Chapter 4: Just The Beginning.

SOTC: Kat Moeoz ~ Royalty

3rd Person~

Rosalinda had just walked into the Grill when saw Elena and Damon having a moment. She immediately walked over but refrained from saying anything so she could observe. After a few moments of doing so, she finally spoke up.

Rosalinda: Hello dearies, I think we need to have a chat.

Rosalinda's Pov~

After I got their attention

Elena immediately turned around. Shock and fear came onto her face.

Elena: Rosalinda.

Damon: You going to do this in the Grill, in front of everyone? It's a little beneath you, don't you think?

Damon then quickly moved to stand in front of Elena.

Rosalinda: Well for starters I'm not beneath doing anything, besides I just came to have a little chat.

Damon: I'm surprised you stuck around town long enough for this so-called chat. Is Klaus still in town too?

Rosalinda: That doesn't matter, we will stay as long as we want especially now that my sister is missing.

Damon: Cute, blonde bombshell? Psycho? Shouldn't be too hard to find.

My hand instantly went up with my magic causing Damon to start choking.

Rosalind: Mind your tongue, Salvatore. Rebekah is an original, and my sister show some respect or I'll rip your eyes balls from your head and feed them to your little girlfriend behind you.

Elena: What do you want to discuss?

Rosalinda: Well for starters, you can stop acting like your better than me and my family when you aren't. Second I need to locate one Stefan Salvatore.

Damon: Stefan skipped town the second he saved your brother's ass.

Rosalinda: Then find him or I kill everyone you know. He has stolen from me and threatened my family. That's something that calls for his head but I'll be lenient if he returns my family to me before the week is over.

Elena: That sounds like a Rosalinda and Stefan problem.

Rosalinda: Will it be your problem when I start killing people starting with your brother or maybe your little witch friend. Don't test me. I want what Stefan has stolen from me or else.

Elena paled at that and backed behind Damon as if he could stop me from hurting either of them.


Later that day, I walked into the house that Klaus had picked out. I started to walk around and look at all of the renovations that are coming together nicely.

As I was walking I happened to walk by Klaus who had just walked into the house and went into a room that would become his art room. After looking around some more I finally made it to the room that would become mine once finished. Inside the room were two people, a man and a woman. The woman would be doing the construction of my room and the man would be helping me design it. I spoke to them both for a little bit and then went about picking some paint swatches, flooring ideas, deciding on some big ideas and also some of the little ones, amongst other things. For the walls, I went with a very elegant Dark Red with golden trim, and for the flooring, I went with a nice dark wood tone, that would also have some fur rugs.

As I finished deciding on a few things Klaus walked in.

Rosalinda: Hello Nik, did you do what I asked?

Klaus: I did, but apparently, Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy.

Rosalinda: Well tell him to do better next time, but for now the message is the same. Hopefully, Elena now realizes I'm not messing around.

Mindy then walked into the room and stood by Nik.

Mindy: Tyler is here looking for you Klaus but he's also asking to speak with you.

I walked out of the room, with Klaus and Mindy following behind me. As we were heading into the living room. I started looking at the small room with narrowed eyes as some men worked on it.

Rosalinda: Compel them to open this wall up to make it bigger, also tell them to add a huge window I'd like a lot of light coming into this room. This is a home for God sake's not a dungeon.

Mindy quickly nodded and stepped away while Tyler walked over to us.

The Original hybrid smiled and patted Tyler on the shoulder.

Klaus: There he is, the man of the hour.

Tyler: So everything went okay?

Klaus: Tony ran down Alaric instead of Jeremy, but apples, oranges. Message reads the same.

Tyler: You said you were sending them a warning.

Rosalinda: I did, I never said the warning wouldn't hurt anybody, not that it matters. You see the more Elena's family suffers, the more she's motivated to get me what I want. I'm doing whatever I want whether you like it or not. The message was clear, get me what I want or I have no problem in hurting her loved ones. The message was also the warning. It's very clear. You may think we are a team but we are not, don't get in my way and we won't have a problem.

Tyler: I just didn't think that we'd have to kill anyone.

Rosalinda: There is no we, I'm doing this to get my family back. I will do whatever it takes even if that means you lose your friends.

Klaus: Tyler, what you're feeling is the remnant of a guilty conscience. I need you to get over it, okay? I don't have a guilty conscience anymore. A thousand years of life will do that to someone. End of the day, human life here is just a means to an end, our means to our end. You'd do well to remember that.

Rosalinda: Now if you'll excuse me I have to go see someone and possibly kill them.

Tyler: Well then, she seems bitchy.

3rd Person~

Klaus grabbed Tyler by the throat and slammed him into the wall.

Klaus: That's my sister you are talking about. Don't ever disrespect her again. As for her being upset, you would be too if your family was stolen from you. Now I have strict instructions for you from Rosalinda. She wants you to bite Caroline.

Tyler: What? No!

Klaus: Do it or face the consequences.

Tyler: I said no!

Klaus: Very well young friend. I hope you know what you're doing.

With that Tyler left and Klaus went up to his art room.

Rosalinda's Pov~

Later that day, after threatening Damon Salvatore yet again, I was finally able to relax. I enter the hotel room that I have been using until the house is finished. After gathering some clothes, i decided take a nice bath and then get ready for bed. Once in bed, I start reading when there's a knock on my door. I used my magic to open it. Standing there was none other than Damon. He held out a bottle of wine and sent me a smirk

Damon: Peace offering?

Rosalinda: I don't want a piece offering, I want my family found. I'm not stupid, your here to try and distract me or get in my pants or whatever. It's not going to happen, you aren't even cute and you aren't even my type. Take your little bitch ass, go home and find me my family, or next time your friend Alaric won't live.

Damon tried to speed at me but couldn't get through the door.

Rosalinda: Ha. It's a little spell I made, only my blood can enter. But nice try though.

I throw my hand up and he starts choking, he drops the wine bottle which shatters on impact.

Rosalinda: I'm not my brother, I am way worse. You heard of what Mikael was capable of and you've seen what my brother is capable of. You watched me kill Mikael the most "dangerous" original hunter, imagine what I could do to you and your friends. Don't try anything like that again or you will die. Goodnight Damon.

With those last words, I release my hold on him and use my magic to slam the door shut.

Hopefully, they listen to this time, or else things are about to get very bad and very bloody.

A/N: Yay, another chapter anyway I hope you guys enjoy this. I know it's kinda short and not a lot happened but not a lot happened during this episode. Now with that being said guys don't forget to vote, comment and share. Also if you have any ideas or things you'd like to see happen please feel free to either comment or message me.

Alright, I'll see you all on the next one.

Bye you guys.

Word Count: 1454