Chapter 7: Game Over.

SOTC: KALEO ~ Way Down We Go

Rosalinda's Pov~

Elijah: You both look surprised to see me.

Elijah then wiped his hands off on his handkerchief.

Elijah: I guess it wasn't either of you that removed the dagger from my chest.

Rosalinda: What gave you that idea brother? Maybe the shocked look was from the fact that there is a dead hybrid blood that's staining the new floor?

Klaus: You look like you could do with a drink. Plus we have a lot to discuss, so shall we?

Instantly, Elijah punched Klaus and knocked him through the closed doors of the next room, breaking the door into pieces. Klaus sat up, growling.

Klaus: Easy! I just finished renovating!

Klaus then picked up Elijah, and tossed him into a table, breaking it completely.

Klaus: You know, you have every right to be mad at me, but I kept my word. I reunited you with our family.

That was when I had enough and used my magic throwing the two, away from each other.

Rosalinda: Enough, you are both adults and you're behaving like children. Elijah, he daggers everyone gets used to it besides you deserved it for trying to kill him. I mean your brother. Really?

They both let my words sink in and stop fighting.

Klaus: Mikael is dead.

Elijah: What did you say?

Klaus: Rosalinda killed him. Ripped his heart right out and crushed it.

Elijah looked at me shocked but also with a hint of fear.

Rosalinda: He's gone Elijah, forever.

Elijah: Why do our family remain in these coffins, Finn for over nine hundred years, Kol for nearly 14 years?

Rosalinda: Don't worry I'm handling things now. They all will be released before the end of the week.

Klaus: Stefan Salvatore. He holds the one thing keeping me from freeing them. There are things that you do not know about our past, Elijah. Our father's death. Things I never wanted you to know. But I'm ready to tell you now. I only ask that you remember the oath of loyalty you once swore to me.

Rosalinda: Stefan will be dealt with trust me on that, but like I said they all will be released before the end of the week. Do not dally Nik.

Klaus: Always and forever, I need you both to stand by my side. Be my brother, my sister. Help me destroy Stefan, and I promise you, our family will be whole again.

Rosalinda: We don't need to destroy or kill him, because I'm gonna destroy everything he loves which in turn destroys his heart and soul. A destroyed heart and immortality don't mix.

Klaus: I need the coffin and then we can wake them-

Rosalinda: Enough, Niklaus. You aren't in charge anymore. I am. You both are like children. Nik, you let them control you. You are a 1000-year-old hybrid who let young vampires take his family and couldn't get them back. I did what I had to, I got the coffins I killed Damon Salvatore and I will kill everyone Stefan loves if I have to. Elijah, you allowed teenagers to play and even got yourself daggered by them. You both are done, it's my turn. We do things my way. Understand?

Klaus and Elijah: Yes, Sister.

Rosalinda: Good.


I stepped into the kitchen the next afternoon, I saw Elijah pouring himself a cup of coffee. I narrowed my eyes at him before crossing my arms.

Rosalinda: I'm not stupid brother, I know you are up to something.

Elijah turned to look at me a little shocked but tried to remain emotionless.

Elijah: That's not true, I'm not up to anything.

Rosalinda: New hairstyle, new look, new clothes. But same old Elijah. You can't lie to me, you couldn't when we were children and you certainly can't now.

Elijah: Are you here to try and stop me?

Rosalinda: I wouldn't have to try hard but no I'm not going to stop you. But do remember he is still my brother, so just know I may not stop you but I won't let you hurt him. I will protect him just like I'd protect you and our other siblings. But do think before doing something stupid because I'm more powerful and can severely hurt you or anyone else who may try and hurt him.

Elijah: I'm not going to hurt him. I'm simply going to reunite our family with the help of a Salvatore and a friend tonight at dinner.

Rosalinda: Ah, tell Stefan I'll be delighted to see him.

Elijah: What's in the coffin?

Rosalinda: I don't know, but whatever or whoever is in there has Klaus going crazy to get it back to make sure it isn't opened.


Later that night, I opened the front door, showing Stefan and a female that I've never met.

Rosalinda: Hello Stefan, Stefan's friend.

??: Please, call me Lexi.

Rosalinda: Please, come in.

Lexi and Stefan then walked in, and the first thing they noticed was that Klaus in the middle of the room.

Klaus: Stefan. Elijah tells me you seek an audience. Very bold. Let's discuss the terms of our agreement like civilized men, shall we?

Stefan: I didn't come here to eat, Klaus. I didn't want to come here at all. But I was told I had to cause you and Rosalinda would hear me out.

Klaus: Hmm. Well, we can sit and eat, or I can reach down your throats and pull out your insides. The choice is yours.

Stefan: Alright

Klaus grinned and pulled out the chair between him and Elijah, motioning for me to sit down. The next twenty minutes were very tense as no one said a single word. It was only when one of the women Klaus had compelled to be there

Klaus: You lost your appetite?

Lexi: Eat. I thought we agreed we'd leave the grumpy Stefan at home?

Stefan gave a sharp look to his friend before picking up his silverware.

Klaus: That's the spirit. Isn't this nice? The five of us dining together. Such a treat. Is this what you had in mind when you pulled the dagger out of my brother?

Stefan: Well, my brother knew what he felt about you, so he must have figured, the more the merrier.

Rosalinda: How's that working out for him?

Klaus: Well, Elijah and I have had our share of quarrels over the centuries, but we always make it through.

Stefan: Kind of like, uh, you and Rebekah, right? Where is she, by the way? Last I checked, she was still daggered because you were afraid to face her.

Rosalinda: If you're referring to the fact that Rebekah knows that Klaus killed our mother. He has come clean to Elijah. If you want to try something like that again I think you may want to rethink it before I fry your insides.

Lexi: Stefan, you can hardly judge I mean you killed your Dad. Might want to dial down the judgment until dessert.

Stefan: We are here to make a deal, Lexi. Doesn't mean we need to kiss their asses for seven courses.

Lexi: I'm just saying, we have a very long evening ahead of us. Try and pace yourself.

It wasn't long before the topic of Elena came up.

Elijah: Stefan, where is the lovely Elena tonight?

Stefan: I don't know. I'd say ask Damon but you can't because your bitch of a sister killed him.

Rosalinda: Oops.

Klaus just burst out laughing and then turned to Elijah.

Klaus; I'm sorry, you missed so much. There's been trouble in paradise.

Stefan: One more word about Elena and this dinner is over.

Klaus: Probably the best idea to just put Elena in a 'do-not-discuss' pile.

Lexi just nodded in agreement.

Lexi: Yeah.

Klaus: It's just the allure of the Petrova doppelgänger is still so strong. What do you say, brother? Should we tell them about Tatia?

Elijah: Now why should we discuss matters long since resolved?

Klaus: Well given the brothers shared affection for Elena and Katerina Stefan might be curious to learn about the originator of the Petrova line.

Lexi: Well, we're not going anywhere Elijah, please do tell.

Elijah: When our family first settled here, there was a girl named Tatia. She was an exquisite beauty. Every boy of age desired to be her suitor. Even though she'd had a child by another man. And none loved her more than Niklaus.

Klaus: Oh, I'd say there was one more who loved her at least as much.

Stefan: Wait a minute, so you both loved the same girl?"

Rosalinda: At least they didn't do it twice.

Elijah: Our mother was a very powerful witch, yes but she could never hold a candle to our dear sister. They both sought to end our feud over Tatia, while Rosalinda was thinking of sending her away, our mother had other plans much darker plans. Our mother took her. and we would all later learn that it was Tatia's blood that we all consumed in the wine on the night where our mother performed the spell which turned us into vampires. Tatia wouldn't decide between the two of us, so for a time, Niklaus and I grew estranged. Harsh words were traded, we even came to blows. Didn't we, brother? But we remembered Family above all.

Both Klaus and I raised our glasses clinking them with Elijah's.

E/N/R: Family above all.

Elijah: So why don't we move this evening along and discuss the terms of this proposal?

Lexi: Well, it's very simple. Klaus gets his coffin back. In exchange, the Originals and extended family leave Mystic Falls forever. While Stefan and Elena live happily ever after, no grudges.

Elijah: Deal sounds fair, brother.

Rosalinda: I don't think you understand. We won't do that because even though we don't need Elena's doppelgänger blood anymore, we like it here. This was once our home and now it is again. We won't be leaving, the hybrids and our family will be staying.

Klaus: Let's say we do leave her here. Under your protection. What then? How long before one of you turns her into a vampire? Or worse, how long before she dies, caught between your feuding?. You see, you truly believe that you're the one that can protect her. And that is simply a delusion. Stefan, the worst thing for Elena Gilbert is you.

Lexi: I'm gonna get some air.

Elijah: Let me deal with this.

Elijah then stood up before exiting the room.

Klaus: Mhm, all this talk has made me thirsty.

He looked at one of the women, and they started walking over.

Klaus: What do you say, Stefan? Can I interest you in a little after-dinner drink?

Klaus's fangs descend as he smirks, and finally, he then sinks his fangs into the blonde woman's neck.

Klaus: Mmm, delicious. Aged to perfection.

Klaus then dropped the blonde's lifeless body onto the ground.

Stefan: Well, I guess the only reason you agreed to this evening, Klaus, is to play games.

Rosalinda: It was I who agreed to this evening, I'm the one in charge now and I told you, I do love games. So that's check. Because of Elena, you lost your brother, and you only have yourself to blame. Your move Salvatore.

Just then, Elijah and Lexi walked back into the room.

Lexi: What do you say, you two? It's time for you to put something onto the table. We've made our offer. Now your counter.

Rosalinda: Okay. I offer Elena's future happiness. You see, what she needs right now is to be rid of you and to fall in love with a human.

Klaus: Maybe that nice football player; you know, the blond one.

Stefan: Matt Donovan? Really?

Rosalinda: Yeah, why not? They'll marry, live a long and fruitful life, and pop out a perfect family.

Lexi: And continue the Petrova bloodline. Every few hundred years you two will have a new doppelgänger to drain, and never run out of hybrids. Right?

Rosalinda: Again we don't need Elena's blood. Are you stupid or just not listening?

Klaus: After you hand us back the coffin, we'll ensure her safety for the rest of her natural life. You know it's what's best for her.

Rosalinda: So, what do you say Stefan? Hmm? Do we have a deal?

Stefan walks over to me as I held out my hand.

Stefan put his hand into mine but did the worst thing possible.

Stefan: Nice try. But no deal.

That was when Klaus rushed over broke Stefan's wrist and leg, pulling his arm over the fire in a split second, the vampire yelling out in pain at the flames on his hand.

Before Lexi could do anything though, Elijah had her up against a wall. However Elijah quickly let Lexi go and she walked over.

Lexi: STOP!

Rosalinda: Now bring me my coffin before my brother burns him alive.

Lexi was then glaring at Klaus with her vampire's face.

Lexi: I'll get it.

Klaus looked at Elijah as Lexi walked away.

Klaus: Go with her, brother. You keep her honest. And when you return, I will make good on my promise to you and I will hand over our family.

Stefan: Go ahead, kill me. I know you'll do it once he brings the coffin back.

Klaus pulled Stefan up.

Klaus: You really have given up, haven't you, huh? Where's the fight? Where's the ripper?

Stefan shoved Klaus away from him and turned to look at both me and Klaus.

Stefan: You two are so pathetic. Monsters even.

Rosalinda: At least we don't try and hide the fact that we are monsters by playing pretend with humans.

Elijah then walked into the room, making Klaus turn to look at him.

Klaus: Elijah, why haven't you left?

Elijah: Well, where are your manners, brother? You forgot dessert.

One of the compelled women walks over to Elijah, holding out a tray. She then pulled the cloth off the top of the tray, revealing two daggers.

Klaus: What have you done?

Elijah: What have you done? See, I've learned not to trust your vulgar promises, Klaus. We're doing this on my terms now.

Rosalinda: No, dearie we are still doing things on my terms. Don't like it? Feel free to leave brother.

And with a snap of my wrist, Elijah falls temporarily dead from a broken neck. I watched as one of my older brothers walks out.

Klaus: Kol.

Kol: Long time, brother.

Klaus: Finn, don't!

As Finn went to stab Klaus with the dagger he was rebounded by an invisible force, that sent him flying into the wall. Klaus went to leave but stopped as he saw our sister.

Klaus: Rebekah.

Like Finn, Rebekah tried to stab Klaus but was also sent into the wall by an invisible force. Elijah had just woken up seeing things broken from Finn and Rebekah flying into them.

Elijah: You're free to go. This is a family business.

Rebekah: I like what you've done with the new place, Nik.

Rebekah grabbed a vase, she then tossed it at the wall, knocking down a painting in the process.

Klaus: I wanted it to be for all of us, a place where we could all call home; a place we could all be a family. None of us would ever have to be alone again.

Elijah: Oh, you're right. None of us will be,

Finn: You're staying behind.

Rebekah: We're leaving you, Nik. Right after I kill that doppelganger wench and you will be alone. Always and forever.

Klaus stood up, anger covering his face. Klaus was about to yell but I went up and hugged him.

Rosalinda: You still got me, brother.

Just then, the door to the house opened, and everyone turned to look at the door, seeing someone they didn't expect.

Klaus gasped, I immediately stepped in front of my brother protectively. But I moved when I saw it was just my mother. There Esther Mikaelson stood on the steps, looking at all of her children.

Rebekah: Mother?

They stepped out of her way as she walked past them towards Klaus. Tears streamed down Klaus' face as their mother got closer.

Esther: Look at me.

Klaus couldn't look her in the eyes. It took him a second, but he did as told, looking his mother in the eyes.

Esther: Do you two know why I'm here?

Klaus: You're here to kill me.

Esther: Niklaus you are my son. And I am here to forgive you.

Esther turned to look at the rest of her children.

Esther: I want us to be a family again.

And she truly meant it, but two problems stood in the way of that happening.

A/N: Hey guys, another chapter is done. I've changed somethings, brought someone into the story who should have remained but died, I changed Kol's daggered date for a reason, and I. In the future, you'll see why. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Don't forget to like, comment, or share. As always if you have any ideas or things you'd like to see or questions please feel free to comment on them or message me. Also if you see any grammar mistakes please let me know.

Anyway, I'll see you on the next one.

Bye guys!

WordCount:  2900