Chapter 12: Seriously?!

SOTC: Epic Massive Battle Music ~ The Fury Within

Rosalinda's Pov~

After having weird dreams last night and barely sleeping yet again, I get up and shower. After that, I get dressed. I start to make my way downstairs when I'm thrown into a vision

Kol is walking with a bat in his hand, walking towards someone. As he gets closer the vision shifts to show Stefan, Elena, and Jeremy. The vision then shifts to Kol attacking Stefan with the bat he was holding. The vision then goes dark but comes back with, Kol in front of a dead woman, the vision shifts showing it to be Mary, a woman who Klaus turned who was obsessed with the Mikaelson Men. The vision shifts for one final time and I see Kol arguing with someone, only this time the vision doesn't show who.

After coming out of the vision I see Klaus in front of me.

Klaus: You fell down the stairs. Are you ok? What has happened?

Rosalinda: I had a vision, I was so out of it, that I must have fallen. It has been a long time since I had one, I forgot how rough they can be and how much it takes out of me.

Klaus: Are you sure that it was a real one? What if it was one of those witches messing with you? What was the vision about sister?

Rosalinda: I don't know, but something tells me it was real, I don't think those witches are powerful enough to give me a false vision, however in said vision I saw Stefan and Elena with Jeremy. They are at some kind of park and they argue with Kol until he loses his temper and breaks a bat smashing Stefan in the face. The vision then changes showing Kol in front of a dead Mary. You know that bitch who was obsessed with you all. And then it shows Kol arguing with someone again but that's all I see, I can't see who he's arguing with.

Klaus: Call Kol and tell him what you saw, and then go and help our brother in case it's something bad.

Rebekah: Yes, do get in some good hits for me, anyways I gotta run got a school dance to set up.

Rosalinda: Do have fun sister, I'm sorry I'll miss it.

Rebekah: Our brother is more important. Be safe sister.

Rosalinda: Always.

Rebekah then makes her way out of the house as Klaus turns to look at me.

Klaus: Please do be careful sister, we can't have you getting hurt.

Rosalinda: Nik, I will be fine, you and I both know Stefan and his little human couldn't hurt me even if they tried. But to ease your worry I promise to be safe. Kol and I will be back by nightfall.

With that, I head upstairs and call Kol to let him know, I then picture Kol and teleport to him.

*Time Skip*

Once the smoke clears, I am at the park that was in my vision. Of course, he is here, why do none of my siblings ever listen to me. I see Kol grabbing the bat I saw in my vision and walking towards Stefan, Elena and Jeremy. Kol continues to walk towards Jeremy, Stefan, and Elena. Jeremy notices Kol and heads towards Kol. I hear Jeremy say something, I see Kol smile at Jeremy and then whisper something. I then see Elena look towards Kol and then turn to Stefan, she must be warning him. However before Stefan could do anything Kol whacks him with the bat, and the bat snaps, then I see Kol going to get a different bat. On his way back Kol again whispers something Jeremy, I could choose to listen in but I won't. I then hear Elena yelling at Jeremy that Kol is an original. Jeremy just shakes his head, as if he already knew. Maybe he did, maybe Kol had finally made a friend beside me. As Kol goes to hit Stefan with the Aluminum bat, Stefan grabs part of the broken wooden bat and stabs Kol with it, only he gets him in the stomach and not the heart.

*Time Skip*

After letting Kol heal himself, we come up with a game plan on what to do next, I remind him about how I saw Mary in my vision. We then use a locator spell, only this is one of our creations. By using both of our blood we can find Mary because she was turned by Klaus. His blood still runs through her veins making them kind of connected. It's confusing but it works. (It is very confusing, what I'm going for is because Klaus is their sibling they can use that link to form another link with Mary because Klaus's blood turned her, so basically it's like tracking Klaus's blood. And since he is in Mystic Falls they just find the one closest. Does that make sense?)

After performing the spell, and following the trail we finally locate Mary. Before we arrived, Klaus starts talking to us through the mind link I had created.

Klaus: We have a problem.

Kol: What is it, brother?

Klaus: I just got word that Elena and her little group of friends somehow have White Oak stakes, now I'm not blaming anyone, but we need to deal with it, because I also found out that the little bitches are trying to figure out which vampire bloodline they come from. Apparently If an original dies then so does every vampire that they have ever turned.

Rosalinda: Yea, I know. I'm the one who created the link, but my question is how did they find out?

Kol: I bet it was those witches.

Klaus: It doesn't matter right now, what does matter is that they come from my bloodline, and once they find that out they won't hesitate to kill our siblings.

Rosalinda: They won't find out, I already know where they are going. My vision told me after all. They must have used Jeremy to contact Rose, and she obviously told them who turned her, which we all know was Mary, and you turned Mary.

Kol: What Rosie is trying to say is, we are on our way to kill Mary.

Klaus: Good. Be safe and I'll see you both when you get home.

After we finished talking with Klaus, I open the door and we step in, or at least I do, Kol can't seem to enter, which means she has a human but that won't stop me.

Rosalinda: Siphon the barrier, you'll be able to enter.

Kol: Ok.

After siphoning the barrier, Kol renters, and immediately, outcomes Mary trying to attack us, not caring Kol grabs the thing next to us and throws it at Mary, the object lands in her chest. From the force of the object, she drops to the floor turning grey. Oops.

Rosalinda: You just killed her. I know that's what we were going to do but we could have tortured her a bit.

Kol: She made me upset, she should have not only felt our presence but our power, we are originals. People need to start showing respect, how dare she try and attack us.

Rosalinda: Whatever, let's just deal with her.

Kol then lifts her up and grabs a knife. He then holds her body against the wall and stabs through her, pinning her to the wall. Kol then turns around smiling, he opens his mouth to speak but before he could we hear a car door closing. I use my magic to turn out the lights and we go into a different room. The front door then opens and in comes Stefan and Elena. To scare them Kol starts running around and banging on things.

Elena: Hello? Anyone here?

Stefan: Mary, we aren't here to cause trouble, we just want to talk. Mary?

Kol: Oh quite contrary.

I then use my magic to turn the lights back on, both Elena and Stefan turn around. They both look scared that we are here.

Kol: Shame about Mary, she used to be a blast. I don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an original groupie.

Elena: And were you her favorite?

Kol: You mean, did I turn her? I think I did. But, no, wait. Maybe it was Rebekah. But there was also a Klaus period and let's not forget the Elijah affair. My sister may not have liked her but she liked watching us turn people. If you are asking if slept with her? Ew. No. Not that it is your business, but women aren't my thing if you get what I mean.

Rosalinda: You are too late, Klaus has already informed us that you are trying to find out who's bloodline you come from.

Kol: Now you never will. So... Where did we leave off? Oh, yea I remember.

Rosalinda: This will be fun to watch, fair warning this is gonna hurt a lot.

Before either of them could reply, Kol picks up the aluminum bat that he had hidden beside him and whacks Stefan in the kneecaps, the sound of them breaking is loud, Stefan then fall to the floor yelling out in pain but it doesn't stop there, Kol not caring that Stefan is down keeps hitting him over and over.

Stefan: Elena get out of here!

Kol speeds in front of her blocking her way.

Kol: You aren't anything special sweetheart, once my brother would have asked me not to hurt you, but now thanks to Rosie he no longer needs you, I guess that means I can do this.

Kol then grabs Elena and throws her against the wall. She cries out in pain and falls to the floor, while distracted by Elena, Kol didn't see Stefan heal and get up but I did. Stefan tries to rush at Kol and attack him like a coward from behind but I put a stop to that.

Stefan falls to his knees, grabbing at his head and screaming out in pain. This isn't something I do often but when I do it's fun to watch.

Elena: What are you doing to him?

Rosalinda: Using my magic to cave in his skull while turning his brain to mush.

Stefan: Stop!

Rosalinda: Why you were going to attack my brother from behind, that's something I won't let happen.

Kol: I've said it before and I'll say it again, you young vampires suck and need to learn some respect.

Rosalinda: Don't ever think about attacking any of my siblings again or I'll rip out Elena's heart and command her to watch as I force you to eat her heart, but I won't stop there, I'll go get Jeremy who is just outside and have him watch while you eat his sister's heart killing her.

Stefan: Fine! Just don't touch Elena!

Kol: Oh, dear. I've hit a nerve. Relax, Darling. I just want us to be even. You stabbed me and are trying to kill my family.

Stefan tries to get up and fight but Kol kicks him again and again, and then he whacks him with the bat until it bends.

Kol: There. Now we are even, have a good evening.

With Kol finally finishing up, I teleport us to the apartment he's been staying at. After grabbing his things I teleport us back home to Mystic Falls.

Once home, I am thrown into another vision. This time it's different.

It shows me a glimpse of a witch and then it shows me her attacking Rebekah and then performing a spell, the next thing I see is Rebekah and she's taking Alaric only it's not Rebekah she introduces herself as someone else, the name sounds familiar but I can't think of where I have heard it, anyways the vision continues and it shows the witch who's taken over Rebekah bringing Alaric into the caves, we use to play in as kids. "Rebekah" then walks into the caves explaining that she isn't Rebekah but she is someone else. Someone who wants me and my siblings dead. After talking they come to an agreement and they make a deal.

After my vision, I come to and see a worried Kol and a semi worried Klaus.

Klaus: Another vision? What is it this time?

Rosalinda: You aren't going to like this. Somehow, someway a witch from the other side has gotten a foothold over here in the living world and with the help of another witch she has taken over Rebekah's body.

Klaus: What do you mean taken over? And when? I just talked to Rebekah earlier, she asked me to go to the dance.

Rosalinda: That wasn't Rebekah, this witch wants us all dead. She's going to use the dance as a distraction. This witch has a deal with Alaric, she's going to do something but the vision wouldn't let me hear what exactly, but I can tell that it can't be good.

Kol: Calm down sister, at least we know and hopefully be one step ahead. Let us get dressed and go to this dance and pretend to know nothing and when the time is right we will strike and show people why we are the most feared family.

Klaus: Agreed. Both of you go shower and get ready we leave here in 30.

With that, I head upstairs and quickly shower, once finished I change into my outfit. Once we are all ready we leave and head to the dance. Once at the dance, we all split up and look for "Rebekah", after half an hour of searching, we all meet up with no such luck. As we go to leave we are stopped By Stefan, he tells us that nobody but the humans can leave the school. We all head out to see a line of salt. Like we predicted the dance was a trap, but we didn't mind because we would get out soon.

Before I could say something I'm teleported away, as the smoke clears I see a coven of witches. There looks to be more than a dozen. Before I could ask questions the witches start chanting. I use my magic to block them and even kill a few but out of nowhere more witches show up. Together with their combined forces, they start to somewhat weaken me. It isn't much so I continue to fight. Suddenly one of the witches grabs an object and chants louder. Whatever she is holding is feeding her more magic because I start to weaken a little more, before I could fight back, a witch appears in front of me and stabs me in the chest with a weird-looking dagger. Before I could even try and pull it out it's starts burning me and black veins started appearing all over my body and then suddenly everything goes dark

Dream State~

I open my eyes and see the sun shining. I sit up and look around to see I'm in a field of flowers.

??: Hello my love.

I turn around and try and see who it is but the sun is too bright and I can't see their face.

Rosalinda: Who are you? Where am I?

??: Who I am will be revealed all in due time my love. As for where you are? I don't know you tell me, I'm only here because you brought me here.

Rosalinda: I don't know, all I remember is being stabbed and in pain.

I hear footsteps approaching from behind and turn around to see my mother.

Rosalinda: Mother?

Esther: Hello darling, it's time to go back now.

Rosalinda: Back? How?

Esther: Just open your eyes, those witches tried to put you down but they couldn't. When you awake, the dagger they used with be no good and the effects left by the dagger will go away.

Rosalinda: Do you know who the witch is?

Esther: Yes, a powerful witch. She was around when I was a young girl. Her name is Inanna and she taught my sister and tried to teach me but back then I didn't want to practice. After turning your siblings she came and tried to take you all but I wouldn't let her and sadly I had to kill her. She is upset and she was brought back to try and end you all once and for all. Do not underestimate her, but do not show her mercy. When you wake up, unleash your magic, let your anger, your sadness, and your love power you and kill their sorry asses.

Rosalinda: Do I have to go?

??: Yes my love.

Esther: He is right sweetheart. You aren't meant to be here and you need to go. Your siblings need you, you can't stay here, your destiny awaits.

Before I could reply, my eyes shoot open and I'm back in the woods where the witches brought me. I quickly get up and see the now useless dagger boiling on the ground.

*Time Skip*

After shaking off the effects, I go to where I feel the magic. Once I arrive I can see Jermey, Matt, Elena and the other witches plus the witch Inanna my mother talked about.

She sees me and goes to attack but before she could Alaric comes from behind her and stab her in the back. The other witches try and attack but I decide it's time to show them why they don't mess with me. I scream letting all my feelings go into it. As I'm screaming all the witches drops to their knees crying out in pain, while the wind blows crazy whipping around anything and everything. I continue to scream and the ground shakes, suddenly the ground caves in and a giant hole opens up in the ground and fire erupts from it. I then stop screaming and use my magic to throw all the witches and Inanna in the hole, once they fall in they scream except Inanna who's already dead. I don't hear them for long as their screams are cut off by the hole closing,

Once that was settled, I look at Elena and her group of friends and give them a look. A warning that it could be them next. After making sure nothing else was going to happen I head home and get some much-needed sleep.

A/N: Here is a longish chapter, I hope you guys enjoy it. So I shortened 2 episodes and put them into 1 chapter. Those episodes being Episodes 19 and 20 of Season 3. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter because I really enjoyed writing it.

I'm so excited but sad at the same time, we are almost at season 4, excited because I have some great things in store sad because I also have some sad things in store. Sorry not sorry lol.

What did you guys think?

What do you think is going to happen next?

Who knew Rosalinda had that much power?

Who do you think the mystery man was?

Where do you think the hole in the earth led to?

Do you guys think Inanna will return?

The Witch Inanna is played by Suzanne Krull (but from her episode on the OG Charmed)

Anyways please don't forget to vote, comment, and share if you'd like, it would mean a lot and please please point out any grammatical errors so that I can fix them.

Bye you guys!

Word Count: 3260