Abruptly, I awoke from my slumber and sat up in terror.
Goosebumps were appearing all over my skin and I slowly eased back down onto my pillows. Who was that man? He literally could have choked me to death, but yet, he was so interested in eating my sister because she was human!
Human, what in the world, who says that? Well, no matter, if was just a nightmare and I got to shake it off.
I was about to put the covers back over me, but I needed to pee... but I didn't want to get up.
As I laid there looking up at the ceiling; still having to pee, mind you, all I can think about is, it was the same nightmare as the night before. Although , this time there was him. Tall, dark and sinister. The fact that he knew me was disturbing, but to know my sister as well, that just can't be true!? I mean it was only a nightmare right?
Fuck me.
I wish I could stop these nightmares from occurring, but each night they seem to get more real, and it's nearly impossible to think of other things, as if this nightmare has me on a time loop, or something.
I finally decided to get up to pee, I couldn't hold it any longer.
As I got up from bed, I peered over to my clock on my desk, 1:03am.
That's it?
Wow, is it only 1 AM in morning? It sure felt like ai was in the nightmare all night long. I then curried down the hall to the bathroom.
It was pitch-black and visibility was slim to none, but I managed to find my way to the bathroom. I flicked the switch on, a strange, glowing man appeared in my mirror and I jumped back in disbelief.
Almost slamming my back on the bar that towels hang of from, I had to catch my breath. Trying not to wake up my sister who was right across from the bathroom, I called out,
"Who are you?" as I eyeballed everywhere in my bathroom, thinking he was an intruder who broke into the house.
If I hadn't been stuck in my nightmare, I would have known someone broke in, great, I let my fricken guard down. He could have easily taken Serenity.
"I am no intruder, believe me, if I was I wouldn't be hiding in your bathroom. The voice was soft; still eerie though.
Just what I need right now... this is not my night. I mean come on... give me a break, I was just in a horrific nightmare and now ai wake up to find a strange man appearing on my bathroom mirror.
I got closer to where the voice was coming from and to my surprise, it was coming from the mirror!
How can it be though? It's literally just a mirror, I think my parents got it from Amazon, so, how can it be speaking to me.
I kept a slight distance from the mirror and asked another question,
"Who, or shall I say, what are you and how did you get inside my mirror?" Thinking this night couldn't get any more worse.
How in the world is he in my mirror? Or, could he be the mirror itself? I have to stay strong for both mine and Serenity's sake. I promised mom and dad I would never let my guard down. I am the oldest sibling, so I have to take care of both of us.
"Crystal, I know who you really are, but knowing who I am will have to wait." He was surprisingly reassuring, and very direct.
"Wait? How-how did you know my name? What do you mean, you know who I am? I am just me; plain-jane ordinary." I breathed heavily and under stress, as I still couldn't believe my eyes.
I am just me, what does he mean; he knows who I am. I have to be dreaming again.... I dreamt I went to the bathroom, that's it!
He spoke again,
"I know what you are probably thinking, that this cannot be real, that this is another dream like the one before? Yet, this is no dream Crystal. I am very real and you and your younger sister are in grave danger." His tone was cold and alarming.
Us in danger? Hmp, as if! I have everything under control, besides... how does he know that I just woke from my nightmare?
"You know about the dream; well, technically the nightmare I was having? I am just going to tell you straight up, that my sister and I are safe and nightmares aren't real. They are made up from your mind being active while you sleep." I said confidently.
It's only a nightmare, nothing more. Who is he to tell me what's real or not?!
He looks at me with a face that has seen things I could never imagine. It was a painful look, a scared look and I didn't even want to know.
"Tell me this, have you ever wondered why you can sense things while no body else can? Or felt warmer in the cold needing nothing to cover yourself up?" His right eye brow raised, waiting for my reply.
He knows too much, yet, the things he mentions are mainly true, I barely know myself, but who is this guy?
"Well... Sure! I am different, but doesn't mean anything special though." I retorted.
What if he was the other guy in my nightmare? What if he's a henchman, or a brother? I don't know, but do I dare to find out?
The mysterious man in the mirror disappeared quite suddenly and I questioned,
"Wait, you never told me who you were?" I sighed.
Come on, give me a break, it's one thing to see your reflection, it's another to see someone else looking back at you!
I then hear a faint whisper coming from down the hall.
"Crystal? Who are you talking to? I heard voices and I got scared. Are you having that nightmare again?"
I smiled slightly, when I heard it was my 15 -year- old sister. She was everything I had left after our parents died and I sworn to protect her.
"Serenity, I was talking to myself. No one was here except me and my darn reflection. Now, get back to bed missy, we have a long day tomorrow." I whispered softly back to her.
I want to tell you, but it's for your own good.
I don't want her to know about the man in the mirror or the reoccurring nightmare. I feel guilty not telling her; as we do share most things with each other, but her being worried is not what I need right now. Especially, the stress and grieving of the death of our parents two years ago, she doesn't need this too.
I walked her back into her bedroom, tucked her into bed and kissed her good night.
"Sweet dreams, I'll see you in the morning." I said and walked back to the door. I stood there waiting for her to close her eyes.
Beautiful and elegant just like our mother was. She is the spitting image of our mother, with sun-like hair, and ocean blue eyes and I am the odd one out of the family. I get my auburn hair from my father, but both my eyes are different colours. My left is ice-blue and my right is honey-brown.
"You too Crystal. I love you." She said sleepily.
"I love you too, now go to sleep." I replied.
I see so much of mother and father in you Serenity. You will make them proud someday! I just know it.
Just as I was about to close the door my sister threw back the covers and said,
I opened the door and answered,
"I-I miss mom and dad. I wish they were here. Sure, I have you sis, but it's so empty without them here. Ya know?"
I sighed and came back into her room and knelt by her bed and hugged her tightly.
Without mom and dad here, she's been this way every day. Her eyes used to sparkle and her smile could light up the room. She will never be the same again.
It will never be the same. Ever.
"Me too. Never forget they are here in our hearts, they would be so proud of you for not giving up. You're a smart young lady Serenity. You'll finish your schooling and get into a great college. Mom and Dad will be always be with you. " I whispered as I pointed to her heart.
I will find who killed out parents, and we will get closure Serenity, I'll try to get to the bottom of things. Mark my words.
Once she laid back down and closed her eyes, I closed the door and headed to my room to fall asleep, but in the corner of my eye. I noticed something strange by my parents room.
I shrugged it off, thinking it was my eyes adjusting to the dark and what not, perhaps I am just seeing things.
Haha. Good one Crystal.
I walked back to my room and once I laid my head on my pillows, I fell asleep.