Chapter 8: Family Above All.

SOTC: Ed Sheeran ~ Give Me Love

Rosalinda's Pov~

Today, I woke up and instantly had this terrible feeling nagging at me like something was going to happen, and I don't mean anything good. I don't know if it's me or my magic trying to tell me something but I am going to figure it out. After getting up I get ready for the day, you see today is The Mikaelson Ball. Yay. That's sarcasm in case you didn't know. You see my mother and sister have everything all planned not like I expected anything less considering my sister loves to go out to parties we throw. Once I was finished I headed for the stairs only to be pulled into the upstairs office by my mother.

Rosalinda: Mother? What's going on?

Esther: Nothing I just wanted to see my favorite girl.

Rosalind: Having favorites isn't a good thing mother. But I'm glad you are here.

Esther: Me too sweetheart.

My mother hugs me but it's different. As she's hugging me I feel tugging inside my brain, I try to fight but after a few moments I just give up and let it in. Instantly I'm sucked into my mind, and what I see is kinda shocking. I am standing inside what we called our living room inside my childhood house back in the year 1001.

Rosalinda: What is this? How are we here? Why would you bring me here?

Memories and emotions come flooding back. My abusive stepfather, Niklaus always crying and me comforting him. The death of my younger brother. All of it instantly came back. My knees shake and I crumble to the floor tears flowing down my cheeks. My mother walks over and hugs me while rubbing my back trying to comfort me as best she can.

Esther: This is a Chambre de Chasse. Now listen to me sweetheart, we need to talk, this is the only way we could. I have some news as you know the witches preserved my body. They brought me back and I didn't think anything of it. But now the witches are trying to use me. Turn me against my family. They want me to undo the darkness I created over a thousand years ago. I'm only alive because of Ayanna and the Bennett line. They linked my life to them and they can't it anytime they see fit. They told me If I don't do what they ask I will be gone once more. This time forever with severe consequences and nothing but torture on the other side.

Rosalinda: What have those witches asked you to do exactly.

Esther: They want me to link your siblings tonight at the ball, using the blood of the doppelgänger. Then tomorrow they want me to call forth and use the full moon to kill your siblings.

Rosalinda: What about me?

Esther: They won't touch you because you have a bigger destiny than anyone knows. They can't harm you me and your father made sure of that. Now you and your siblings know first hand I failed you as a mother before. I should have stopped Mikael, I should have left or killed that man, but I didn't and I'm so sorry. They have asked me this and I don't want to do be a bad mother again. I have changed and seen the error of my ways, of course being dead for over a thousand years will do that to someone. My darling Rose, I full-heartedly love you and your siblings. On the other side, I tried to help as much as I could without the witches finding out. But being over they gave me time to think and I've come to regret all the bad that I have done, like not telling you who your father was. Letting Mikael even think he could hurt you and Niklaus. I should have never locked Niklaus's wolf side up. I was devastatingly wrong, but so was locking away Kol's witch side with it.

Rosalinda: Wait What? Kol can't do magic because he became a vampire.

Esther: He can, when Kol was younger, he wanted to try magic he couldn't, but one time he grabbed me, and all of a sudden he could. Once I figured out why I gave him a special necklace, and inside was magic. You see Kol is what they today call a siphon. He was young and won't remember the accident or not having magic because I removed it from his memory.

As my mother is telling me these things, visions of her doing this cloud my mind.


3rd Person~

Mikael is chaining up Niklaus's hands to a wooden contraption. Esther is in front of the fire getting the spell ready, after Mikael has Niklaus locked up, Esther begins her spell, but before she could complete it, Niklaus's sister Rosalinda comes rushing over.

Rosalinda: Stop this now. He has done nothing to deserve this.

Mikael: You shut your mouth, your as much as an abomination as he is.

Rosalinda: At least I don't beat on those who can't defend themselves. You are weak and you are a coward Mikael.

Mikael goes to rush at her but he is flung back by her magic.

Rosalinda: I should kill you on the spot for even thinking of harming me. How-

Before Rosalinda could continue Esther had opened a portal to the land where Rosalinda's Father resided.

Rosalinda: What are you doing?

Esther then started using her magic to push Rosalinda into the portal, Rosalinda tried her hardest to fight but she was no match. As Esther was using her magic and Rosalinda was distracted trying to deflect it, Mikael came rushing in and threw Rosalinda through to the other world.

As Rosalinda got up the portal had closed.

Esther started her spell and completed it by the time, Rosalinda had opened her portal and come back to the world of her siblings. Rosalinda was furious and vowed to help her brother break the spell no matter how long it took.

**Flashback over**

Once she was out of that memory she was thrown into another one.


3rd Person~

It was the next day when Esther was with her son Kol, he was talking to her about how he still had magic, but it didn't last long. Esther worried for the safety of the village and her other children.

She used her magic on Kol, who dropped to his knees in pain, he cried out for his mother begging her to stop, but she didn't. She kept going until Kol was unconscious.

Esther: I'm sorry my son. I have to do this please forgive me.

Esther laid candles around Kol's form and started her spell.

Esther: Et ut meum in manibus vestris, Et cum hoc filum et se insinuent. Ave mari vires ligare. Ex hoc usque ad consummationem saeculi.

When she finished the spell the flames on the candle flare high and then go completely out.

Kol then wakes a few hours later without his magic and without the memory of ever having it.

**Flashback over**

Rosalinda's Pov~

Rosalinda: Omg. This is all he's ever wanted. Kol is going to be so happy. But wait, why would you lock it away along with Nik's wolf side?

Esther: Because as a vampire everything is heightened. His magic was powerful before but it would have been even more powerful since he could just siphon magic from his vampirism. I know what I did was wrong, and I will fix it. We will need to tell him soon, because as I said I linked his and Niklaus's curses together. He was daggered when Klaus broke his curse which means Kol's curse is gone with it and his magic grew constantly while it was locked away. He's like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode.

Rosalinda: So what are we going to do about the witches?

Esther: I have to make it seem like I'm going through with what they have asked of me. I won't lose my family and I won't betray them ever again. I will need your help on this one. Promise me whatever I ask of you that you'll do?

Rosalinda: What are you going to ask of me mother.

Esther: Promise me, Rose!

Rosalinda: Ok mother I promise.

Esther: Good, When the time comes I will need you to do something very important.

Rosalinda: I promise mother.

Esther: If I can't stop the witches, you need to kill me.

Rosalinda: What? No!

Esther: Sweetheart, I know it will be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do but I need it to be you. By you killing me I won't go to the other side I'll be free.

Rosalinda: I don't know if I'll be able to do that. But for you, I'll try.

Esther: Good, now let us get back to the land of the living, so we can get ready for the ball and so the witches don't become suspicious.


The Next Morning•

Kol: Rebekah, tell me how handsome I am.

Kol waited for her response as the person kept finishing up his suit.

Rebekah smiled at her brother from the couch.

Rebekah: Ah, Kol, you know I can't be compelled.

I then walked into the room and taking a seat next to Rebekah so the ladies could get started on my nails.

Rosalinda: Well don't you look, handsome brother.

Kol couldn't help but the smile that crept onto his face.

Kol: Thank you, Rosa.

Rebekah: Don't let it to go to your head, you and Nik are her favorite so of course she's going to compliment you.

Rosalinda: I don't have favorites sister.

Everything was nice and quiet that was until Klaus stormed in, heading towards Rebekah.

Klaus: You went after Elena? What is wrong with you?

Rebekah: Here we go.

Rosalinda: To be a fair bother, Elena did stab her in the back.

Klaus: Do you want another dagger in your heart?

Kol sat on the arm of the couch that Rosalinda was sitting on

Kol: Again with the dagger threats? Don't you have any other tricks?

Klaus: Oh, go back to staring at yourself.

Kol: And who are you, my father?

Klaus: No, Kol, but you're in my house,

Klaus growled while stepping towards his brother.

I instantly stood up and got in between both my brothers.

Rosalinda: You both need to shut up. Nobody is getting daggered, as for Rebekah going after Elena oh well, she deserved to punish her-

Kol: Then perhaps we should go outside.

Rosalinda: I said ENOUGH!

Will my shout, the foundation of the house shook with such force that everyone stopped what they were doing and mother rushed into the living to see what was going on.

Esther: Not even a day and you two are already at each other's throats. Niklaus come.


As I stood in front of the mirror looking over my outfit, I felt nervous for tonight. I hope that my mother does the right thing. I know she said she is back to make things right but I don't know. I trust her but something has me also doubting her.

As I finalize my outfit, I fix my hair one last time before leaving my room and heading downstairs. As I made it to the bottom of the steps, Klaus had joined me on the way down. At the bottom, I let go of his arm.

Rosalinda: Go find Caroline.

Klaus: How'd you-

Klaus: Never mind, it's probably something I wouldn't understand anyway.

As Klaus walked away, Kol walked over.

Rosalinda: We need to talk.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him to the downstairs study. Once inside I magically sealed the door and soundproofed the room.

Kol: What is going on Rosa?

Rosalinda: There is no easy way to say this but mother did something to you.

Kol: What did-

Rosalinda: I'm getting to it don't interrupt. You see you don't remember this because mother took away the memory. After we were turned into vampires, you kept your magic.

Kol: That's not possible. You cannot be both.

Rosalinda: In your case yes you can. When you were younger you didn't have any magic. What magic you did have came from a special necklace that mother gave you.

Kol reaches up and touches said necklace before listening again.

Rosalinda: You are what people today call a siphon or siphoner. With no magic of their own, they have to take it from something or someone to be able to practice magic. The necklace helped you because you siphoned from it without knowing. After we became vampires you were able to siphon the magic right from your vampirism but mother was scared and worried for not only you but our siblings and the villagers. So she locked away your magic linking it to Nik's curse.

Kol: Why would she do that, how could she do that to me.

Rosalinda: I'm not finished, since your curses were linked when Nik broke his curse, yours was broken too. You have your magic back Kol. This is everything you've wanted since becoming a vampire.

Kol: You're lying. Why would you say this to me? It's not the truth.

Rosalinda: Really? Go touch the door, and get us out. You can siphon my magic away to unlock it.

Kol: I can't that's not true.

Rosalinda: Just try.

Kol walks over and places his hands on the door, after a few seconds nothing happens.

Kol: I told you. Why would you say all this and get my hopes up?

Rosalinda: You're fighting it, you need to concentrate and believe in your magic.

Kol tries again and this time his hands start to glow red and within a few seconds my spell is sucked away and the door opens.

Rosalinda: I would never lie about something like this. You've wanted your magic back for years. Now let's go back to the party for now and later we will practice so you can get back to using your magic.

Kol: Thank you, Rosa. This means everything to me.

Kol rushes over and hugs me. We stay that way for a few moments before we head back out. Once we leave the room we head to the main area where I see some guest have arrived.

Rosalinda: Oh, look. It's Mayor Lockwood.

Kol: I should go introduce myself.

Kol pulled me along with him.

Kol: Mayor Lockwood!

The woman turned to face us, I happened to notice Lexi behind her.

Kol: Pleasure to meet you I've heard you've already met my lovely sister Rosalinda.

Rosalinda: Hello Carol, this is my brother Kol.

Carol smiled as Kol leaned down and kissed her hand.

Kol: I hope your lovely town embraces us as much as we plan to embrace it.

Lexi then offered his hand out to Kol.

Lexi: Alexis Branson.

Kol must have recognized the name from Elijah telling how she helped release them from the daggers because he just stared at her with narrowed eyes.

Lexi: Have we met?

Kol refused to touch Lexi's hand, instead, he stepped back putting more space between them.

Kol: I've met a lot of people, and you don't particularly stand out.

Lexi: Charming, I see you got your bitch of a sister's attitude. Do none of you Mikaelson's have manners?

Kol: I could kill you right here right now for saying something like that. Is that what you want Mrs. Branson?

Lexi: What about your Mom's rules?

Kol: Do you honestly think I am scared of my mother? However I'd like to advise you that my sister happens to be my mothers favorite, I wonder what she'd think if she heard you saying such things about my sister.

Rosalinda: Now if you'll excuse us it's time for a drink.

We then walked away but not before I shoulder-checked Lexi almost knocking her on her ass.

We sat at the bar having some drinks while talking about old times when Elijah cleared his throat.

Elijah: If everyone could gather, please.

We got up and went to the main area with everyone else. My siblings and I got on the stairwell and stood in our spots. From oldest to youngest.

Once Finn finally joined us on the staircase, mother started to walk down.

Elijah: Welcome. Thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's a tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom.

Klaus held a hand out for me as everyone dispersed.

Rosalinda: I don't think so Nik, how about you go find Caroline.

What happened next shocked Rosalinda.

??: Care to dance with me?

I turned about to see who it was, and who it was, was not who I expected it to be.

Rosalinda: Ah Mr. Salvatore. I guess I could give you one dance.

Stefan held out an arm, and I looped my arm with him before we walked to the ballroom. We stood next to each other, getting into place.

Rosalinda: Do you know the dance?

Stefan: My mother taught me it as a young boy.

We both bowed our heads and that was when everyone twirled their partners, and I placed her hands on Stefan's shoulders.

Rosalinda: I'm surprised you asked me to dance.

Stefan: I figured why the hell not, beats dancing with Elena.

Rosalinda: Ah, I see. She still hasn't gotten over no emotion, Stefan?

Stefan: No, and to be honest I don't care if she does. Turns out she has been seeing Damon this whole time. Even slept with him.

Rosalinda: I'm sorry.

Stefan: I'm not, she finally proved she's the same as Katherine. Well, I can't say that because Damon lied about the whole thing. She never wanted him. He only said it to make me hate her and to make my life hell. But hey he finally got a girl I had.

Rosalinda: Ok then.

Stefan gave a small sad laugh before spinning me and sending me to my next partner, who happened to be Finn.

Rosalinda: Hello brother, make sure you don't step on my toes.

Finn chuckled and twirled her, pulling her back into him.

Finn: What did you and mother speak about earlier?

Rosalinda: I'm afraid that's between mother and I, Finn but I'm sure I'll tell you at some point.

Finn gave me an upset look before giving me a big smile and then he twirled me again.

Finn: I hope you know you can tell me but if not just know I will find out, sister.

Rosalinda: Maybe I will and maybe you will however I'm sure you won't but why not let you try brother.

Finn again twirled me this time back into Stefan's arms.

Stefan: Hello again Rosalinda.

Rosalinda: Stefan. Having any fun?

Stefan: Truth be told I'm a little bored.

Rosalinda: To be honest so am I.

A few minutes later the dance then ended, and Stefan walked away. I walked over to the bar once again and spotted Kol and Rebekah.

Kol: Where's your date? Matt, right? The football player?

Rebekah: Flirting with his ex.

Rosalinda: Oh really? Maybe something should be done about that.

Kol: You know, settling for mortals is the first sign of weakness.

Rebekah: I'm not settling, I brought him here to kill him. He's Elena's friend, if he dies, she suffers.

Rosalinda: Clever sister.

Rebekah: But I've already been scolded once, so I was hoping you two would help your sister out.

Kol: And spit right in the face of mother's rules? We're in.

About an hour later, Kol grabbed Rebekah's arm pulling her into a side room where I was waiting for them.

Kol: I'm itching to kill something. What are we waiting for?

Rebekah: The Mayor cornered me. Give me fifteen minutes and I'll lure Matt outside.

Kol: Why outside? What's wrong with right here on the stairs? Make a spectacle of it.

Rebekah: Mother would kill you if you ruined her party. I'll see you both outside.

Fifteen minutes later, I stood in the shadows with Kol, as watched Rebekah and Matt walk outside.

Matt: So, what are we doing out here?

Rebekah: Just taking a break from the polite chitchat.

Matt: It's freezing. Let me get my coat.

Rebekah: This is your car?

Matt: If I could compel myself a Maserati, I would, but I can't.

Matt grabbed his coat out of his car and then he wrapped the coat around Rebekah's shoulders,

Rebekah: Oh, I'm a vampire, we don't... thanks.

Rebekah: Let's go back inside. I've got all the fresh air I need.

After Rebekah walked back inside Kol and I soon followed. Kol went back to the bar and I went over to the guest area and looked around.

Stefan walked over and stood in front of me.

Stefan: We need to talk. Let's take a walk.

Rosalinda: Ok, after you Mr. Salvatore.

Stefan puts out his arm and I take it putting my arm around it and we head outside.

3rd Person~

Back inside Esther is in her study when the witches visit her. It's Ayanna, Emily, and Sheila.

Ayanna: Hello Esther.

Esther: Ayanna, Sheila, Emily. How can I help you tonight?

Emily: We know tonight will be hard but you have to link your children. You know what will happen if you don't.

Esther: I will.

Sheila: We aren't stupid, we know you that weren't going to but that's ok because we have come with an offer you can't refuse.

Ayanna: If you link your children tonight and sacrifice them to come the full moon, we will restore your life fully, to where you don't have to use our life force and can use your magic freely.

Esther: Well in that case I say-


3rd Person~

Esther: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. Klaus took two glasses off of a tray, handing one to Caroline with a smile as Kol took two glasses for himself and Elijah.

Esther: It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one, I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening.

Esther raises her glass in the air, and so does everyone else.

Esther: Cheers.

Everyone: Cheers.

All the siblings besides Rosalinda take a drink not knowing that they just drank the blood of the doppelgänger.

Back outside Stefan and Rosalinda are just coming back to the front door.

Rosalinda: Thank you for the walk, it was nice to getaway.

Stefan: You are welcome, and hey maybe you aren't so bad after all.

Rosalinda: Yea maybe.

With that, she walks back inside running into Kol and Rebekah.

Kol: There you are. We were waiting outside for you. Where's Matt?

Rebekah: About that, I, uh- I changed my mind. I don't want to ruin mother's night.

Kol: Don't tell me you like this boy. Seriously Bekah a human?

Rosalinda: Kol leave her be.

Kol: Fine, see what happens when Nik finds out, I'll enjoy watching the spectacle.

Later that evening Kol lured Matt outside onto a balcony, and when Matt turned around in confusion, trying to figure out who called him, Kol appeared behind him.

Kol: Good evening. You're Rebekah's friend. We haven't met.

Kol held out his hand, and Matt walked forwards, placing his hand in Kol's.

Matt: Matt Donovan.

Kol: Kol Mikaelson.

Kol then squeezed Matt's hand so hard there were cracking sounds, and Matt collapsed to the ground in pain.

Lexi suddenly appeared.

Lexi: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Easy on the hand. Guy's a quarterback.

3rd Person Pov~

Kol looked up at Lexi with a sneer before Lexi suddenly pushed Kol off the balcony.

Little did Lexi know, Rosalinda was sitting on the bench below the balcony. Seeing her brother falling she used her magic and he disappeared in smoke, then reappeared standing on the walkway to the house.

Lexi then jumped down and landed on the ground, Kol turning to face the vampire with a snarl.

But just as Lexi was about to punch Kol, Lexi fell to the ground holding her head crying out in pain.

Stefan then ran out the doors, and see Lexi crying out for the pain to stop.

Stefan: Lexi! Rosalinda stop I'll handle this.

Rosalinda: It's not me doing it.

Stefan then looked at Kol and noticed him clenching a fist.

Stefan: Please stop.

Kol then released Lexi from his magic.

Kol: You are lucky I'm in a good mood, make sure to deal with her, or I will kill her.

Stefan then walked over to Lexi shoving her.

Stefan: Are you crazy?

Finn walked outside, Rebekah following him, Elijah behind her, and Klaus behind him. Elena then ran outside as Kol walked over to me.

Lexi: No but what's crazy is all of a sudden he can do magic? How vampires can't be witches.

Everyone gasped probably wanting to know how Kol had his magic back.

But before anyone could ask a question on why Lexi attacked Kol she walked away from the house.

As soon as Stefan and Elena had left, mother appeared.

Esther: What happened?

No one said a word so she repeated herself.

Esther: I said what happened!?

Kol: I tried to kill Rebekah's date.

Kol thought this was funny because he had a smirk on his face.

Rebekah: What!? I said I didn't want to ruin mother's party!

Kol: After we all made plans to do it and you bailed all because he put a coat over your shoulders.

Kol: I was going to leave him alone, but thought why not.

After saying his piece, Kol went inside with everyone following but me and mother. Once they were inside I walked diver to my mother.

Rosalinda: Were the witches mad when they found out you didn't link them?

Esther: They don't know yet, I blocked them from seeing tonight.

Rosalinda: Well then they will be furious tomorrow. Anyways I'm going to bed goodnight mother.

Esther: Goodnight sweetheart.

Rosalinda's Pov~

I hug my mother goodnight after we let go I'm thrown into a vision once she walks away.


Mother is in her study when the witches visit her. It's Ayanna, Emily, and Sheila.

Ayanna: Hello Esther.

Mother: Ayanna, Sheila, Emily. How can I help you tonight?

Emily: We know tonight will be hard but you have to link your children. You know what will happen if you don't.

Mother: I will.

Sheila: We aren't stupid, we know you weren't but that's ok because we have come with an offer you can't refuse.

Ayanna: If you link your children tonight and sacrifice them to come to the full moon, we will restore your life fully, to where you don't have to use our life force and can use your magic freely.

Mother: Well in that case I say, give me the spell and I'll do it.

The vision skips forward to mother putting Elena's blood into the champagne and then serving it to everyone, with my siblings drinking it.

Once out of the vision I walk inside and up to my mother's office. I cast a spell to block her sage magic so I can hear her.

Finn: Are we alright to speak freely?

Esther: Yes the sage still burns.

Inside I hear the crumpling of paper. Must be a paper with all my sibling's names on it.

Finn: You're not having second thoughts are you? You know what the witches will do.

Esther: I know but this doesn't mean I have to enjoy betraying them. I'm doing this so I can live. It's just Elijah he is so moral.

Finn: You're doing the right thing mother.

Esther: You understand what this means don't you? This spell I'm casting tonight will bind you all together as one.

Finn: I understand, when it is time I will be ready to die.

Esther: Then we must complete the link.

Inside I hear Esther cut Finn and the drops of blood.

Esther starts her spell but I use one of my own to make sure hers doesn't work but makes her think it worked.

Rosalinda: Manquis Tribum Veras Nas Dumass Melan Onu Infidictus Gartus Par Sanguinem An Pjons.

The spell will destroy Esthers but she won't know that.

When the spell is done I walk to my bedroom, getting ready for bed, and going to sleep.

*End of Chapter*

A/N: I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Also the spell Rosalinda used to destroy Esthers is made up of a few different spells so yea. Anyways what did you guys think? As always if you liked this chapter please vote, comment and share. And like always if you have any ideas or things you'd like to see please feel free to comment or message me.

Alright guys I'll see you on the next one.


Word Count: 4860