Chapter 11: Here’s To Change.

SOTC: Believer ~ Imagine Dragons

Rosalinda's Pov~

I wake up feeling like crap, I didn't sleep well last night because Finn decided it was best he left. He left us all a note and asked for us not to find him, but quite shockingly Klaus is the one who suggested we ignore his request and bring our brother home so that we can heal together and be a family again. No hate, no judgment, just love, and support.

After getting out of bed, I quickly shower, and then I head downstairs, to make breakfast but once I was at the bottom of the stairs I see Niklaus and Rebekah talking and waiting for someone.

Klaus: Ah you are finally up. Believe it or not, we have been waiting but decided to let you get some sleep after being up tossing and turning.

Rosalinda: I would ask how you know but these walls are so thin. Why are you guys waiting for me?

Rebekah: We found Finn, and we don't think he will come back for just us. I think you can get through to him and help him see, that things are going to change and that we wish for him to be home with us.

Rosalinda: I will try my best, I still can't believe it was Nik who decided we find him.

Rebekah: I know, this old man is going soft.

Klaus scoffs and gives us a pouty look.

Klaus: I am not going soft sisters, believe it or not, but I wish to make up with him for keeping him in a box for over 900 years. Yes, I did it for him but he doesn't see it that way and I would like my older brother back.

*Time Skip*

After 2 hours of driving, we finally arrive at where they believe Finn is. As Klaus pulls over and parks I see their assumption was correct as I see him walking down the sidewalk somewhat happily.

Rosalinda: Rebekah wait here until I signal for you.

Klaus: I'll go try and talk to him first, but Rosie you tail close behind and wait until I need you. 

After talking over the plan we all get out of the car, I watch Klaus start walking ahead and I wait a few moments before following behind. Klaus catches up and starts walking next to him.

Klaus: Hello brother.

Finn: Niklaus, what is it you want. I asked you all to not find me.

Klaus: That you did, but see I decided to come to find you because not only do I want my brother back but I wish to do something long overdue.

Finn: And what's that? Dagger me again.

Klaus: Apologize.

That very word stops Finn in his tracks. He freezes but then looks at Klaus shocked.

Finn: Is this some kind of joke? You apologize?

Klaus: It's true, I thought by keeping you daggered was helping you. I thought since you didn't want to be a vampire that this was a way out for you. I had no idea you were in pain and that it wasn't helping. I'm sorry brother.

Finn: You are right I didn't want to be a vampire, but being locked away didn't help, it not only sucked but it took away from my time. Time I could be spending with my family. It will take time for me to forgive you brother but maybe this is a step in the right direction. Now where are our sisters, I know you didn't come alone.

Rebekah catches up to me and we both walk over to the boys.

Rosalinda: I know you are upset with me over mother but I swore to her I would help her, the witches were using her. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you, the witches were watching our every move. Mother had to make it seem like she was on their side till the very last moment. I loved her too, we all did in our own ways. Please don't push me away.

Finn pushes Nik out of the way and just hugs me, both of us letting it all out not caring who sees. After a couple of minutes, we compose ourselves and Finn hugs Rebekah next and then he finally hugs Nik.

Finn: I'm sorry I left, I thought you all hated me and I thought I would be better off alone.

Rebekah: We don't hate you. I'm sorry I allowed Klaus to keep you daggered.

Finn: Don't be Niklaus didn't do it out of hate and anger, he did it out of love. He was right, we all know I wasn't cut out for the vampire life and we all knew after Sage I couldn't handle it, I didn't want to.

Rosalinda: He didn't tell you this but Klaus watched you suffer and wanted to help but he didn't know how. I however looked for spells that could help, I found one that could take away the pain by blocking the sad memories but you all were daggered before I could show you. After talking it over Klaus gave fair points on keeping you daggered.

Finn: I appreciate that you tried and I'm glad we have finally talked it out. Now can we go home?

Rosalinda: Actually we can't leave yet. There is something Rebekah and I have to tell you.

Rebekah: Rosie and I were at the Whickery Bridge clean-up just the other day and we ran into someone. Originally I told them off but they came to me with information and then helped us destroy the white oak.

Finn: Ok? Who is it?

Rosalinda: Finn, she's back. Sage is in town and she's wanting you back. She told us she came looking for you. Originally she was helping Stefan kill us but then learned you were linked but didn't know that you weren't anymore so she helped us destroy what could kill you. I then told her to leave town but she hasn't. She is wanting to see you but I told her no.

Finn: I appreciate you both having my back, but maybe it is time I talk to her. She needs to know I no longer wish to be with her.

Rebekah: We tried telling her but she wouldn't have any of it. She's mental that one.

Finn: I'll deal with it, now let's go home.

We all walk back to the car and make the long journey back to Mystic Falls.

*Time Skip*

Back at the house, we all get out of the car and head in the house. Once inside we can all sense that someone else is in the house. We all quiet down and listen. Klaus then points towards the stairs and almost immediately we can hear the heels hitting the floor. Someone is upstairs walking around.

Rosalinda: Whoever is up there you better show yourself. Do not make me come find you because it will not end well.

After hearing me the walking around stops.


After hearing Finn shout the person rushes around and then comes down the stairs. Finn looks up at who it is not saying a word. Once the person is all the way down the stairs they come to walk near us but Rebekah puts her arm up stopping them from coming any closer.

Sage: Hello Finn.

Finn: Sage, what are you doing here?

Sage smiles down at him and tries to move closer but Finn shakes his head at her, making her stop and frown at him.

Rebekah: He asked you a question. What are you doing here?

Sage: I told you, I'm here for him.

Rosalinda: And we told you he didn't want to see you, and I specifically rennet telling you to leave town. Snooping around upstairs is not leaving town.

Sage: I wasn't snooping and I told you that I wasn't leaving here without Finn.

Klaus: Well here he is, and it seems as though he doesn't want to see you right now. You are lucky I don't kill you for being in our house, but I'll let that go. You may leave now.

Sage: Not without-

Rosalinda: LEAVE NOW!

Sage gets angry and runs at me vampire face and all. However, Finn quickly grabs her by the throat and slams her onto the floor.

Finn: My siblings asked you to leave but instead you try and attack my sister. I should kill you for even thinking you could. Now when I let you go, you will leave this house and I will speak to you when I am good and ready. Do you understand?

Sage: Yes.

Finn lets her go and she speeds out of the house, slamming the door behind her.

Rebekah: Now that, all that's over I have some unfinished business with one Stefan Salvatore, if you wish to know what, you can ask Rosie about what he did to me and you'll understand why retribution is in order.

Rebekah then leaves and Klaus looks around at us confused.

Finn: So what did this Stefan guy do?

Klaus: Yes do tell.

Rosalinda: The little asshole tricked Rebekah into believing he had feelings for her again, and then slept with her only to distract her while Lexi and Sage got inside her head to see if you had any plans on killing them but instead they found out about the White Oak, thankfully we got to it first. She's probably going to kill him.

Klaus: Oh well, that's what he gets.

Finn: Maybe I will help our dear sister with this retribution.

*Time Skip*

After a while of relaxing Rebekah pushes open the door, with Stefan's unconscious body dragging behind her.

Rosalinda: Ah I see you found him.

Rebekah: I do, now can you help me bring him into the dining room while I set everything up.

Rosalinda: Sure.

I then use my magic and lift Stefan into the air, and walk into the dining room with his body floating and following behind. Once in there I see Rebekah putting down plastic and setting up what I assume will hold Stefan in place. After she is done setting up, I drop Stefan and leave her to her business. Rebekah yelling a thank you.

Rosalinda: No need to yell sister, but you're welcome.

A/N: So there you guys have it, another chapter done. Yes, it's a little short but I did it for a reason. Anyways the family is semi-back together what do you guys think? Also yes for now I am keeping Finn alive, I don't When or if I will kill him off. I hope you guys like that I have kept him alive and that they all have kinda made up, well except for Elijah who isn't there because we all know where he is.

What would you guys like to see happen next?

Should Finn forgive and get back with Sage? If not who should he get with?

Do you guys miss Kol as much as I do? Maybe I'll bring him back early.

Anyways that's all for now, as always please don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you'd like to. Also please point out any grammatical errors so that way I can fix them.

I hope to see you all on the next one.


Word Count: 1890