gloria needed Rebekah's necklace to contact the Original Witch and the necklace happens to be missing.

Rose: Of course. Well, Gloria doesn't need it. She just wants it, I've been feeling off about her and you know me and my feelings. She said needed Rebekah for the spell but she had you and me. She could have used us and our blood just as much but she didn't want to contact the witch. She wanted the magic that's inside her necklace. You heard her she's been slowing her aging and with power like mothers, she would be set for many many moons.

Klaus: That little-

Rose: Where's Stefan?

Klaus: Out, while you were gone we went shopping and ate. He writes the names of his victims on a wall.

Rose: Ok, well let's go see Gloria and possibly kill her.


Klaus and I poof back in the warehouse.

Klaus: Gloria's gone, she cleared out. Rose will just have to do the spell herself.

As Klaus is talking I walk the way Stefan is standing close to Rebekah and I see the expression on her face.

Rose: Wait. Rebekah, what's wrong?

Rebekah: He was asking about Mikael, he's not with us I can feel it.

Stefan: No, Klaus she's wrong-

Before Stefan could continue I magically snap his neck.

Rose: My sister isn't a liar.

Rebekah: He's hiding something, when I brought up Mystic Falls and the doppelgänger, he got all weird and fidgety.

Rose: So he is hiding something.

Klaus: Well then, let's return to Mystic Falls and we shall see what he's hiding.

Klaus and Rebekah gather the coffins and put them in a truck which Klaus, Rebekah, and I then get in with Stefan's temporarily dead body.

Within hours we were back to where it all began. Somewhere I thought I'd never return to.

Stefan wakes up with a gasp and sees Rebekah and me.

Stefan: Where's Klaus? What happened?

Rose: Well we kept snapping your neck. Well more like I did. As for Klaus, he went to find out what you have been hiding from him or trying to at least.

I use my magic to open up the back up the truck.

Rebekah: Welcome back to Mystic Falls Stefan.

With that, I poof to Nik. When the smoke clear I see he is just entering the school

A/N: Hey guys, it's the first chapter! I hope you all enjoy it and please do not be afraid to give your opinions or tell me if you have any ideas or things you'd like to see happen. Also don't forget to vote, comment and share. Anyways thank you for reading and I'll see you all at the next one.

By the way, SOTC means Song Of The Chapter.

Anyways bye!

Word Count: 2048