Chapter 3: Sins of the Father.

SOTC: Killa Queen

Rosalinda's Pov~

Klaus and I have been traveling all over, from North Dakota to Seattle, to Kansas, and finally Oregon. Klaus was making hybrids nonstop, some may think he was being selfish but I know my brother and he wanted the hybrids so he could protect our siblings if ever we needed it. As Klaus was finishing up and telling the last of the hybrids where to go, we headed back to the car but Klaus stopped when his phone started ringing. I decide to be nosy and listen in.

Klaus: Portland is fantastic once you get over all the whiny music and healthy-looking people. It's a breeding ground for werewolves.

Stefan: Your father is dead.

Klaus: What did you just say to me?

Stefan: Oh, my mistake. He's not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?

Klaus: Well first, I want you to explain to me exactly what happened.

Stefan: Well, Mikael followed Elena into the house and he tried to grab her to use her as bait for you. Damon and I vervained him, and in the process discovered he had a daggered which he planned to use on Rebekah. But instead, Elena grabbed the dagger and used it on him.

Klaus: If your lying to me your compulsion will make you tell me the truth.

Stefan: I indeed saw it with my own eyes.

Klaus: I want to talk to Rebekah.

Stefan: That's not a problem, she's right here.

Rebekah: Hello Nik.

Rebekah love, what's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run-in with a dagger?

Rebekah: It's true, he's finally out of our lives for good. 

I grabbed the phone from Nik.

Rosalinda: I highly doubt any of you are telling the truth. First, we wouldn't have to worry about Mikael if your little friends wouldn't have woken him. Second, you expect me or Nik to believe that two young vamps and a human took out Mikael? My family is way stronger and older and you expect us to believe that by some miracle they actually were able to take him out? I don't think so.

It took a few moments for me to get a reply.

Rebekah: I indeed swear. I miss you and Nik please come home. I'm miserable here.

Klaus: We'll be home soon.

Rebekah: Good.

Klaus then hung up and we made our way to the car.

Rosalinda: They are lying, and are planning something. There is no way they were able to take him out while none of you guys could even if the man just woke up. It's impossible. Once we return I'm going to be staying hidden until I'm needed so they think it's just you. If asked tell them I went to see my father.

Klaus: Of course Rose.


The next night, Klaus and I stood in the backyard of Tyler Lockwood. Klaus was on stage and I was in the shadows so nobody could see me.

Klaus: Good evening, I want to thank you all for coming here with me to celebrate. It's been a very long time coming.

Klaus then walked away and headed towards Elena, who I immediately sensed wasn't Elena at all.

Klaus: Where's your date?

"Elena": Getting me a drink.

Klaus: Well, seems I have you to think for Mikael's demise.

"Elena": He came at me. I didn't have a choice.

Klaus: Still I'm impressed. It's not easy for a human to dagger an original.

"Elena": It wasn't the first time.

Klaus: Right. Elijah.

As soon as my brother's name left Klaus's mouth I was furious. How dare she dagger my brother.

Klaus: You seem nervous.

"Elena": I'm not nervous, I just don't like you.

Klaus: Right, straight to the point then, shall I, love? People have been after me and my family for a thousand years, and we are always one step ahead. So whatever it is your thinking of trying, go for it. Give it your best shot. You won't succeed.

Klaus then walked into the house so I teleported in as well. Once the smoke cleared I was standing next to Nik.

Rosalinda: Something is going to happen, I can feel it. I don't feel Rebekah anywhere and I-

Mindy: You have a visitor.

Klaus: Well tell them to wait.

Mindy: He said his name is Mikael.

Klaus: Alright, you may go.

Rosalinda: Go deal with him, I'll be in the shadows.

Klaus walks away and I throw my hand towards him sending a ball of energy towards him. Once it hits him he glows for a few seconds then it goes away letting me know my protection spell is activated. I then teleport into the woods in front of the house.

Mikael: Hello Niklaus.

Klaus: Why don't you come in? Oh, that's right. I forgot, you can't.

Mikael: Or you can come outside if you want.

Klaus: Or I can watch my hybrids tear you limb from limb.

Mikael: Oh they can't kill me.

Klaus: True, but it will make a hell of a party game. All I have to do is rub these two fingers together and they'll pounce.

Mikael: The big bad wolf, you haven't changed. Still hiding behind your playthings like a coward, you forget they may be sired by you but they are still a part vampire. They can be compelled by me.

Klaus just busts out laughing.

Klaus: A little friend of mine made sure only I could compel them. So please do try "father."

A vampire appeared beside Mikael and hands him  "Elena"

Mikael: Come out and face me, Niklaus. Or she dies.

Klaus: Go ahead and kill her, I no longer need her.

"Elena": No, Klaus he'll do it.

Klaus: I don't care.

Mikael: If she dies this lot will be the last of your abominations.

Klaus: Will they? You see I know something you don't. I no longer need her. So kill her. You'll lose your leverage. I don't need her or them I just need to be rid of you.

Mikael: To What end, Niklaus? So you can live forever with no one at your side? Nobody cares about you, boy! Who do you have other than those whose loyalty you've forced? No one.

Klaus: I'm calling your bluff.

Mikael: Come outside and face me you little coward, nobody here is going to help you.

Before Nik could reply all you could hear were my heels clicking on the ground. I walked right up to Mikael and Nik.

Rosalinda: Hello Mikael. I'm sorry I couldn't hear you? Does he have nobody? How wrong you are.

Mikael: Ah the other bastard child of my wife.

Rosalinda: How dare you speak ill of my mother. You are a terrible person always have been. I'm surprised she only cheated twice. You won't hurt him, you did it as a child and I was always protecting him, now is no different. If you want a fight then fight me. I am not scared of you. You are nothing more than a low life parasite who needs to be removed from this world.

Mikael stabbed Elena with the dagger and ran towards me but I flung him back with my magic.

Rosalinda: So weak, I shouldn't have expected anything less you can't even get your hands on me. You never have been able to.

Mikael charges at me again but I teleport behind him and shove my hand into his chest ripping his heart out.

He stayed intact, not dying.

Mikael: How?

Rosalinda: It's a little something I learned from my actual father. I can make you do anything just by saying it into your heart. Or I can squeeze like so and it brings pain.

I hear a scream from behind me, I look to see Damon staking Klaus, but Stefan comes and helps. Once I turn around Mikael is in front of me. He grabs my throat squeezing but it does nothing.

Rosalinda: For a thousand years you have hated us and hunted our family. It stops tonight. You will no longer have the chance to hurt me or my siblings. Goodbye Mikael.

I kick him away from me and crush his heart, his body immediately engulfs in flames and he slowly dies as the fire turns his body to ash.

Katherine: You killed him without the stake? How?

I throw my hand out snapping her neck. I rush towards Nik.

Rosalinda: He's dead. I killed him.

Stefan: That's not possible. Klaus has the stake.

Rosalinda: I don't need a stake to kill anyone, including Mikael.

Klaus: He's gone forever. Now we can reunite the family.

Damon: What the hell did you do?

Klaus: He's earned his freedom.

Klaus then walked over to Stefan and looked into his eyes.

Klaus: Thank you, my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free. Your humanity is no longer in lockdown. You can turn it on if you wish to.


It was the next morning, Nik and I are walking through a parking lot toward the truck that holds our family. As we were getting closer Nik tried to call Rebekah yet again.

Klaus: Rebekah, where are you? Pick up the phone, darling. Daddy dearest is dead. It's time for a family reunion.

Klaus hangs up only to get a call.

Klaus: Stefan! Miss me already?

Stefan: I'm just calling to thank you for my freedom.

Klaus: Well I like to believe I'm a man of my word. More or less.

Stefan: Thing is, it came at too high of a price. You took everything from me, Klaus.

Klaus: Let bygones be bygones. Trust me resentment gets old.

We finally make it to the truck and I open it to see nothing.

Stefan: You know what never gets old?

Rosalinda: You must want to die.

Stefan: What's the matter? Missing something.

I rip the phone out of Nik's hand and put it to my ear.

Rosalinda: You young vampires always thinking you can beat us. You think Niklaus is scary and psycho well you've never seen me pissed but you will. Return my family or I'll kill everyone you love.

Stefan: Do that and you'll never see them again. I wonder, as a family who's always been one step ahead for a thousand years. Were either of you prepared for this?

Rosalinda: This isn't a game. But let's make it one. Just remember I'm the queen of playing games and I always win. Be prepared for what you have started. I killed Mikael what makes you think I can't or won't kill you? See you soon Stefan.

I hang up the phone and hand it back to Nik.

Rosalinda: We are going to find the coffins and then I'm gonna gut Stefan over and over until he begs for me to end his little existence, but I'll settle for ripping him limb from limb over and over, and then when I finally decide to stop I'll lock him into something and have him dropped into the middle of the ocean never to be found, drowning over and over for the rest of his immortal life.

Klaus: But-

Rosalinda: No buts Niklaus, nobody and I mean nobody threatens me or tries to harm my family and lives to speak of it. Now let's go, I need to find them before he can try and hurt them.

With that we go to the house Klaus is having made, I walk to the room that's to be mine and grab some candles and a map.

After a few minutes nothing.

Rosalinda: Something is blocking me. Where are you?

A/N: Wow, a lot has happened in this chapter. Stefan may have made a huge mistake crossing Rosalinda. Also, Rosalinda is a badass, teasing Mikael and then killing him. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy it. Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.

I'll see you all on the next one, bye.

Word Count: 2005