Chapter 13: Ding Ding You Are Dead…

SOTC: Epic Music World ~ Sentenced To Death

Rosalinda's Pov~

After a good night's sleep, I wake up and shower. After showering I get dressed and head downstairs. Once down there, I'm greeted with a panicked Rebekah and an angry Klaus.

Rosalinda: What's going on?

Rebekah: Like I just told Klaus, I was attacked by Alaric Saltzman.

Klaus: And like I told Rebekah, he's supposed to be dead and I'm leaving.

Rosalinda: First of all, why are you leaving? You are the one who wanted to stay in the stupid town.

Klaus: Well, now nothing is keeping me here anymore. I have my many hybrids.

Rosalinda: Are you freaking kidding me Niklaus? Your hybrids? What happened to wanting the family back together?

Klaus: I didn't mean it like-

Rebekah: Of course you did.

Klaus: Yes I'm leaving but I wanted you all to come with me. I do want our family back together but can we really do it in a town that is constantly trying to kill us?

Rosalinda: He is right, even Finn left and is staying with Elijah. Before we make any decisions we need to find out how Alaric is alive and why.

Rebekah: He is a vampire thanks to that witch's spell. He has a white oak stake, I stabbed him with it but it did nothing which means that the stake can't kill him. He's strong, too strong.

Klaus: Where is he now?

Rebekah: Stuck at the school without a daylight ring. We need to act now.

Klaus: No! We need a plan first. If he's strong and has a stake then we need to be careful.

Rosalinda: I can use my magic against him, and possibly take him out.

Klaus: With the chance of also taking yourself out. Yes, you'll wake but we can't take the chance.

Rosalinda: You're right. But I have to do this, I can do this.

Before either of my siblings could reply I use my magic and snap their necks. After grabbing a few things, I leave and head to the school to challenge and defeat Alaric. I teleport just outside and then I quickly walk into the school, I make sure I'm undetected and slowly make my way around the school. As I get closer and closer I can feel the dark magic radiating off of Alaric. Once I find the classroom I look inside and I see Elena and Caroline, Caroline is tied to a chair, with pencils going through her hands, while Elena is just sitting there, before attacking I decide to listen and come up with a plan. After listening in for what seems like forever I have finally heard enough and just plan to wing it all. I walk into the classroom and use my magic to fling Alaric out of the window in his classroom. Alaric gets up after a few seconds and is back in the classroom. He is growling, with his vampire's face out, he is also all red from burning but like a vampire old he is quickly healing.

Rosalinda: You can try to fight me but we both know you won't win. Surrender now and I won't hurt you.

Alaric just smirks at me before speeding towards me, he may be older but he still has those new vampire instincts, just attack and hope for the best. But unlike Caroline, I'm older and more experienced. I punch him in the chest and he goes flying back first into the wall. He tried again but I duck his punches and throw my own. He's catching on and ducking a few but most of them connect.

Rosalinda: Surrender!

Alaric: Not until you and your family are dead along with every vampire in the world.

Alaric rushes at me again, but I yet again block it. We both stop fighting after hearing a noise out in the hallway. While distracted Alaric tackles me through the classroom wall. When I get up I don't see Alaric but he's quick to grab me from behind and holds a make shift wooden stake to my chest. Does he think this will kill me? These silly witches, only I can kill me.

I try and fight off his hold but he starts to shove the stake into my chest, of course, it won't do anything but it does sting. Before Alaric could fully stab me, Klaus and Stefan show up, they tell him to let me and the girls go. While he's talking to them, I get out of his hold and throw him against the lockers. The boys then go after Alaric, but he's too strong, he snaps Stefan's neck and tries to do the same to Klaus but Klaus shoves his hand in Alaric's chest and keeps it there. Suddenly I feel black magic surround Klaus and Alaric. That little witch is trying to stop Alaric's heart. Before the spell could complete Alaric snaps Klaus's wrist and then goes to kill him but Elena comes out of nowhere and threatens to kill herself. She has this idea that the witch Inanna linked her and Alaric together, that's why she needed her blood. The distraction allows me time to take out Alaric. I use my magic and snap his neck.

Back at the house, we are talking about what to do about Alaric when Tyler comes over, Tyler tells Klaus he isn't his bitch anymore and that's when Klaus and Tyler start arguing. A screaming match breaks out and suddenly the door slams open, before I could see who it was my neck is trying to be snapped. I quickly turn around and slam the person onto the floor. When I look down and see who it is I'm not surprised, this bitch never learns. As I'm holding her I hear Klaus yell out in pain I let her go and turn around to see, Tyler, Stefan, and some unknown vampire desiccating Klaus, I get up to try and help but I'm grabbed and thrown into the wall. Of course, I get up angrier than before.

Rosalinda: What the hell do you think you guys are doing?

Stefan: What we have to, he needs to be put down.

Rosalinda: Klaus will wake up and when he does you will all pay.

Lexi: He won't. I'd say sorry but we aren't.

Lexi laughs at me and walks away. However Stefan stays a little longer just smirks at me before walking out, but before they could fully walk out I stop them.

Rosalinda: Oh how stupid you all are. First of all, I'm a witch, one more powerful than your little Bennett. If you think for one second that you can celebrate now then you have another thing coming and we will be seeing you soon.

Stefan: We? Who's we?

Rosalinda: Doesn't matter-

Before I could finish my sentence my neck is snapped and everything goes black.

*Time Skip*

Once I wake up, I sit up to see the house a mess and Klaus's desiccated body gone. I get up and dust myself off and grab my phone and make a few quick calls. After making the calls, I wait for my guests to show up. While waiting I decide to visit the Scooby gang, once I arrive I knock on the door and Caroline answers before she could even respond I use my magic and throw her back. I step in the house and immobilize everyone,

Rosalinda: Enjoying ourselves are we? I'm glad I decided to make a visit.

Elena: Rosalinda. What are you-

Rosalinda: Shut up you little doppelbitch. I've had it with you and your friends constantly causing problems. Klaus and our family were leaving that was until you desiccated him. Now when he wakes you'll have caused problems that not even I could possibly stop. You've started a war and unless you've forgotten, war it was we do best.

Suddenly I started to feel prickles in the back of my head and so I quickly turn my attention towards the one causing said prickles. Bonnie.

Rosalinda: You little witch, did you really think your second-rate magic could hurt me? Me? I'M OVER A THOUSAND YEARS OLD YOU CAN'T HURT ME!

I then start magically squeezing Bonnie's insides slowly. Bonnie is quick to groan in pain.

Elena: What are you doing? Stop!

Rosalinda: Shut up! I'm done playing around. You all wanna cause problems? Well, then this is on you. This is the outcome you get.

I walk over to Bonnie and place my hands on her head. After a few moments, she drops to the floor, rolling around and screaming out in pain.

Caroline: What the hell did you do?

Rosalinda: Something all of you very well deserve.

Stefan: Tell us!

Rosalinda: It's fun watching you scared, what will you do if I don't tell you? You're stuck.

Bonnie: She did something to my magic.

Rosalinda: Well I was going to make you sweat just a little more but yes, I did just that. What will you do know with no witch? Who will I have to hurt next? The fate of other lies in your hands, keep pissing me off and I will kill everyone in this shitty town.

Rosalinda: Does anyone else wanna try me? How about you Tyler, since you did snap my neck and all? No? Lexi? Stefan? Nobody? I thought so-

??: You don't scare me bitch.

Rosalinda: And who might you be?

Elena: Dallas don't, she will kill you!

Rosalinda: Dallas was it? Sweetie I'm not trying to scare you, no. I'm trying to show you that I shouldn't be messed with.

Dallas: I'll do whatever I want. If you let me go I'd kick your ass.

Rosalinda: He's joking right? You are joking? How old are you? 100? 200? Did you not just hear me when I said I'm over a thousand years old? Do you even know who I am?

Dallas: I am over 800 years old I don't care how old you are bitch. I may not be able to kill you but I sure as hell know I can kick your ass.

Rosalinda: Really? Ok! Give me your best shot.

Dallas: Let me go and I will, try not using your magic, and let's see if you can do it.

Rosalinda: Game on.

Dallas: Try not to break something toots.

I release Dallas from my magical hold, and he instantly charges at me but like everyone else he doesn't stand a chance. As he makes it inches away from me I immediately punch my hand into his chest, pushing his heart out through his back where I then heard hit the floor. No Magic needed.

Rosalinda: Oops did that hurt toots?

Caroline: No!

Rosalinda: That was very fun. I haven't got my hands dirty like that in a very long time. Do have a goodnight, you'll need it for what's coming next. Also, one last thing, don't think that this is the last time you'll be seeing me. I will be coming back to get my brother, I know you took him and have him somewhere, either hand him over and I give you my word that I won't kill you and your friends or I find him myself and kill you, your friends, your family, and anyone who you've ever met.

With those last words, I smirk at them before I knock everyone unconscious and leave.

A/N: Hey guys so that happened, I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! We have one last chapter before the end of Season 3 and Act 1 ~ Part 1. I really enjoyed writing this and I really like showing more and more about Rosalinda and her strength.

What do you guys think of the chapter?

What would you guys like to see next?

Alaric vs Rosalinda I wonder who would have won if Rosalinda wasn't distracted.

Bonnie no longer has magic, what do you think the Scooby gang will do?

What did you think of the way Rosalinda handled things?

Dallas is played by Steven Strait

Little info on Dallas: Dallas was turned by Aurora De Martel and they had a little fling until she left. Dallas was turned in 1209 at the age of 22. After being turned he became a ripper and accidentally killed his whole family.

Anyways that's it for this chapter, as always please don't forget it vote, comment, and share if you'd like, also please please point any and all grammatical errors so that I may fix them.

I do hope to see all of you on the final chapter of Act 1 ~ Part 1, you'll wanna be there.

Bye you guys!

Word Count: 2112