Chapter 14: Time To Die Dearies…

SOTC: Au/Ra ~ Panic Room (Nightcore Version)

        *The Next Morning*

Rosalinda's Pov~

After waking up from a good night's rest, I take a quick shower and then get dressed. Once finished I head downstairs and get everything ready, the people I called would be coming this morning and I decided that we could come up with a plan while we eat breakfast, so that's what I'm going to do now, make breakfast for everyone.

*Time Skip*

After finishing up breakfast I realized I didn't have everything that I needed, so I decided to run to the grill and just get what I need from there. Once I was there and waiting for my order, I hear someone approach me and sit down, without even having to look up I know who it is.

Rosalinda: Hello Lexi, what do you want this early?

Lexi: I want a lot of things but for now you can start by giving Bonnie her magic back.

Rosalinda: Now why would I do that?

Lexi: How about this, you give it back or I'll do something you won't like.

Rosalinda: Oh really? Threatening me now are we?

Lexi: Maybe. The choice is yours.

Rosalinda: Listen here, I don't know if that blonde has some how seeped into your brain but you can't be this stupid. You don't wanna test me right now, because I don't really care anymore. I'll kill you in front of all these people and just walk away. There's not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it.

The waiter comes by and hands me my food.

Waiter: Here is your order, have a good day.

I hand him a 50 and smile at him.

Rosalinda: Keep the change.

Waiter: Thanks!

Once the waiter walks away, I turn back to Lexi and see her smirking.

Lexi: How nice of you. As I was saying give Bonnie her magic back or else and don't even try saying you'll hurt me because we both know you-

Before she could finish her sentence I snap her neck without a care of who sees and who doesn't. I grab my food and head back to the manor. Once inside I'm bombarded with questions about everything.

Kol: What happened?

Finn: Are you ok?

Elijah: How could you let this happen?

Rebekah: Where is he?

Matthias: Who do we have to kill?

Jeremiah: Is this food for everyone?

And the questions kept coming and coming. So to get them to shut up, I used my magic to silence them.

Rosalinda: Enough questions! First of all yes Finn, I am alright thank you for asking. As for everyone else, I'll answer your questions while we eat.

With that, I let my spell drop allowing them to speak once again, and then we start eating.

Elijah: How could you let his happen?

Rosalinda: I didn't let anything happen, Elijah, I fought back but when someone snaps my neck I can't exactly do anything.

Elijah: You let young vampire defeat you?

Rosalinda: As I recall, they defeated you too brother, and I did get payback so now shut up or I'll break your spine. As for your question Kol, they were using Bonnie to desiccate Alaric but they didn't. I don't know why but they decided to come here and they desiccated Klaus. We tried to fight but they had taken us by surprise. I fought back as much as I could but getting attacked from behind and having my neck snapped didn't help. When I awoke his body was gone and the house was destroyed. After cleaning myself up I went to the Gilbert residence, I not only stopped the little Bennett from doing magic but also killed a friend of theirs who thought he could not only challenge me but "kick my ass."

Matthias: Serves him right, what do we do now?

Elijah: We ask for them to return our brother.

Rebekah: And then what, you think they will just hand him over? Let's say they do, what are we going to do about Alaric, and even after that we all know when Klaus wakes up-

Elijah: Klaus won't be waking up, nobody will be reviving for a long time.

Rosalinda: Like hell, I won't. I will revive him once he is near and if you try and stop me I will put you to sleep, however it won't be a pleasant one. Do not test me, brother.

Elijah: We will see. Now, Matthias, Rebekah, and Kol remain waiting for my call so that you can go and retrieve Niklaus. Finn, Rosalinda, and I will go over to the Gilbert Residence and negotiate.

*Big Time Skip*

After a long day of working out a complete plan and what we would do with Alaric, Elijah decided it was time to now go negotiate. Once at the Gilbert's, Finn waits outside and Elijah and I enter the house. We walk in and see Elena, she looks at us a little scared.

Elena: Stefan...

Stefan looks towards Elena and sees Elijah and I, that's when Elena's friend Matt walks over and looks at us too.

Elijah: Hello again.

Rosalinda: Yes, hello.

Elijah: Let's have a little chat.

Elijah and I walk past Elena and the boys and we sit at the dining room table. After a few moments all 3 sit down and Elijah begins.

Elena: You are obviously here for Klaus, but we can't give him back not while Alaric is running around. Stefan, Lexi, Caroline, and Tyler all come from Klaus's sireline if Alaric kills him then they all die.

Rosalinda: Yes we know, you can thank me for that. I made the spell for the sirelines to make sure nobody ever tried what you guys are trying to do right now. As the person who created the spell, I could kill his whole sireline without him dying.

Elijah: All we need is to take that stake away from him, once he's been disarmed with the weapon in my possession, my family and I will scatter to the ends of the earth and Alaric will follow us.

Stefan: And you'll just run?

Elijah: We did you before, Klaus and Rebekah spent a better part of a thousand years evading my father, what's another half-century while Elena is allowed to live out the rest of her natural life.

Elena: We've finally stopped him, Elijah, after everything he's done to us I just can't let you bring him back.

Rosalinda: That isn't up to you.

Elijah: I give you my word Elena, I will not revive Klaus within yours nor even your children's lifetimes. Perhaps that will finally teach him some manners.

Matt: Why should she trust you? All you have done is screw her over, and your bitch of a sister has done nothing but hurt us.

Rosalinda: I did what I did because I was provoked, we have warned you time and time again and you didn't listen. You will give us my brother or you'll pay.

Matt: That's not how it works, you don't get to walk in here and boss us around, you are nothing but a no-good nasty abomination and I think-

Before he could finish his sentence, I was up out of my seat and my hand was in his chest grabbing his heart.

Rosalinda: What was that? I couldn't hear you very well, could you repeat it?

Elena: No! Leave him alone!

Elijah: Sister don't.

Matt: You're an abomination freak who deserves to die.

Without saying another word, I rip out his heart, however, everyone is surprised when he remains alive, they are even more surprised when they see me holding his glowing heart in my hand.

Rosalinda: Did you know that I get a different kind of magic from my father, a special kind, that can help me do many many things, like allow me to rip your heart out, but at the same time you remain alive. I can do whatever I want. With your heart I can make you do things, things you couldn't fathom. And if I wanted to with one little squeeze I make you hurt, with one big squeeze I could crush it and that my dear would kill you, no being revived. Fully dead, never to return, not even your Bennett witch could bring you back.

Matt: You won't kill me.

Rosalinda: You are right I won't. Yet. Let's have some fun before you meet your end.

I then lift his heart to my mouth and whisper a few things into it, and then next thing you see is Matt walking over to Elena and punching her in the face.

Matt: What! I didn't want to do that, I couldn't stop myself.

Rosalinda: I told you I could control you, it's like my very own form of compulsion.

I then squeeze the heart a little bit and he drops to his knees and yells out in pain.

Stefan: Stop it now!

Elena: You are hurting him! He didn't do anything.

Elijah: Give the poor boy his heart back, we both know you won't kill him.

Stefan: Give it back or else.

Matt: Kill her Stefan, fight her something, this hurts.

Elena grabs a knife and rushes at me, she tries to stab me but before she could, I whisper into Matts heart again, Matt quickly gets up and stands in front of me, while in a fit of rage, Elena doesn't see that he is now standing in front of me and she stabs him thinking it was me. Since Matt is a little shorter than me, the blade goes through his neck, and as soon as it enters his throat blood splatters all over Elena. She lets go of that knife and laughs thinking she had stabbed me but after a few seconds she calms down and finally comes to her senses, when she looks at me she quickly realizes that she has stabbed Matt and not me.

Elena: No!!

Before anything else could happen I crush Matt's heart and he falls to the floor dead.

Rosalinda: This one is also on you.

I use my magic to snap both Stefan and Elijah's necks and then I thrust my hand into Elena's chest and pull out her heart. I put the heart to my mouth and ask where Klaus is being kept.

Elena: In a storage unit up north.

I then make her text Rebekah the address and then I put her heart back in and erase this little memory from her mind. I walk outside and grab Finn, together we teleport to Rebekah and the others. When the smoke clears we are outside the Storage unit building. We all walk in and see Lexi walking out. She tries to run but Kol catches her and starts siphoning from her. Before she could be killed she tells us the number and we head there. We decide we all don't need to be here so Finn, Jeremiah, and Matthias decide to leave so I teleport them back to the manor. Once we find the unit, Kol opens it up and we grab the coffin, as we are wheeling it out, we hear a lot of noise, Kol leaves to check it out but that's when I can sense darkness and a lot of it, that means Alaric is here. We see Kol's body go flying past us and that's when Alaric comes in rushing up pushing me away then throwing Rebekah, I quickly get up and fight him. However he is no match for me and I'm winning, however, here comes Lexi and she grabs ahold of me, while Alaric opens then opens the casket and pulls out the white oak.

I fight off Lexi and throw her against the wall. Rebekah rushes over and throwing Alaric away from the casket. He quickly gets up and throws Rebekah, I help her up and he's by Klaus again. As Alaric goes to stab Niklaus, I run over and step in the way and take the stake to the heart.

Rebekah: No!!

As the stake makes contact, I scream out in pain. The scream sends Alaric, Rebekah, and Lexi flying into the wall. When I look down I see black veins growing all over my body, and my body starts heating up. I start losing consciousness but before I fully could blackout I feel Alaric grab the stake from my chest and then I see him stab Klaus and his body go up in flames. I want to scream out and stop Alaric but I can't do anything because for some reason my body is shutting down and I can't stop it, I don't know how.

What is happening to me?

*Time Skip*

Rebekah's Pov~

I watch as my brother goes up in flames and my sister possibly dying on the floor and there is nothing I can do.

Lexi: Get your sister and leave!

Rebekah: What?

Lexi: Leave! He will kill you, I'm going to die anyway the least I could do is save another sireline. Go!

Without a second thought, I grab my sister and speed all the way back to mystic falls.

•*Dream State*•

Rosalinda's Pov~

When I open my eyes, I'm in the field yet again but this time it isn't that sunny out.

I stand up and look around.

??: We meet again.

I turn around and see Stefan or what looks to be Stefan except he's wearing an old-fashioned toga.

Rosalinda: Stefan?

??: I see you have met my shadow self darling, but I'm not Stefan, think back to before, while you were asleep. I know it's been a while but remember my love.

Rosalinda: Silas? Is that you?…

A/N: And that's all for this chapter, sorry about the cliffhanger, actually I'm not. I do hope you guys like it because I really really enjoyed writing it.

What do you guys think of the chapter?

What would you like to see happen next?

What do you think about Rosalinda killing Matt?

What do you think will happen with Rosalinda? Will she wake up? Will she remain asleep? Will she die?

Who do you think the mystery man is? Silas? A different shadow self?

What do you think of Rosalinda taking the stake to the chest trying to save Klaus?

Anyways please do not forget to Vote, Comment, and Share if you would like, and always please comment on any grammatical errors and let me know so that I can fix them right away.

And that's all for Season 3 as well as Act 1 ~ Part one. I hope you guys enjoyed this part and I hope to see all of you on Act 1 ~ Part 2 which will include Season 4 ad with what I have planned it's going to be amazing. However Part 2 will not becoming out until May

Bye, you guys!

Word Count: 2486