Chapter 5: Game Time.

SOTC: Fall Out Boy ~ Centuries

Rosalinda's Pov

Klaus had just closed Rebekah's coffin when I walked into the room.

Rosalinda: You may want to keep her daggered but you owe me one for not killing you.

Klaus: You wouldn't kill me.

Rosalinda: Why not. You killed my mother. I know that Rebekah finally knows it and you are scared to face her but you and I both know that it will be worse once she is finally awake.

Klaus smiled and then pulled me into a hug, knowing that even though I am utterly upset and very disappointed with him, he knows that I will love him no matter what. He pulled away from me as Mindy walked into the room.

Klaus: Show my sister to her room, would you, love?

Mindy: Of course.

Mindy walked over the casket and pushed it out of the room and down the hall.

While Klaus was drinking some blood in his glass and reading, I was also reading when I suddenly got a feeling and without even looking up I spoke to the person.

Rosalinda: It's either really brave or really stupid for you to show up at our home. I'm going with very stupid because Niklaus gave you your freedom and you could've gone anywhere but yet you not only stay but you decide to show up to a place where people want to kill you.

Stefan: Well, I live here. This is my town.

Klaus got up off the couch and walked down the steps towards Stefan who was leaning against the door frame.

Klaus: Well, if we're playing this game, then my family and I were here first.

While Niklaus and Stefan talked, I got this feeling of magic coming off Stefan which means he's been to Bonnie and he most likely got a protection spell. Before I could continue my thought Stefan looked my way and then back at Klaus continuing his little speech.

Stefan: You know, I don't like your hybrid friends. They're everywhere. Kind of like fleas. I want them gone.

Rosalinda: Yeah, well you don't make demands besides we kind of like having them around.

Klaus sighed and stepped forward getting more into Stefan's space.

Klaus: You know, I'm hurt. I hoped that I'd free you and we'd pick up where we left off, but here you are, guzzling vervain like the rest of them, I'm sure. So much for friendship.

Stefan: Friends don't strip friends of their free will, and compel away their humanity.

Klaus: Okay, granted yeah that was a little extreme, but I get a little moody.

Rosalinda: He does get moody just ask our siblings. Speaking of my siblings isn't it time you handed them over? I mean you are acting all tough trying to get what you want but that isn't working and it won't ever work so you might as well bow down and face defeat.

Stefan walked towards me, but I watched on unimpressed.

Stefan: Get the hybrids out of Mystic Falls or I will remove them myself.

Rosalinda: You actually can't, a little spell I did. But here's what will happen if you continue to threaten us, we will be forced to retaliate. We will kill many people, or torture them, whichever you prefer, and trust me Stefan it will get very messy. You have already seen I'm willing to kill anyone including your girlfriends little brother, you don't want to keep going down this path. I've been lenient due to you being Klaus's friend but I can only be lenient so much.

Stefan: Do whatever you want, I don't care. Or you know what? Maybe I do. Yeah, maybe I care so much that I drop Elijah into the Arctic.

Klaus: Well, maybe I'd be willing to lose Elijah if it meant killing Damon.

Before Stefan could say anything else he fell to his knees gasping for breath. He looked over at me silently pleading for me to stop.

Rosalinda: You don't threaten my family dearie. You haven't seen what I'm capable of, if you do not return the coffins I will level this town and set fire to everything it has, killing everyone in it. And you wanna know something all the blood, and all the damage will be on your hands. I'll make sure that the screams of all the women, children, and anyone else will be all you hear for the rest of your immortal life.

Klaus moved over to stand beside me, knowing that I would never risk losing our older brother, he was trying to keep me calm in case Stefan tries something.

Klaus: Try her, Let's find out what will happen.

With Klaus's words, I release my hold on him. He's up but still recovering.

Stefan: You may think your strong but you can't even find your family. You're weak and you're an abomination.

At Stefan's words, the doors and windows slammed open, the glass on the windows shattering. The winds blew in causing items to fall over and break. I smirked widely, at Stefan challenging him but before it could go any further Mindy walked into the room.

Mindy: Is everything okay?

Klaus: Everything's fine, Mindy. Stefan was just leaving after failing to make his point. I honestly think he's bluffing and wouldn't stand a chance against my sister.

Stefan simply smiled before vamp speeding to the table and grabbed a saw, he ran for Mindy but I sped in front of her, the saw hit my neck instantly breaking upon impact. No damage was done to me, Stefan looked shocked and scared.

Stefan: Well then, no matter. You may want to, uh, send the rest of them away before it gets messy again, it's not like you can be there to save them all.

I gave Stefan a little smirk as I watched him as he left, and without saying a word they left the room and went up to mine.


A few hours later, Klaus and I are standing in the living room telling all the hybrids to be on red alert and to travel in pairs just in case Stefan or his friends try to attack again.

As the hybrids left in walked Tyler, who didn't bother to show up for the meeting.

Tyler: You called? I'm here.

Rosalinda: Yes you are. Late I might add, when a meeting is called you need to be here on time.

Tyler just nodded.

Tyler: What happened?

Klaus: What happened is Stefan had two paths in front of him and he chose the wrong one. The one that has made both Rosalinda and I very angry, He tried to kill Mindy and failed. Now I need you to help us do something about that.

Tyler: Can't you just leave me out of it?

Rosalinda: No.

Klaus: What would be the point in that?

Tyler: Seriously, man, can't you just get one of your other hybrids to do your bidding? I already lost my friends, my girlfriend.

Rosalinda: Oh boo hoo get over yourself. You are here by my doing, you would be dead if wasn't for me figuring out the reason for your survival.

Tyler: I'm thankful-

Rosalinda: Then start acting like it.

Klaus: Right, your, uh, your girlfriend, I know we already talked about this but you need to bite her.

Tyler: What?

Klaus: Don't make me repeat myself.

Tyler: A hybrid bite would kill a vampire.

Rosalinda Yeah, yeah. We know exactly what it'll do. Stefan has pushed us too far, so this is us pushing back. Bite her or else.

Tyler: I'm not biting Caroline.

Klaus: Tyler, I've been supernaturally blessed with the good fortune of a sire bond to you, so one could consider that this is me putting your undying loyalty to the test.

Tyler: What the hell is wrong with you? I'm not hurting Caroline.

Rosalinda: Alright. Alright. I'm a little disappointed, but as you know, it's your choice, free will and all that. We will have to find another way to make Stefan Salvatore pay.

Klaus: You might want to thank the gods my sister is letting you off the hook. She doesn't do it often.

Rosalinda: You can go now.


3rd Person~

Later that night, Damon stood in the back of the room at the Council meeting as he watched Klaus and Rosalinda talk to Carol Lockwood. He approached the two at a fast pace.

Damon: Look what the cat dragged in. Nice vest.

Klaus and Rosalinda both turned around to look at Damon.

Klaus: Well, thank you very much. Good to see you, Damon. Carol and my sister were just discussing whether you'd be tonight's other big benefactor.

Carol: What do you say, Damon? Klaus and his sister have made a very generous pledge. You know how we're chomping at the bit to begin the renovation.

Damon: Hmm. Carol, don't take this the wrong way, but do you realize you've been kissing the ass of one of the immoral people who ruined your son's life?

Carol shook her head in annoyance as Klaus got a little angry.

Klaus: Oh, come now. Some might say we saved it, what with all that nasty full moon business. I never had to go through it myself more than twice, to be honest, but still, I'm very sympathetic.

Carol nodded and could seemingly sense the tension, and quickly tried to defuse it before a fight broke out.

Carol: Klaus, along with his sister promised to protect Tyler and our town.

Damon: From who? Their hybrids are the ones the town needs protection from.

Rosalinda: Well, that is incorrect because the hybrids haven't caused any trouble or killed anyone. I mean your brother has and I'm sure you have. The hybrids have nothing to do with this. This is about Stefan causing problems and you blaming other people as if you were some child.

Damon: They need to leave town. They aren't safe.

Rosalinda: Neither is your brother with his humanity in between off and on, who knows what would happen, he could even end up reverting to a ripper at any moment.

Carol: She's right Damon.

Rosalinda: I have thought long and hard about this and after talking for a bit, I have agreed with the Mayor. You and the Council stay out of our hair, and we'll stay out of yours. Your town gets protected, the hybrids get left alone, and everybody will be happy. All you have to do is get Stefan to stop trying to kill my family and my brother's friends along with returning what you stole from us.

Carol: Please, Damon. Just get your brother under control or the Council will be forced to take action against him.

Damon: You've got to be kidding me.

Klaus: Oh, come on, mate. Give peace a chance.

A few minutes later, Daniel walked into a room in the Lockwood mansion, shutting the door behind him. He turned around when, all of a sudden, Stefan shoved him again the wall, Stefan went to go stab him but the knife bent and snapped upon making contact with his stomach.

The vampire was then about to decapitate the hybrid when Damon appeared, slamming his brother against the wall angrily.

Stefan: What are you doing?

Damon: What are you doing? No dead hybrids at the Founder's party!

Stefan: No, I told Klaus and his sister to get their hybrids out of town. They didn't listen, so now I'm saying it louder.

Damon looked at his brother confused.

Damon: You don't think that there is ten more where he came from? And if you kill them, who's to say Klaus won't make twenty more? Have you forgotten about Elena's part in all of this or do you not care if she's a human blood bag for the rest of her life?

Stefan: Protecting Elena is your problem now. See I'm not compelled by Klaus to do that anymore.

Damon: Don't give me that no humanity crap. You can't just flip your switch.

Stefan: No, but I had someone compel me to turn it off.

Damon was going to continue but stopped when he noticed Stefan drop to the floor holding his head only to stop a few seconds later.

Damon: I think Rosalinda knows you are here.

Stefan just nodded before speaking.

Stefan: She's upset. I have the upper hand and that I'm two steps ahead.

Damon: That's the thing, Stefan, you don't have the upper hand if you did they'd have gotten rid of the hybrids. And you sure as hell aren't two steps ahead if Rosalinda was able to save Mindy or just now somehow affect you with her magic when she isn't even near you. Do you want to take on Klaus? Do you want to kill him? Well, you gotta be smarter.

Stefan: To beat the monster Damon, you have to become the better monster.

Stefan patted his brother on the shoulder and disappeared.


Damon sighed as he shut his phone, heading out to go find Klaus. He found Klaus talking with his sister and one of the townspeople.

Damon: I need to talk to you two. Now.

Damon then pulled the two into a vacant room.

Klaus: What now? You just pulled us away from a fascinating conversation about all the things we could do to help the town.

Damon shut the door behind him and breathed a few times before speaking.

Damon: Stefan just grabbed Elena.

Rosalinda: And we care why?

Damon: He's gonna try and use her against you two. Do what he says. Get rid of your hybrids.

Klaus: No, Stefan would never dream of killing her.

Damon: Are you sure about that? He just tried to behead someone in the middle of a Council party. He's operating on crazy right now.

Rosalinda: Yea, how did that work out for him? Did he like my little surprise?

Damon: Funny. Just do what he asks. When he's the crazy I don't know what he's capable of.

Klaus: Well, crazy or not, that kind of love never dies. He's bluffing.

Damon: Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. But if you don't believe him, believe me. I know my brother better than anyone and right now, I don't have a clue how far he's willing to take this. So if he says blink, I suggest you both blink.

Rosalinda: No, now have a goodnight.

Klaus and I left the room and started to leave the Lockwood Mansion when suddenly, Klaus's phone started to ring. He pulled it out of his pocket and answered.

Klaus: Stefan, I'm glad you called I was hoping you would have given up by now.

Stefan: Tell your hybrids to get out of town, now.

Rosalinda: Well, that's not ever going to happen.

Stefan: Well, then I'm going to drive your blood source off Wickery Bridge.

Klaus: We don't believe you, Stefan. You won't kill her.

Stefan: I figured you wouldn't.

The two heard struggling, and Klaus made a confused face, mouthing, "Great conversation."

Klaus: What are you doing?

Stefan: Elena now has my blood. No more hybrids if she's a vampire.

Rosalinda: You won't do it.

Stefan: Really? Try me because your coffins are next to go, say goodbye to your family.

Elena started screaming at Stefan to slow down the car on the other end of the phone.

Rosalinda: You may do as you please we don't need her. Have a goodnight.

With those last words, Rosalinda grabbed the phone and hung up.

Rosalinda: I need a much-needed drink, and you need to go heal Caroline Forbes because we both know Tyler couldn't have resisted the sire bond.

With that, we both speed off in different directions.

A/N: So as you see I've changed a few things. Klaus didn't send the hybrids away. So did Stefan kill Elena or not? You'll have to wait and see. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter if you did please don't forget to vote, comment, and even share. Also if you'd like to see things happen or have any ideas or anything, feel free to comment or message me privately. As always if you see any spelling mistakes please comment on what and where and I'll fix it as soon as I can.

Alright guys that's all for this chapter so I'll see you all on the next one.


WordCount: 2734