Chapter 10: Plans Ruined.

SOTC: The Wicked Ones ~ Summoning Cthulhu

Rosalinda's Pov~

Today I wake up with many things on my mind, mainly what happened last night but also about what is in store for me. Finn won't even look at me, even though I told him everything he's still upset and I get that. We all are upset, even Klaus surprisingly. After sitting in bed for a little bit and just thinking, I decide it's time I should get up and try to get through the day. I grab some clothes and take a nice long shower. Maybe letting out a good cry but nobody will know.

Once I was done, I got dressed and just sat there for a bit. I know I promised her but this is hard. It's even harder since she also gave me her magic, and it's hard to control it all. I haven't decided if I'm gonna keep it or if I'm gonna put it in something for the time being. I get she wanted me to have it but my mother was powerful and a lot of Magic, and that adding on to my magic? That calls for disaster. For now, I'll fight to control and handle it later. My thoughts were soon interrupted by my phone going off. I grab it and look to see who's calling.

Kol is calling...

Rosalinda: Brother, how's Denver? Is it like you remember?

Kol: Quite a lot has changed but it's still family-friendly and peaceful. How's everything there? How are you?

Rosalinda: So far everything's ok, nothing has changed since you left yesterday. I'm doing ok, just a lot to do with, Finn hasn't spoken to me but then again I also haven't left my room yet.

Kol: Understandable. He's upset but so are you and it's not fair that he's treating you like that. Have you eaten anything?

Rosalinda: Besides the dinner, we had last night no. I will soon I promise.

Kol: You better, anyways I wanted to tell you I love you and if things get too bad you can come to visit me.

Rosalinda: I wish, Klaus would never let me in case I mess up your "mission."

Kol: Screw what Klaus says or thinks. Anyways I have to go now. Please take care of yourself sister.

Rosalinda: I will. Make sure you keep practicing your magic and don't lose control.

Kol: Promise. Goodbye sister, I love you.

Rosalinda: Goodbye brother, love you too.

We hang up, and Rebekah walks into my room. Why does nobody ever knock, like damn?

Rebekah: So as you know, Klaus and I have been trying to find the white oak and I think we are close to finding it. However Klaus has other things he needs to deal with today, so would you like to join me in finding said white oak and destroying it?

Rosalinda: Obviously, we can't have something out there that can kill you guys. Just let me grab something to eat and get some coffee and then we can go.

Rebekah: Ok.

We both leave my room and head downstairs, she heads to the living room and I head to the kitchen.

*Time Skip*

I down the rest of my coffee and quickly run upstairs to grab my shoes and put them on. After I finish I go downstairs and we leave. We get in Rebekah's and we are on our way. By our surroundings, we look to be heading towards the edge of town. After driving for a few more minutes, we pull up to the Whickery Bridge. I was right we are at the edge of town, after getting out of the car I see the construction, I also see Rebekah walking over to the Mayor and talking with her. I look around some more and I see Lexi, so I decide to let Rebekah do her thing and walk over to Lexi and Stefan.

Rosalinda: Hello Lexi and Stefan. And he'll to you as well Alaric and Meredith, I guess you guys aren't dead after all. Hopefully, you are staying out of trouble and not looking for something that could I don't know hurt my family?

Lexi: Hurt your family? Why would we want to do that? Oh, that's right because you all are psychopaths who need to leave our town.

Rosalinda: If we are pulling the who's town is it, then do remember my family and our neighbors were here first.

Stefan: Excuse me while I go see a blast from the past.

I decide to be nosy and follow him with my eyes and who I see is quite shocking. A blast from the past for me as well. I decide to get Rebekah and we can go see this bitch.

Rosalinda: You won't believe this but guess who's here.

Rebekah: Who?

Rosalinda: Look behind you to your left and see who Stefan is talking with.

Rebekah: Oh bloody hell, what is that nasty twat doing here?

Rosalinda: Shall we go and find out. 

Rebekah: We shall.

We both make our way over and I push Stefan aside and look right at this twat.

Rebekah: Look what the std-infested cat dragged in.

Stefan: Easy there Rebekah, you know she used to fight men for sport.

Rebekah: She always was quite common.

Rosalinda: She always did scream slut, a fighter? More like she wanted an excuse to touch upon men.

Sage: Rebekah, Rosalinda what are you nasty little things doing here?

Rosalinda: Are you daft? You are here for Finn so you know we live here.

Rebekah: Obviously, so what the hell are you doing here sage? Finn doesn't want to see anyone right now.

Sage: Well I like Rosalinda said I'm here for Finn, I heard he was finally free from the casket your rageaholic brother Klaus, carted him around in.

Rebekah: As I said, he isn't up for seeing anyone right now, especially a tramp like you.

Sage: Oh, he definitely wants to see me, trust me.

Rosalinda: He hasn't mentioned you at all since he woke up, I don't think he wants to even look at you

Rebekah: Or quite possibly he forgot all about you.

Sage: I doubt that.

Rebekah: Oh? I mean as Rosa said, he hasn't mentioned you once. Sorry, you came all this way for nothing. Have a nice life.

Rebekah and I walk away but what I hear coming out of the twats mouth next royally pisses me off, so I walk back over.

Sage: God, I hate that ugly elitist original bitch. I wish she would just kill herself.

When Sage sees that I'm back in front of her she looks at me scared.

Sage: Rosalinda, I didn't know you were still here.

Rosalinda: I wasn't but I overheard what you said. Now, what is that I heard you say about Rebekah?

Sage: What do you mean?

Rosalinda: Don't play dumb with me bitch, I heard what you called my sister, You not only called her ugly and bitch but you wished she would kill herself? Now let's get something very clear that's not going to happen again because if I hear you talking about my sister or any of my other siblings I will kill you and you know me well enough that I will have a fun time doing it.

Sage: You would never, Finn would beat your ass.

Rosalinda: Unless your memory went bad, Finn won't hurt me, I'm his sister. But let's say he did try to "beat my ass." Not only would I destroy him, but Klaus would also put him back in the box before you could even beg him not to. Another little fun fact about Finn is I don't think he cares about you.

Sage: You're lying.

Rosalinda: I guess we will see won't we. Oh and by the way.

She looks at me, and I backhand the shit out of her. She falls to the ground holding her face. I give her a little smirk and walk home. When I got home I noticed nobody was there, so I headed up to my room and relaxed until Rebekah or sometime else gets back.

*Time Skip*

As I'm relaxing and reading a book, I hear the door downstairs open and then slammed closed.

Rebekah: Rosalinda! Rosie!

I run downstairs and straight into Rebekah. Once there, I look her over for any injuries, even though I knew there would be none because of vampire healing and all.

Rosalinda: What is it? What's wrong?

Rebekah: After we went our separate ways, I went to the grill and tried to find out more, but I ran into Stefan and Sage, and then suddenly I couldn't remember. I woke up in Stefan's bed and her the two talking about getting into my head, and they found out about us trying to find the white oak.

Rosalinda: So what is it you want to do?

Rebekah: Don't get mad but I brought it some help, I know you don't like her but for now we have called a temporary truce. Just work with her for me ok?

Then in walks, Sage and she gives me a small smile.

Sage: Stefan and Lexi found the old Salvatore Milling records, apparently the white oak was used to build Whickery Bridge. The plan was to kill Rebekah and believe me, I was all for it until I got into his head and found out all originals are linked.

Rosalinda: So what I am hearing from you, is that you are only helping us because your precious Finn's life is on the line? You were willing to let my family die until Finn? Well, surprise dearie, they are no longer linked, of course, the Scooby gang wouldn't know that.

Before she could reply I used my magic and telekinetically pulled her toward me, once she was within arm's reach I grabbed her by the throat and slam her to the ground all while crushing her throat but not enough to break her neck.

Rosalinda: Give me one reason I shouldn't end your sorry excuse for a life right now?

Rebekah: Rosie please we don't have time for this. It's only a matter of hours, maybe even minutes before they put all pieces together and find it. We need to get there first and destroy it all. Even if we aren't linked, it can still kill us.

Rosalinda: You are very lucky my sister is here, but let's make something clear after this is finished you will leave town and never come near us again or I will kill you.

Sage: I won't leave without Finn.

Rosalinda: We will see about that you little bitch.

After saying my piece I release Sage and we all head to Whickery Bridge. Once at the spot, we start taking any and all the wood on the bridge just to be safe. Once we have what seems to be all of it, we put it into a pile, and then with my magic, I light it all on fire.

While watching the threat burn to a crisp, from behind us we hear a car speeding towards us and then it screeching to a stop. Rebekah and I turn around to see Lexi and Stefan getting out of the car.

Rebekah: Oh look at that, your grand plans always seem to get ruined don't they. Sorry to disappoint you. Again.

Rebekah turns back around as Lexi turns his eyes on me.

Lexi: How is it you are always involved? How did you even know about any of this?

Rosalinda: For one, Rebekah tells me everything, even that she slept with the likes of your twat of a friend, not once but twice.

I fling both of them back with my magic. They both quickly get up and when Stefan sees Sage he growls out in anger.

Stefan: Of course you are here. You set us up.

Sage: No. I'm just looking out for myself.

Stefan: I told you that we would save your creepy boyfriend.

Sage: And you lied to me, Stefan. You failed to tell me that originals were once linked. If one had died then they all die. If I can get inside her head don't you think I'd be able to get inside yours?

Lexi quickly vamp speed at Sage grabbing her by the throat and slamming her into the car

Lexi: I should end you,

Sage: I'm 900 years old bitch. You are not capable of ending me.

Sage quickly turns them so Lexi is against the car and she's holding her.

Sage: Do you really think that I would risk Finn's life for one of your petty revenge fantasies? Just because they aren't linked anymore doesn't mean he's safe I can't take that risk.

Lexi: Let me tell you something your long-lost love had a suicide wish, so when mama witch had linked them together in a spell? who do you think was gonna be the one to die so they all could? He was the one, Finn is the one who volunteered to die.

Sage: You say that like you know him. Finn wouldn't do that.

Stefan: He didn't want to live. Not for you, not for anyone. He doesn't love you, Sage. And when I do find another way to kill those originals I'll start with Finn, I don't care that they aren't linked anymore.

Sage releases Lexi and her and Stefan go to leave but before Stefan and Lexi could leave, I use my magic to slam them both into the side of the car, I hold them there and I turn to Sage.

Rosalinda: I may not like you but I wouldn't lie about something so serious. My brother has never and probably will never like being a vampire, after finding you things were starting to change but then you left and he was back to his old ways. Klaus only kept him daggered because he knew Finn didn't want to keep going without you, he hated everything he was. When he woke up he didn't look because you left and he didn't know where you were, but he didn't want to look because he knew if you truly loved him you wouldn't have left him. I'm sorry sage but he's changed, maybe things might work again but not now. You need to leave.

I then turn my attention to both Lexi and Stefan, I grab both of them by their throats lifting them both into the air.

Rosalinda: I may not like Sage, but I won't allow the likes of you people to talk down to her ever. Now onto you talking about ending my family. You both aren't vampire enough to even end us, but if you do try, then get ready because you think I'm bad now? You haven't seen anything. Fair warning I'm very powerful and I get my anger from my father and trust me you don't want to see that side of me. If you don't stop trying to come at us, I will kill everyone you love, starting with little Elena, and I will keep going all until you both are alone and wanting to die. But no, I won't give you that mercy, I will leave you both alive and I'll make sure you can't end your suffering early.

After saying my piece, I drop them on the ground, and then, I use my magic to break every single bone in their bodies, starting with the small ones in their toes and continuing all the way up to their necks. After the final bone breaks and I release them of my magic, they drop to the ground temporarily dead. Once that was all settled, I went back to the fire and watched the rest of it burn with Rebekah, after it's all gone, I use my magic to blow the ashes into the water next to the bridge. We can't have them having White Oak ash, after that was all set we leave, Rebekah and I heading home and Sage going wherever.

After making it home, I head up to my room and shower getting all the blood and dirt off me. Once done with my shower I get dressed in my nightwear, I get into bed, and get comfortable. I decided to read and after a little bit of doing so I start to get sleepy, so I put my book down and turn out the light. After a few moments of just laying there, sleep finally takes over.

A/N: So here's another update, I know shocking but anyways I hope you guys like it! I decide to skip Episode 16 because I couldn't really fit Rosalinda into it and I really wanted to just write Episode 17. I hope you guys don't mind I just had so many ideas for this chapter which included Episode 17. So yea that's where I am, Season 3 Episode 17, well now about to be 18, just in case you guys wanted to know where in the show I was. Like the last chapter, I again changed some things again to make them fit the way I needed them to, and I actually really like it. I will be changing some more things but not a lot. Anyways please don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you feel like it, I would appreciate it. Also please point out any and all grammar mistakes that you see so that I can fix them.

Bye you guys!

Word Count: 2926