Chapter 2: Hello There.

SOTC: Ruelle ~ Live Like Legends

Rosalinda's Pov~

I follow Nik into the school and grab his arm.

Rose: Wait for me brother.

Nik: Ah glad you could join me.

Before I could reply we hear the laughter of a girl and then a muffled "oomph" I looked down to see a girl who looks exactly like Tatia which makes her the doppelgänger.

Klaus: There's my girl.

Elena: Klaus!

Klaus: You're supposed to be dead, well what are we going to do about that?

Rose: You being alive has put a rather large kink into my brother's plans, the whole point of the doppelgänger was for them to die for the curse to be lifted. Nothing more and nothing less.

Klaus: Yes, like my sister said the whole point for you was to break the curse and the whole point to breaking the curse was to make more hybrids. Now I haven't been able to do that and my bet is it has to do with the fact you're still breathing.

Elena: If you're going to kill me, just do it.

Rose: Weren't you wanting to live, isn't that why you somehow came back to life?

Klaus: You won't die, at least not until I know if my sister's theory is right. But don't worry I have many ways of making you suffer.

I then use my magic to open the doors, I walk into what is called the gym with Klaus dragging Elena along behind me.

Klaus: Attention seniors, you have officially been busted. Prank night is over! Head on home.

Rose: What the hell is a prank night?

Klaus: Nothing you need to worry about.

Klaus then walks over to two people, a boy, and a girl.

Klaus: You two, I remember you.

Girl: I'm sorry, who are you?

Klaus: Oh don't worry about it, I wasn't in my head last time we met.

Klaus gets closer and looks into the girls' eyes.

Klaus: Now lift your foot.

She does as told, he then looks at the boy the same way.

Klaus: Now, if she drops her foot I want you to beat her to death.

Elena: You can't let him do this, stop him.

Rose: I could but why should I?

Elena: Don't, Klaus you don't have to hurt anybody.

Klaus: Oh come on love, of course, I do.

The girl suddenly stumbles a little bit but all together kept her foot up.

Klaus: Keep it up. I'd prefer you don't die, sweetheart.

Elena: Where's Stefan? What did you do to him?

Klaus: Stefan's on a bit of a time out. You can thank my sister for that.

Elena turns to me with a mean look and growls at me.

Elena: What did you do?

Rose: Last time I checked my brother was the only dog here. Don't growl at me doppelbitch. If you must know, I did some magic on him but don't worry he's fine although he's probably a little tired.

Elena: You're a witch? I thought all your siblings became vampires? And is this Rebekah?

Rose: My name is Rosalinda, and it's none of your business.

Klaus: I see Elijah kept Rose out of his little storytelling. Very good my sister hates people knowing her business.

Suddenly the gym doors open, and incomes a blonde boy and a girl who radiates some magic.

Elena: Bonnie get out of here!

Rose: Do you only care about this Bonnie girl, you warn her but yet not the boy. How peculiar.

Klaus: I don't think so love!

As they go to leave, I let my magic go and wrap around them stopping them in their tracks. I then throw magic that acts like a rope or barrier and I pull them towards the 3 of us.

Bonnie: What the hell? How is that possible?

Klaus: I was wondering when you'd show up. Now we can get started.

Klaus walks back over to the two kids.

Klaus: You can relax sweetheart, now you 2 just sit tight.

They both listen, the boy relaxing and the girl putting her foot down, relaxing as well.

Klaus: I assume you're the reason Elena is still walking around?

Bonnie: That's right if you wanna blame someone, blame me.

Klaus: Well thanks to your witchy business you've put a kink into my plans.

Rose: You call that a witch? You can barely feel anything radiating off her.

Bonnie: Excuse me. Who are you?

Rose: Excuse nothing. Who I am doesn't matter you saw what I can do when I barely try so just know I am way stronger than you dearie.

Klaus: Enough. Now there's no need for blame, like I said your interference has caused some problems, some undesirable side effects. Since you caused the problem I'm going to have you find the fix.

Before anything else could be said the doors, burst open and in comes Rebekah who seems to be dragging someone. A werewolf.

Boy: Get off me!

Rebekah: Hush now.

Klaus: I'd like for you to meet my younger sister Rebekah. Word of warning she can be mean.

Rebekah: Don't be an ass.

Elena: Leave him alone!

Rose: Oh shut up, your voice is so nauseating.

Both Klaus and Rebekah can't help but laugh.

Klaus: I'm going to make this very simple.

Rose: Make sure to make it very simple, simple enough so that even the doppelgänger will understand it, we all know how stupid they are.

Rebekah again can't help but laugh while Klaus just sends me his signature smirk.

Klaus: Every time, I try and attempt to turn a werewolf into a hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible actually.

Klaus is quick to bite into his arm and then vamp speeds to the werewolf and forcing him to drink his blood.

Rose: My brother needs your pathetic magic to find a way to save his hybrids which now includes your friend. I would do it but I'd rather not contact the original witch for a favor that my brother needs.

Klaus: For Tyler's sake I'd hurry.

Klaus then snaps his neck and lets him drop to the floor.


Matt: He killed him.

Elena: He's not dead, Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire.

Klaus: Making him into a hybrid.

Rose: Have your friends taught you nothing about vampires?

Klaus: And if Bonnie's successful he will live through his transition.

Rose: let's hope she is. Go on then.

Klaus: Go and fetch you grimoires and enchantments and what not. I'll hold onto Elena for safe-keeping.

Bonnie looks towards Elena who nods her head, Bonnie grabs Matt and they both run out of the room.

Rose: You realize she might not be successful, I mean you and the original witch didn't have the best relationship.

Klaus: Oh I know, but maybe in that little head of yours is a solution.

Rose: Well, I already have a theory but let's wait and see what we get told.

Klaus: Ok.

From the corner of my eye, I could see Rebekah start circling Elena.

Rebekah: So this is the new doppelgänger? The original was so much prettier, wasn't she Nik?

I couldn't help but let out a little giggle.

Klaus: Yes. Now enough of the games Rebekah. Take wolf boy elsewhere would you?

Rebekah smiled at Elena but something tells me it wasn't sweetly. Rebekah then grabs the dead wolf's hand and drags him out of the room while mumbling about Klaus.

Rose: One of these days Nik.

We both laugh and then turn our sights on Elena but that doesn't last long as the gym doors are swung open yet again but this time revealing Stefan.

Stefan: Klaus.

Klaus: Come to save your damsel mate?

Stefan: I came here to ask for your forgiveness and pledge my loyalty.

Rose: Loyalty? Do you even know the meaning of the word?

Stefan: Last time I checked I was talking to Klaus. Not someone irrelevant.

Rose: Irrelevant really? Well, little boy your now talking to me. A very old and very strong witch who could kill you with a wave of her hand. Show some respect or shall I beat it into you? Be smart and don't test my patience.

Klaus: Well Stefan, see there's the problem, you already broke that pledge. And now you're pissing off my sister which in turn pisses me off. Not good mate. I'd be careful.

Stefan: Elena, means nothing to me anymore, and whatever you ask of me I will do.

Klaus: Fair enough, let's drink on it.

Klaus then looked and pointed at the two teenagers.

Klaus: Kill them.

Stefan didn't move, which made Klaus angry.

Klaus: What are you waiting for? Kill them!

Elena: No, Stefan, please. He's not going to hurt me he already said-

But Elena was cut off by Klaus backhanding her sending her back a bit.

Stefan snapped and started to rush for Klaus but I teleported in front of Klaus and when the smoke cleared my hand was in Stefan's chest and he was groaning in pain.

Rose: Don't ever and I mean ever try and hurt my family. I don't take kindly to people who threaten them or people who try to challenge us. Be thankful you made a deal with Nik or you'd be down a heart.

Elena: What are you?

While I was distracted looking at Elena, Stefan tries to remove my hand but I grab his hand snapping his wrist in the process.

Rose: Mind your business doppelbitch.

I release Stefan but Klaus rushes over grabbing Stefan by the throat.

Klaus: She means nothing to you? Do your lies just keep piling up?

Rose: Yes they do, what will we do about that.

Stefan: Let her go, I'll do whatever you want. You have my word.

Rose: Your word means nothing!

Klaus: Now, I've lived by your word all summer, in which time I've never had to resort to this.

Klaus looked Stefan in the eye and started compelling him.

Klaus: Stop fighting.

Stefan: Don't do this, Don't do this.

Klaus: I didn't want to. All I wanted was your allegiance. Now I'm going to have to take it.

Stefan: Don't. Don't.

Klaus: You will do exactly as I say when I. say it. You will not run, you will not hide. You'll just simply obey.

Elena: No, Stefan!

Rose: Your voice is so annoying.

Klaus: Now kill them. Rippah!

Klaus moved out of the way and motioned towards the two teenagers who looked terrified.

Almost immediately Stefan's vampire face comes out and he first bites into the girl's neck who lets out an agonizing scream that echoed throughout the room. He then turned his sights on the boy.

I looked towards Elena who was watching on with horror, and tears in her eyes.

Klaus: It's always nice to see in his true element. The specifies has become such a broody lot.

Elena: No, you did this to him.

Klaus: I just invited him to the party, he's the one dancing at the table.

Suddenly the doors fly open creating a loud bang through the gymnasium.

Rebekah: Where is it! Where is my necklace?!

Rose: Rebekah, calm down. What's wrong?

Rebekah: She has my necklace.

Rebekah then showed me what Klaus taught me was a phone. On the phone was a picture of Elena wearing the necklace.

Klaus: Well, well. More lies.

Rose: Where's the necklace?

Elena: I don't have it anymore.

Rebekah: You're lying. Where. Is. It.

Elena: I don't have it.

Rebekah then flashed at Elena biting into her throat. Klaus was quick to grab Rebekah and pull her off.

Klaus: Knock it off.

Rebekah: Make her tell me where it is Rosie!

Rose: Ok sister.

I walk over to Elena and give her a little smile.

Rose: This might hurt.

I thrust my hand into her chest and she screams out in pain.

Elena: I swear I don't have it, Katherine stole it.

Rose: I didn't even get to finish. And Katerina? What would she want with my sister's necklace?

Elena: I don't know.

I withdrawal my hand from Elena's chest, and grab the handkerchief Nik is holding out for me, even though there is no blood just residue.

Klaus: Well that's unfortunate, if we had the necklace it would make things a whole lot easier for your Bennett witch. But since we're doing this the hard way, let's put a clock on it, shall we?

Klaus then walked over to the table in the corner of the room, and when he presses a button that makes a buzzing sound go off and on this thing on the wall a timer starts.

Klaus: 20 minutes, if Bonnie hasn't found a solution by then, I want you to feed again. Only this time I want you to feed on Elena. You know you want to.

Elena: No, Klaus! Please don't do this to him.

Klaus then wrapped his arm around Rebekah and they start to walk away but he stops.

Klaus: No one leaves if she tries to run fracture her spine.

Klaus and Rebekah then walk away again this time leaving.

Rose: I may hate you but your death won't be happening today.

As I start to walk away I'm grabbed from behind and my neck is bitten into. Its obviously Stefan, I don't scream out in pain I just cause him an aneurysm. Stefan immediately let's go and drops to the ground grabbing his head and screaming in pain.

Rose: Don't even try something like that again.

I then hold my hand over the wound and it instantly closes healing my neck like nothing even happened.

Elena: How did you do that? What are you?

Rose: I said you weren't gonna die today but keep asking questions and you will. Your little boyfriend is lucky I don't kill him. I have killed people for far less. Do well to remember that.

With that, I leave and walk around the school and find Klaus.

Klaus: Well the verdicts in. The original witch says the doppelgänger should be dead.

Rebekah: Does that mean we can kill her?

Rose: No, it means the opposite. I've had a theory for a while now. Esther didn't kill the doppelgänger to kill you or lock away your werewolf side. She used her blood. It's always the blood. Her blood is the solution, that's why she wants her dead.

Klaus: So I can't make any hybrids leaving me alone for all time.

Klaus then takes the vial and feeds it to the wolf and almost immediately he becomes a hybrid. Tyler lunges at me but I throw him back.

Rose: Down puppy.

Klaus: Wrong move, don't ever do that again.

With that Rebekah, Klaus, and I leave the school taking Elena with us so Klaus can get her blood.

A/N: I know more happened in this episode but I don't see Rosalinda fearing Mikael but she leaves with Klaus making sure she can keep him safe. I won't be writing about the trip. So that about sums it up. I didn't want to make the chapter too long so anyway I hope you guys enjoy it.


Word Count: 2533