I opened my eyes, but I couldn't see a thing. Darkness encased me with its powerful clutch and It entangled me like a grape vine.
Once again, I am here, alone. I knew it was all in my head, a nightmare, something out of a horror film. Something you couldn't get out of, even if you tried, and believe me I have tried, but I can never escape this nightmare. Pinching myself only hurt me.
The beating heart within my chest became the only sound I could hear and in this moment I was reminded of my parents death.
I'll leave that for another time though.
Right now, I was sitting on an unpleasant floor, cold and damp; there was no escape. It was more wet, then the last time. no, this time I was drenched in oozing goo, wondering if it was from the last victim.
I wasn't chained, but it felt like it. My body was trapped in itself, a feeling no one would ever want to experience.
The goo began to soak into my clothes and seep onto my skin. I couldn't bare the feeling of the warmth of it creeping onto my legs and upper thighs, it was fortifying. I wanted to get up and try to wipe it off but I couldn't stand.
I had no strength, like if the wind had been sucked out of me and I was basically a statue on the floor. Believe me, I wanted to run, but my whole insides felt like they were being controlled.
Moving was hopeless.
Who knows how much time has passed in the real world. All I knew was time was irrelevant here and that I was locked up in a dungeon, or one could only suspect it was.
It was too dark to see if I was tortured and just waking up to realize maybe this goo was from my own insides, but I felt up and down my body to only discover that my body was still intact, but my pj's were not on my body, just a dress slip.
I should be shaking in my limbs, you would think, but I have no time to be panicking.
Trying to collect my thoughts, I tried to remember how I got here and then I flashed back to the night before, and I was here.
Here in this same empty, dark room, but with goo this time, but why? Why do I always get sucked back into this same nightmare.
Suddenly, there came a loud noise coming from the south side of the room and I tried to get up, but my body wouldn't budge. Not to mention, I am enclosed in bars, as I felt my way to the edge, making it impossible to flee.
This never happened before.
My fucking heart just stopped for a second, am I going to die? Why can't I remember the night before? Why am I even here? I heard a door unlock with a clink (emphasize the k) and it swung wide open.
Holy fuck.
The light coming from the other side of the door blinded me for a second, which hurt my eyes as the light flooded the darkness and I was too weak to adjust my eyes properly.
There were two figures that I could barely make out who were standing in the door-way and one of them waved the other off and they left.
The figure that stayed was barely recognizable, but just their presence was enough to make the hairs on the back of my neck stick up.
"Crystal, my lovely, how have you been?" He asked in a malicious voice.
It was a man.
His voice was deep and sinister, like thunder roaring through the sky. So sinister in fact that my knees began to quiver.
He knows my name? How can this be. I don't remember anything. Why don't I know? What does he want with me?
I remained silent, in hopes that he would think I was asleep.
"Do not defy me Crystal, I know very well you aren't asleep! Get up now and answer me, my sweet."
I am far from sweet.
The cringe in his voice tore my insides apart and I couldn't just lay silent anymore. I had to speak or if I didn't obey, I would probably be beaten or worse, die.
I used the bars beside me to help me up, and I was shaking, due to me being so weak, but I finally got up on my feet.
I wish I didn't have a tongue right now. Seriously. Yet, I can't help but feel helpless when he speaks.
I didn't hesitate and totally told him straight how it should be.
"I would like to ask you to release me at once! You have no right to keep me locked up, you filthy pervert." I spat.
He curled his tongue and came closer to the cage, opened it with breeze and swiftly grabbed me by my neck.
He was fast, too fast.
My muscles tensed, my body quivered, and I gulped.
Did I just gulp? I am stronger than that, I swear, but not in this moment. I wonder if he is going to kill me.
He smelt like a burning wood fire and the look in his eyes felt like daggers going through mine.
"Let me think, I could always tear the flesh off of your sister who is in the other room and eat her for dinner." He said, while licking his lips.
My sister? What? How does he have my sister!? She cannot be here, this is inside my head! Wait? How the fuck does he know I have a sister? Who the fuck is this guy? Tear the flesh? What? Is he like some kind of animal or something?
"I don't know who you think you are, but no human can just tear of the flesh of another, and even if it was humanly possible I wouldn't let you get anywhere near my sister—"
He gripped my neck tighter and bared his teeth, and I choked,
"Yet, since I don't have the upper hand here, I'll do anything you want, just leave my sister alone."
I wont let him get close enough to touch her. Ever! I'll let him believe what he wants.
"Yes, your sister. She'll be a great appetizer. Her heart beats much slower than ours, but a human is a delicasy where I am from." He licked his lips again and smiled a devilish grin.
What is he going on about? He won't ever get his hands on my sister, not if ai have anything to say about it!
"I beg of you, please don't harm my sister, she's too young to die. I promise I'll do anything, please!" I pleaded.
Yet... Wondering what he meant when he said 'like ours.' I am human, as a human can get.
"I don't know, humans are quite tasty, but I do love it when you beg. So, you promise on your sister's life?" His eye-brow raised waiting for my reply.
Human? What the hell? Is he an alien. I mean who says that shit? Honestly, and at this point I am going to say anything to get this guy to think what he wants to hear.
"YES! I promise to do anything, in exchange that my sister is well protected and unharmed!" I sternly remarked.
Anything? Yeah right. He ain't having either of us. I'll guaranteed you that.
"If you want Serenity to live, then you must become my queen and you must obey everything I ask of you." He sneered.
He knows her name, although, he knew my name too. What is going on? Who does he think he is!?
"Yes, I promise to be your queen." I said weakly, knowing my inevitable fate.
Pft, in your dreams pal, I am no ones Queen. This is one fucked up nightmare, that is all. When I wake up, everything will be just the way it was.
"Haha, you're mine forever, there's no escape!" His smile was ear to ear and it made me very uncomfortable.
He grabbed my slip from the top and pulled it down ever so slowly, close to revealing my breasts. I cringed and tried to look away, but with his other hand he grabbed my face, so, I couldn't squirm.
For the love of god, can I wake up now!
Just before my breasts were fully exposed, he pulled away.
"I just wanted to tease you. I love when you are afraid, it makes you look so innocent and it's very pleasing to my eyes." He mentions, as he bites his lips.
You are damn lucky I am too weak to kick your ass, or you'd be pummelled to the ground!
He pushed me back up against the wall and I winced in pain. He walked out of my cell, locked it, and climbed the stairs to the door and gave me one more remark,
"You'll soon be mine and your sister will be -" Then he closed the door behind him leaving me to ponder in what he would have finished saying and quite suddenly everything faded around me.
Wait. My sister will be what??
Everything whooshed away.