
You!" I was holding my heart as it was pounding outside of my chest.

I was able to find my voice and without my sister hearing me I asked,

what do you want from me and my sister?"

"Crystal, where is Serenity?" He dismissed my question and asked a question.

How absurd! Why is he asking for Serenity? All I know is he is a threat.

"She's around, but I will not tell you anything else. Why do you want to know about my sister?" I asked in suspicion.

"Good, cause I have something really important to tell you and I rather her not know, for now." He answered in a concerning tone.

What is good about this situation. There is a man in the mirror.

"Like what? No, let me guess, telling us we're in danger or what not? Well, I am going to stop you therebecause, everything is fine." I breathed.

Like what is up with this mysterious guy anyway. Ugh!

"Then tell me about the death of your beloved teacher, huh? Do you think that was just coincidence? That he was just like that this morning? No, they were luring you in, they know your weakness." He replied.

"Luring me? My weakness? Wait... how did you know about my teacher?" I questioned in a harsh tone.

How in the hell does he know about what happened earlier today? In any case he might be the one who attacked my teacher, he's the one I have to get rid of. I just don't know how?

Before he was able to respond to me, I blurted out,

"You are the culprit! You butchered my teacher, you're the one I should be worried about! Leave me and my sister alone and never show your face again. Like seriously, get out of my mirror!" I slammed my fists against the sink counter.

I actually thought I had slammed too hard and hurt myself; I flinched, but strangely enough I wasn't in any pain.

How odd.

He gave me a stern look and continued,

"Don't assume shit. You don't know anything. I am far from the 'bad guy,' actually you should be cautious around pretty boy and to stay away from him." He hissed.

Pretty boy? 

Is he referring to the boy who came with the Chinese. Haha, as if, I bet he couldn't hurt a fly and I answered,

"You spying on us now!? What the fuck? Besides, that boy is not dangerous, he seemed so lovely. Besides how can I trust you, if you don't even tell me why you're here spying on us?" 

He smirked, as if he was winning this conversation and replied,

"Do you remember your nightmare and seeing two figures? Well, the other one was that "pretty" boy. He was ordered to kill your teacher and instructed to get close to you."

Holy shit.

How in the world could he know what was going on in my nightmare? If he knew everything that happened in my nightmare how can I decipher if he's one of them or not. I mean come on, he knows so much of me and my sister, plus my nightmare and those around me. It's common sense.

"Show me that you're not one of them, because you seem to know a lot about me and my sister." I sternly said.

"Sigh, I can't yet, but for me, will you stay away from that boy? Whatever you do, don't find out who he is and if he comes to your house again do not open the door. You and your sister are not safe anymore and I am trying to find a way to help you. You don't have a choice, from now on, you have to listen to me carefully. Do you understand?" His tone became dark, just a little.

I'll do what I want, it's not like he's my dad, yet, he really sounds serious about everything.

"Crystal, please promise you won't open the door, not for anyone." He looked at me with those ice blue eyes.

"Okay-okay, I promise." I rolled my eyes and tried not to get hooked by his stare.

It's like his eyes were sucking me in and I don't understand this ominous feeling. I don't even know if I should trust in, but some part of me feels like I should.

He was fading, and he said,

"I got to go for now, just make sure whatever you do, you don't attract attention to yourself or your sister. Also, do not accept any more things from that boy or have anything to do with him, do you understand?" 

Hmph, as if I'll listen to some man that strangely appears in my bathroom mirrors, but a part of me feels like I actually should.

"I would, if you would tell me who you are." I slyly said.

He stares at me with smirk and vanishes.

Oh my god, all I want to know is, who the heck he is. Is that too much to ask? Apparently so. Like jeez. He's definitely a character and it bugs the hell out of me.

I was finally able to calm down, so Serenity wouldn't notice anything happened, and just as I was able to let out a sigh of relief, Serenity yelled from upstairs.

"Crystal! Come quick!" 

My heart raced, what could have happened in these last few minutes. She sounds distressed and my god, I climbed up the stairs if life depended on it and went straight into her bedroom.

She then started to laugh,

"Sis, you're so over-protective, it's kinda funny. Like, come on, look at you, rushing up here and all, thinking I was in any danger, I am-" Her voice trickled off and she toppled off her bed and I reached out for her and caught her before she fell to the floor. She was just fine a second ago; she was laughing and now, in my arms limp and her body temperature as gone cold. Her heart beat was faint, but she was still breathing and I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and called our private doctor.

We never call 911, usually, most people do, but our parents never trusted hospitals and those who worked there. So, for the longest of time, practically since I have been born and then my sister, we only had a family doctor who would come to our aid.

"Doc, we have a situation, something has happened to my sister and we need medical assistance right away. Please, come as quick as you can." 

"I'll be there shortly." He said, on the other side.

In no time our doctor arrived, I opened the door and let him straight up to my sister's room. I had laid her on her bed and now she was burning up, I did mention she was cold at the time it happened and he asked me for wet cloths and he checked her pulse and it was still faint.

"Will she be okay? What' wrong with her?" I questioned in a worried voice.

"My diagnosis of the situation is she has been in contact with some sort of poison and I am trying to decipher which type. It's a lengthy process determining which poison it is, especially if it's a new substance."

"POISON?! There's no way she could have got it today." I was furious.

"May I ask what she could have done to be in contact of poison?"

"Not getting into full details of the day we had today, in short, we got sent home early, and we stopped to grab ice-cream, and then later on this evening having Chinese food. I don't want to believe any of these things would have poisoned her to this extent."

"Hmm, I see." He answered.

Our doctor has been in my family for generations; mom and dad always said, Doctor Serantro was the only doctor we could trust. Although, to be honest he doesn't seem a day over 30, but that's not my area of expertise to figure how he looks still great. All I know is, I trust my parents. There word is better than anyone else. That is why we never went to any doctors outside our home. If we ever got ill, our parents would call on our Doctor to come. He'd always give me and my sister treats before he left, ah, good times.

"Crystal, I am afraid your sister is in a deep coma. This is her body fighting the poison, but I am afraid, it doesn't look good at all. Doctor Serantro said, as he examined my sister more thoroughly.

"You'll be able to help her, won't you?" As, I held her hand and began tearing up.

How in the hell could this have happened and why?