The ending of Tangled, always gets me. Like you wonder why it's happy and there's never a cliffhanger or more to the story line? Couldn't Disney bring in something to leave us questioning if something more is yet to come. I know they have done that to Toy Story and Cars and a few others, but it would be nice for this one. Maybe it's because I am being bias, as this is my favourite Disney princess movie, but still.
"I just love that movie, I am so happy that Flyn changed his thieving ways and married the long, lost princess." Serenity beamed.
"Yeah, haha, you mean, Eugene, but yes, the story is pretty cute; it'll never get old, that's for sure. That's why it will always be my favorite movie." I answered.
Even though, how cool would it be if they made a sequel? That's just it, who knows?
The door-bell rang and Serenity got up, but I motioned her that I would answer it and she sat back down, scrolling the other movie titles. She rolled her eyes, and sighed.
Finally, the Chinese food has arrived. I can't wait to chow down, since we haven't had this for months and just before reaching the door, I looked back at Serenity,
"Get the plates ready, would you?"
"Aweh, I just sat back down, but alright, I guess I can do that. Paper plates or the normal ones?" Serenity sighed again.
"Paper plates, so that way we don't have to worry about cleaning up," and I opened the door and there stood a handsome blonde-haired boy, carrying the delivery bag.
He was Caucasian, raggedy and green-eyed and did I forget to mention, smelt so fucking good. Not the aroma of Chinese food, but a cologne I have not smelt before.
I glanced at my watch on my left wrist and he was on time. Like on the dot; 5:30. Our last time we ordered the other guy was really late, and our food was cold.
"Uhm, is this the right order miss?" He stared deeply into my eyes as he grabbed into the bag I was so fixated on his eyes and weirdly enough, it seemed like they were taking some sort of effect on me.
"Hi, - yes, sorry, thank you! What would you like for your tip." I replied with a higher voice than usual.
What am I doing? I've seen a lot of guys in my time, why is this one making me so jittery? My body feels all numb, which is in no way normal.
"I mean, if you want, you can be my tip? Haha, I am just kidding. I do not need anything." He said, while he showed his pearly white smile.
"Hah, smooth, but right now I am not really interested in dating at the moment." I snorted.
"That is too bad, well, go ahead and take it Miss." He passed the food over to me and smiled.
Serenity asked what was taking so long and I shh'd her to sit down and wait for me.
"Just you and your sister tonight, or is the whole fam coming over?" He calmly asked.
"Uhm, what an odd question, but the family may come tonight, I have invited them over, that is why i ordered extra just in case"
I had to lie, in no way was I giving a complete stranger information that it was just me and my sister.
Serenity stuck up her nose and I could hear another damn sigh under her breath, she is impatient as ever, really remind me of how our mother used to be.
I looked back at the boy, but he was gone. Poof, just like that, no car in sight; nothing. Just vanished. I closed the door and headed to the living room, where Serenity had the plates and everything set up on our coffee-table.
He was super sweet, but, what was that all about? Shucks though, because I wanted to know his name.
My sister looked over at me and rolled her eyes; made her way over to grab the food and then placed it on the table.
"Crystal, honestly you and guys, it's so pathetic. The way you were oogling him right now, it was a very sad sight too see. Like come on, he's probably not even your type anyways."
"Maybe he was." I smiled at her.
Heck, why am I even fretting over this guy.
She shook her head and grabbed some food and began to eat and I grabbed some food and ate alongside her. There was an abundance of ginger-beef because I was a sucker for it and Serenity did not like anything too spicy. that is where I reminded myself of our Father, he loved ginger-beef and was always in thought. I sure miss them both.
We were flipping through Netflix and couldn't really decide on anything, so we just decided to put on some music for the background noise. We sat in silence for a few minutes until Serenity spoke,
"Crystal, I was just thinking, since your graduating this year, have you thought of what dress you'll wear and/or know what you plan to do afterwards? I know it won't be the same without mom and dad, but at least you have me, we could go dress shopping together.
Right, graduation. It's still processing in my mind that I am finally graduating. I keep forgetting, due to everything that has happened in these past few years.
"Well, I haven't really thought about graduation and frankly, I have no clue what I want to wear. I have been focusing more on you, as well as, mom and dad's death still needs getting solved. I think that's a good start, then I won't have to worry about my studies, since I'll be out of school and all. Yet, perhaps, us going dress shopping wouldn't be a bad thing. who knows, it might just be what we need."
"Oh," Serenity replied, looking down at her scraps of food that was on her plate and then she continued,
"Mom and dad. Do-do you think you'll actually be able to solve their murder?"
Mom and dad were wealthy and they wanted us to have good futures, so they put money aside for university for me and my sister. Yet, once they died, I used my university money to keep Serenity in school and further her education afterwards, that way she could have a better future. I didn't care about the money or university to be completely honest. My dream was always being private investigator. You rarely needed any school I am not too worried about university though, I can always apply later in my life. Right now, I just got to be there for my sister and find more evidence leading to my parents death.
We were finishing up our food, there was still lots left over, which i planned for, since we could have left-overs the following day, and not having to worry what to have. Made my life easier, since If I am being honest, I was never really a great cook, like mom was.
I cleared the table and I replied,
"I am confident I will. I know a guy at the station, who might help me get into the archives and like I said before, I got also private detectives out there that are helping me as much as they can. No matter what, I will get to the bottom of it. Mom and dad meant the world to us, they taught us so much, and we were such a happy family. More than anything, we want some closure and we will. I promise you Serenity."
"Hmm, okay, thank you. Well, anyways, I have a few assignments that are due this Friday, therefore I think I am going to get an early start on them." Serenity ended the conversation and left the table quietly, as she headed to the stairs.
"Serenity, Don't worry, everything will be okay." I reassured her.
I can only hope.
She turned her head facing back at me, nodded and proceed up the spiral staircase.
I put everything away in containers and into the fridge they went, and as for the paper plates and all the packaging they went into the garbage. The cleanup was so easy, glad I suggested paper plates. I was not opposed to doing dishes, but due to the day we had, I just wanted to quick cleanup and not have to worry about unloading the dishes tomorrow morning.
I went to the bathroom to wash up and the warm water rushing, felt so good as it touched my face. I rubbed my eyes and face with a towel and as I looked back at myself in the mirror, I did not see my reflection. It was a guy.
There is a man in the mirror.
I flinched and threw myself backwards to the wall, basically hurting myself, is this for real?
His ocean-blue eyes pierced me like a knife. I couldn't move, I was frozen.