Chapter 9: Grievance.

SOTC: Martin Garrix ft Bebe Rexha ~ In The Name of Love

Rosalinda's Pov~

To say I wasn't happy was an understatement. I was having a good dream but I was awoken to the sound of something dropping in my room.

I sit up and look around, and what do I see? Elijah going through my things.

Rosalinda: Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?

Elijah: Looking for mother's grimoire.

Rosalinda: Well that isn't in my room. It's in my office, hidden under magic. You do not need it.

Elijah: Give it to me.

Rosalinda: Again. No. Would you like to hear it in Spanish? No!

Elijah: I'm not going to ask again.

Rosalinda: Bye!

I wave my hand and Elijah goes flying out into the hallway. He looks at me angrily. He tries to rush at me but the door closes in his face before he could make it inside and then I seal it shut with magic making it so that he can't enter. I then take a quick shower, get dressed, and head downstairs.

Once I was down there, I hear the front door open and incomes, Rebekah with last night's dress still on, but with some rips.

Kol: Well well well there's our girl.

Rebekah: Get out of my way Kol.

Kol: Out all night what a scandal, I trust you did better than that commoner, Matt was it?

Rebekah: Shut your mouth or the next thing to come out of it will be your teeth.

Kol: As if Rosie would let you hurt her favorite sibling.

Rosalinda: Actually Henrik was my favorite but you come a close second.

Kol: How dare you!

Kol then chases me around the living room until he gets bored and starts talking to Klaus, while he does that I go into the kitchen and start making myself some breakfast. Once I eat I'll start my plans at stopping my mother.

After I finished my breakfast and go to leave, Elijah walks in and gets in my way. Here I am thinking he's going to demand the grimoire again but I am wrong.

Elijah: I'm sorry about earlier, I only needed it to look at a spell.

Rosalinda: For?

Elijah: In mother's office she has a paper with our names on it and next to it was this.

Elijah then shows me some sage that has been burnt.

Rosalinda: Burnt sage? You don't need a spellbook to know what it's used for you could have just asked me.

Elijah: Yes but I didn't but I know I should have. What is it used for?

Rosalinda: It's used for a silencing charm or a soundproofing spell. It means she didn't want the people with super-hearing to hear what was going on in her office. My guess is she did it so none of you could listen to her conversation with Elena.

Elijah: She seems to be hiding something from us, any ideas what?

Rosalinda: Maybe but I'm handling it.

Elijah: Let me help.

Rosalinda: No, but how about you go and question Elena. She seems to like you so maybe she will tell you.

Without saying another word Elijah leaves and I head up to my office and get started.

*Time Skip*

After a while of thinking of what I could do to prevent my mother from killing my siblings, I came to the conclusion of looking at the spell she had used to turn my siblings into vampires, after looking over it multiple times, I started to dissect the spell. By doing that I was able to create my own spell. One spell with 2 parts. You see I know the Scooby gang is working with my mother along with the witches. So I decided to do something about it. If my mother succeeds in killing my siblings tonight, she will not only kill them but kill every vampire in existence. My spell is a special kind of linking spell. I made it so that If any original dies so does that original's sire-line, oops. But as a form of payback that wasn't all I did. I threw in a little twist. If my mother kills my siblings tonight, any living Bennett witch will immediately die and all Bennett witches will be trapped to the other side, no way of coming back or communicating with the living. That spell was a little harder than my linking spell but it helped that my mother is linked and feeding off the Bennett's magic.

After finishing my spells, I quickly get everything I need so that I can cast them.

For the sire-link spell, I didn't need much, I just needed a few herbs, some white oak ash, and blood from the bloodline of the witch who made the spell. After grabbing the herbs and the white oak ash and mixing them into a small bowl, I cut my hand and let my blood drop all over it and mix with the ingredients. After I had all the blood I needed, I healed my hand and started.

Rosalinda: Phasmatos Sintu Insipio Exu Drende Maximo Morsus Veras Onu Callas Naben Ceremun Arvena.

After finishing the spell, the room starts to shake, and flames burst out of the bowl letting me know my spell has been complete. As a bonus, I made it so every vampire would have a mark on their wrist so that I can know which sire-line, they belong to. Finn's sireline would have a small dagger on the inside of their wrist. I decided since he betrayed us I'd use the one thing he hated most. As for Elijah I made his sireline mark the Viking compass, as when he was younger he wanted to travel the world and be known as a Viking warrior like Mikael. For Klaus's sireline mark I went with the Viking symbol for a hybrid. As for Kol and his sireline mark I went with the Viking symbol for protection, to show that no matter what, he would always be protected by me. For Rebekah and her sireline mark I went with something a little more feminine but also badass, I gave her the astrological sign of vesta. Vesta is the goddess of the eternal flame and she is the one to keep the household hold safe and alive. Rebekah has always tried to keep our family together and safe.

Once I had completed the sireline linking spell, I was onto my final and most difficult spell. Now this one would need a lot more ingredients and luckily I had them. After gathering everything I would need, I grab a new bowl and get started. I quickly start adding them one by one starting first with the most potent monks root, then Angelica flower, mandrake, rosemary, mountain salt, rosemary, thistle, feverfew, wormwood, and finally the blood of the witch casting the spell.

After all the ingredients are mixed, I begin my spell.

Rosalinda: Deflecto Salves Signos Vantis Per Terra Errum Incandis Emnis Namia Omnas Operum Exalis Tentum Merabas Otum Aven Stav Enfala Oma Vrata Glas Venet Transi

3rd Person~

During the spell, the grounds of mystic falls shook with such force and the winds went crazy with such power. After the spell was complete fire erupted from the bowl and the whispers of the witches from the other side came forward, demanding Rosalinda reverse the spell, the only problem was Rosalinda instantly shut herself off from the other side and making sure she couldn't hear them but if she could she would hear how weak they were growing.

Rosalinda's Pov~

After completing the spell and everything calmed down, I put my two new spells in a safe place and used my magic the hide them, I then cleaned up everything and then went into the kitchen to get some food...

*Time Skip*

After eating, I got a text from Klaus, asking me to join him and Kol at the grill, apparently they wanted to discuss some things and have a few drinks.

When I enter the grill I see Kol and Klaus at the bar, I also see Klaus talking to Caroline. I walk over and at the same time Caroline leaves and Klaus goes after her. I give both Klaus and Kol a hug and Kol hands me a glass of Whiskey.

Rosalinda: Did Elijah fill either of you in on what's going on?

Kol: No, what's going on?

Rosalinda: Klaus was right.

Klaus: What?

Rosalinda: Mother. She isn't back for a family reunion. Right now she is with the Bennett's who are helping her with the spell. As we speak she and the Bennett's along with Finn are working on your guys' destruction.

Klaus: And you haven't stopped her because?

Kol: I'm sure Rosie has already done something.

Rosalinda: Exactly, when have you ever known me to not do something?

Klaus: Well.

Rosalinda: Omg, it was over a thousand years ago and I was with my father. I couldn't have done anything, get over it, you big baby.

Kol: Are you still whining about the time a girl in the village beat you up?

Klaus: No!

Rosalinda: Yes!

Kol falls off his barstool laughing his ass off, while Klaus gets up and walks out of the building.

Rosalinda: Alright Kol get your ass up. It's time to have some fun before we battle our mother.

Kol: Relax sister, right now I spy some food, I'll be right back.

Rosalinda: Don't play with your food too much, we need to put an end to mother once and for all.

Kol: Of course sister.

With that I watch as Kol walks over to the pool table and starts talking with some human girl, I know her to be Meredith Fell. After a few minutes of watching Kol try, I can tell by his facial feature that he has resorted to flirting to try and get his snack. I can't help but laugh as he continues to fail.

Being the nosy sister that I am, I decide to listen in and see what flirting tactic he's is using this time and of course to listen to him fail miserably.

Kol: What's your name love?

Meredith: None of your business.

Kol: Let's try that again, I'll start. I'm Kol.

Meredith: Why don't you get lost Kol.

Kol: Now why would I do that? I like pretty things with sharp tongues.

Out of nowhere that teacher dude, Alaric Saltzman comes over to the two and is quick to butt in.

Alaric: Pretty sure she told you to get lost.

Kol: Pretty sure I don't care.

When Kol turns around and faces Alaric, Alaric stabs Kol with the dagger, Meredith quickly steps in the way trying to block it from everyone's view. But they forgot about one thing. I saw what they did but I can't let them know that I know.

Alaric: Next time take a hint.

The pair then grab Kol and drag him to the back of the building and out the door that leads to outback.

Not even finishing my drink, I get up and follow them. Once I'm close to the door I can hear the two talking but another voice is quick to jump in. And my she just keeps testing me, doesn't she? 

Alaric: Here grab him.

Lexi: It seems that your little doctor does do some good work, Ric.

I then decided to make my presence known, I open the door and walk over to the group. However they were caught up in their own little world and didn't notice me, so I decide to be a little dramatic and pull a move my brother would do. I grab Meredith, who is quick to scream thus alerting the other two however before they could make it to me I throw Meredith into the door knocking her unconscious or killing her, to be honest, I don't really care. I then turn my attention to Lexi and Alaric, but that's when I also see Stefan who is just showing up. He must have heard the screaming, anyways I make my way over to them and throw Stefan out of the alley and turn my attention to Lexi.

Lexi: Who the hell do you think you-

Before she could finish I had her against the wall of the building and my hand inside her chest, holding her precious heart. She tries to fight back by grabbing my throat but it didn't work.

Rosalinda: You young vampires, always thinking you can win fights against me and my family. Why? Do you have a death wish? Do you not understand that I am so much stronger than you? Obviously not because here you are not only trying to fight me but you also daggered my brother. What will it take for you all to stop trying to fight against us? Maybe your life?

Lexi: Please I'm sorry, don't kill me.

Before I could respond, I hear a whooshing sound coming from behind me, I turn around and see Klaus slam Alaric into the wall next to him knocking him unconscious after he does that he undaggers Kol and comes to my side glaring at Lexi.

Stefan who's gotten back up tries to attack Klaus but Kol who's now awake slams him into the wall right next to Lexi. We were going to kill them but Elijah comes out of nowhere and stops us like always, he then starts explaining everything that has happened. Elijah then makes Stefan tells us where our mother is, it takes some convincing but he finally tells us but only on the terms that we don't kill Lexi. After agreeing to his terms, all four of us leave and head to the witch's house.

Once we make it to the witch house, we all wait a few seconds before walking out in the open, but once we do we see Esther and Finn.

Esther: My children come forward.

Finn: Stay behind me.

Esther: It's ok they can't enter. I'm surprised you all figured out where I was.

Kol: That's lovely we are stuck out here while the favorite son plays sacrificial lamb. How pathetic you are Finn. 

Kol tries to walk in the pentagram but the fire, flares up and he backs offs

Esther: Be quiet Kol, your brother knows virtue that you can't even imagine. And don't even try to siphon the barrier away, I've made it to where if you try it will cause severe pain.

Elijah: Whatever you think of us, killing your own children would be an atrocity.

Esther: My only regret is I didn't let you die 1000 years ago.

Klaus: Enough, all this talk is boring me. End this now mother or I'll send you back to hell.

Esther: For 1000 years I've been forced to watch you all, I felt the pain of every victim. Suffered while you shed blood, Even you Elijah with your claim to nobility, you're no better, all of you are a curse on this earth. Kol being the worst, and now Rosalinda is turning dark alongside you.

After hearing my mother say, that I get angry. I'm not going dark, I'm protecting my family. I walk over to the pentagram and stare at her with hatred. As I stare into my mother's eyes, I'm sucked into my head again. This time we aren't at our old house. This time we are in a random room.

Esther: I'm sorry for everything my darling.

Rosalinda: What are you doing? Why am I here?

Esther: Last night when we hugged, I gave you that vision. I never planned to go through with this.

Rosalinda: Liar!

Esther: It's not a lie. The witches are using me, they have bound me and I can't stop them. They want to bring me back and control me. I cannot let that happen. As we speak the Salvatore and his friend are about to turn one of the witches thus ending our bind. Once I am released I need you to kill me.

Rosalinda: What? No!

Esther: You promised me, sweetheart. It's time to let go. I've been dead for a thousand years, it's not my time anymore.

Rosalinda: I can't.

Esther: Yes you can. It's time. I love you and your siblings. I'm sorry I wasn't a better mother. When I die the spell linking your siblings will go away.

After my mother says that, I'm back in the real world and she gives me a knowing look.

Esther: You all know nothing. Tonight your lives end.

I walk around the pentagram threateningly and laugh at her.

Rosalinda: I know a lot mother. You aren't as secretive or as powerful as you'd like to think. You are no match for me.

Esther: Not powerful? Well, I was powerful enough to link you all, I was secretive enough to trick you all.

Rosalinda: Fair point but it ends now.

Esther: Try all you want but it won't work. How fitting I brought you into this world and I get to take you out of it.

Esther then chanted a spell, but it doesn't seem to be working. Suddenly the barrier falters a little bit and that's when I make my move. I enter the barrier and throw Finn, he tries to rush back in but the barrier is back in place.

Rosalinda: Mother, stop this now or I will kill you.

Esther: Not before I finish what I started.

The flames around the pentagram flare up higher than before. Her magic connecting to mine to give me more power in case I need it.

Rosalinda: You leave me no choice mother.

However, before I could "attack" she uses her magic against me and slams me to the ground but that is short-lived. Esther transfers her magic to me.

(This means she gave her magic to Rosalinda. It means Esther doesn't have magic anymore)

The witches feel the connection break and feel the death of one of their own.

Esther: Now!

I get up and rush at my mother and slam my fist through her chest forcing her heart to come out the other side.

Rosalinda: I love you mother.

She just gives me a sad smile and I just cry and hold her while she dies. I can hear Finn shouting at me but I don't care, he doesn't understand. She asked and I gave her my word, she wanted to be free and I gave her that.

A/N: That's it for this chapter I hope you all enjoy it. Yes, I've changed things up again because as I have said I'm kinda making it my own, what do you think about Esther actually being good? What do you think Finn will do? What do you think Rosalinda has planned next? What do you think her siblings will say when they find out? I have many more things to come! And I hope you guys will enjoy Please don't forget to like, comment and share. As always please point out any spelling errors and stuff like that. Before anyone asks yes Rosalinda can remove hearts like her father, however for that to work she focuses magic to he hand to make sure the heart and the person remain alive. However when she just wants to rip a heart out and have the person die, she just doesn't focus the magic to her hand. I hope that makes sense.

Also, be sure to expect the unexpected.

Anyways I hope you guys all enjoy this chapter, and I'll see you all on the next one. I will try to make it a shorter wait, it's just I've had things going on and couldn't really write new chapters. I only posted prewritten ones but I'm somewhat back and I will soon start writing the next chapter.

Bye, everyone!

Word Count: 3310