Chapter 6: Tested Patience.

SOTC: Fall Out Boy ~ Immortals

3rd Person Pov~

Stefan walked into the Salvatore Boarding house, confused as he heard loud rock music. He walked further inside, seeing Klaus drinking some of Damon's bourbon in a chair while Rosalinda walked around looking through the bookshelves.

Stefan walked over, grabbed the remote, and turned down the music

Stefan: What are you two doing here?

Klaus: Enjoying our stalemate.

Stefan: What do you want?

Rosalinda: No, the question is, what do you want? Our hybrids won't be leaving town, you tried to use Elena against us and failed. So tell me what we need to do so that we can get our family back.

Stefan: I'm not negotiating.

Before Stefan could say anymore, Rosalinda uses her magic to slam him against the wall while choking him.

Klaus quickly stood up and walked over to Rosalinda.

Klaus: Release him, if you kill him we won't be able to find them.

Rosalinda: The urge to shove my hand into your chest and break your ribs, damage your lungs, and possibly pull your heart from your body is very very strong right now. It would be so much easy just to kill you, remember I can very much do so if I wanted to but your lucky I want something more than to see your death. Now, where are they?

Klaus: You do understand that holding them indefinitely is the same thing as dropping them into the ocean?

Stefan: No. No. You leave Mystic Falls and then give me a call in a few years, and we'll talk.

Rosalinda while still holding him against the wall, used more magic and started choking Stefan again but stopped when Klaus placed his hands on her shoulders.

Klaus: We're going to give you another chance. Just one more. Then I'll allow Rosalinda here to torture you however she sees fit.

Stefan: You make one wrong move, and I will-.

Klaus: Yes, that's right. Crazy Stefan. How's that working out for you? Any friends left? Now you'll do nothing and give us what we want.

Rosalinda: You have 3 hours. Return what you stole or I take something or maybe someone you love. You have been warned. The clock is ticking Stefan.


Rosalinda's Pov~

As Klaus and I walked into the house we went to the downstairs study. Klaus sits in the chair as I sit on the desk.

Rosalinda: If Stefan is smart he will do the right thing. I get he is your friend but I can only take so much of him before I kill him Niklaus.

Klaus couldn't say anything else as his phone suddenly rang. He pulled it out of his pocket, seeing that it was Daniel so he answered. I ignored his phone conversation as I organize some paperwork on my desk.

Klaus: Rosalinda, the hybrids know where the coffins are.

Rosalinda: Where?

Klaus: The Witch's House.

Rosalinda: Great, the people who hate you the most.

Klaus: You don't have to need to come. I have it under control.

Rosalinda: You're funny, but I'm going you are gonna need me.

I quickly grab my jacket and we head to the witch's house. Not even five minutes later, we were at the front door of the house where my siblings were kept.

Klaus was immediately sent to his knees, screaming out as I hear hundreds of voices enter my mind. Klaus yelled out in pain, while the voices try and stop me from helping.

Rosalinda: Leave my brother alone or else. I won't say it again. Dead or alive I still hold more power than you all. If I need to I will track down your graves and banish you from ever coming here again.

The voices stopped along with Klaus's pain.

Klaus: Thank you.

I smiled at him softly before we headed to the basement where we were told the coffins were. When we couldn't see the coffins Klaus growled out in anger.

Klaus: That's a good trick, but I bet you I have a better one.

We then heard Damon arrive, and as Damon walked into the basement, I stood in the center of the room while Klaus hid behind the wall, as soon as Damon saw me, he backed away a little and had a scared look.

Rosalinda: Hello, Damon. I'm warned Stefan that people would start dying if he didn't return my family.

Damon: Well now you have them.

Rosalinda: Our hybrids found them. Stefan didn't return them. So I'll keep good on my promise, the question is who will it be. Bonnie? No. You? Maybe. Elena? It's on my list.

Damon sped towards me but

Klaus grabbed him by the back of the throat and threw him away from me.

Klaus: What took you so long? Hiding behind your witchy friends. In squalor, no less.

Klaus then dropped to his knees, yelling pain as he clutched his head. He quickly grabbed my arm as Damon smirked looking on.

Damon: Insulting a bunch of dead witches not smart. I made the same mistake the first time I came in here.

Rosalinda: Fiētós

Klaus is instantly up and laughing.

Damon: What?

Rosalinda: I'm draining the witches of their power here, they will get it back once we have our coffins and leave.

Rosalinda: But just in case they try anything else just remember witches living or dead, they care about their own. A hundred dead witches must have at least a thousand living descendants, and I have no problem killing every last one of them if I don't get our coffins back. As we speak, our hybrid friend is prepared to end the Bennett line.

Almost instantly, the candles around them dimmed, and Klaus smirked, walking over to Damon as he said,

Klaus: Now. Please show us the coffins.

That was when three very dusty coffins appeared in front of them

Rosalinda: Ah there they are.

Klaus: Where's the fourth?

Damon only smirked trying not to laugh.

Damon thought it was a good idea to taunt us, feeling cocky and superior he walks forward.

Damon: Well, here's the thing. They can't show it to you. It's not here.

Klaus: What did you do?

Damon: Well, Bonnie gave me the head's up. I mean, I didn't have enough time to get all four, but I did have time to get one.

Klaus walked towards Damon, gripping his throat as he lifted the vampire in the air.

Klaus: I will tear you limb from limb. And only then, when you are a writhing mass of blood and flesh, will I rip your heart from your chest.

The black-haired man choked trying to speak.

Damon: Sorry. Same rules apply, leverage, and all. I know you want your family back. But something tells me you want what's in that coffin a lot more.

Klaus dropped Damon to the ground, his eyes shining bright yellow with rage.

Klaus: You have no idea what you're getting into with that coffin. It's sealed for a reason.

Before Damon could speak I use my magic and snap his bones throughout his body, Damon groaning in pain. He falls to his knees and I walk over and grab his hair.

Rosalinda: Stefan was warned and now you've kept a coffin. So I guess it's time for you to pay for his punishment. I hope the coffin was worth losing your life over.

Without saying another thing I smack his head from his body. Him falling to the floor dead.

Klaus: Well then.

Rosalinda: I warned them.

And just to make sure nobody could save him using magic, I create a fireball in my hands and throw them at his body and his head.


3rd Person Pov~

Klaus stood in the room where his siblings' coffins were as he ran a hand over Rebekah's coffin.

Rosalinda ran a hand over Kol's coffin, as Finn's coffin was being rolled in by Daniel.

Klaus was shaken from his train of thought as Daniel finished pushing Finn's coffin into place.

Daniel: You both have your family back. Are you gonna open and wake them?

Klaus shook his head.

Klaus: Not quite yet. I have some unfinished business to take care of.

Klaus walked into the other room, Daniel and Rosalinda following him.

Daniel: What business?

Klaus turned around, about to say something to Daniel when he yelled out in pain, falling to the floor. Klaus' eyes widened in shock, and Rosalinda just looked mad but not impressed as Daniel's body landed in front of her feet. They both looked up and saw Elijah holding the now dead hybrid's heart as he said.

Elijah: So, Niklaus.

Klaus: Elijah?

Elijah walked forwards and hugged Rosalinda before walking back between the two.

Elijah: What did I miss?

A/N: So here it is. In the newest chapter, a lot of things happened. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this. If you do please remember to vote, comment, and share. Also if you have any ideas or anything you would like to see happen please feel free to message me or comment. Also, before anyone says anything yes Rosalinda is very very powerful. But hundreds of dead witches protecting her family's coffins would take time to find. Besides nobody, not even Rosalinda knows how powerful she truly is. Trust me in due time you'll see. Also in case, you guys don't understand, yes Daniel died but that's because Rosalinda spelled all hybrids only an original can kill them not including Mikael. Yes, Mindy would have been fine but Rosalinda wanted to make a point to Stefan.

Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next one.


Word Count: 1621