Oh no, not again!
I seriously can't fucking stand any more of these outrageous, nightmares. Like, can he not give me a break? At least give me a breather because, I am dying here. I literally just got out of that retched hell whole, and I was in the middle of conversing with Elliot about everything.
The air felt different, more calm, and the smell of a waste dump was non existent and in that moment, I realized the surrounding area was not what I was familiar with. No locked cell and no chains. So, if it's not the cellar, where is here exactly? I glanced in every direction and I was standing in the middle of a forest, nothing like I have ever seen. Spruce tress reaching high into the sky, weird glowing flowers surrounding the ground, along with bright, colorful mushrooms. This forest, it went on for miles, and I couldn't see an end.
I began travelling deeper inside the forest, wondering why I was here, could this be 'his' forest, but why would he bring me here? That, and why isn't he here then with me, trying to tell me, how i am going to be his queen? Yeah right, like that will ever happen.
Then someone called out to me,
"Crystal? Is that you?"
That voice. I know that voice. It was crystal-clear; no pun intended, could it be?
I quickly turned around and low and behold it was, Serenity, my younger sister.
is this for real?
"Serenity! OMG! I am so thankful you are here, but where did they take you? Actually, better question, where the heck are we?" I kind of squealed in joy, once knowing I was seeing my sister, somehow.
She glanced at me with a confused look.
"I am not quite sure where I am, all I know is my body is in a room. There are lot of hospital equipment around me, yet, I don't feel I am in a normal hospital. What's going on Crystal, why are we in a forest, but my body is in a room?" She asked in a worried voice.
Oddly enough this made no sense to me, then it did for her. Yet, I am just excited that I am seeing her, even if this isn't real.
One thing is for sure, when she mentioned she was in a room filled with hospital equipment, I only had a hunch, that she is safe, and they are keeping her alive. It's not bad, but not good either. So then, whatever this is, must be some sort of telepathy, or some type of magic that lets us communicate with each other. I do not have all the answers, but I am happy she is not dead.
"Serenity, this is going to sound absurd and unorthodox to you, but I think you and I are connected through telepathy. I think our bond as sisters have brought us together, here in this forest, or realm, or whatever you would like to call it. I do not know how, but it's most likely. Basically, in reality I was somewhere else and then 'poof' here I am, same goes for you. So, I am not exactly sure what's going on, but I am here now and that is all what matters." I tried to be a smart-aleck.
Serenity started laughing, she probably thought I had finally lost it. I mean, she isn't wrong, I am bonkers, like totally crazy, but, that's usually when I hung out with the guys from school. Bad idea I know, but what can I say, I don't mind being a rebel once in a while.
"Crystal, you are pulling my leg. No way can we be connected. We don't have special powers, this is just some weird messed up dream, where we are both in the same dream together. That's all. Right?"
I wish that were only true.
"Well, about that..."
"What do you mean, you cannot be serious, right?"
I raised my eyebrow and took a look around the surrounding area. This place was unbelievably breath-taking. This wasn't just any ordinary forest, there were so much life within it. I could sense it all, which was strange to me, but the question that still remained was, why are we here?
"You have no idea what I know Serenity, what I have witnessed and felt in the last few hours, absolutely unreal. I wish to tell you everything, but this is not the time, nor place."
There has to be a reason? Where have I seen this place? Maybe in a childhood book? I mean, I did use to read many books to my sister when we were growing up. Hmm, this place seems faintly familiar, but how can that be?
"Crystal, I am frightened, this guy, he is really evil."
I almost broke my neck, while I spun around so fast, and grabbed onto both of her shoulders.
"Wait?" I paused for two seconds and continued,
"Who is it, Serenity? Who?" I asked, knowing full well who she was speaking of.
"I know I am tough, but it feels like he sucks every ounce of happiness out of everything and everyone, including me. I am so scared Crystal!"
"Serenity, please, you have to tell me who is he?" I was worried and anxious.
"Sis, he wants you. He wants you so badly. Actually, he doesn't just want you, he wants to own you and everything that you are! He talks like he has you already, and it frightens me."
"Serenity, for the last time, please, do you know his name or not?" I shook her vigorously.
It was silent for a moment; she looked at me with her sky-blue eyes and spoke softly,
"I overheard the delivery boy say, 'Bring her to our boss, Shayde Howler, he will be most pleased. Also, I told you all along that, 'delivery boy' was bad news!"
For Fuck Sakes.
"That stupid Delivery boy! His name was Damon and to think I actually thought he was kind of hot. Anyways, the guy you are referring to, his name is, Shayde Howler huh? I have a score to settle with that guy and to get you back! I promise."
I finally know his god-damn name.
Serenity starred at me for a moment, tilting her head in confusion as she questioned,
"Crystal, do you know him?"
Then her mood dropped and turned frightened,
"Crystal, I hear people in the room, there are people here."
She started to panic.
"Serenity calm down, please, they'll suspect something's up, if your blood pressure gets to high. remain calm. Whatever you do, do not wake up Serenity.
"Wait? What? Crystal, what are you talking about?" She totally blew up at me.
"You were badly poisoned, but rest assured, nothing is going to happen to you. I am going to save you! I promise!"
"Crystal -"
All of a sudden, I was pulled out of the connection and back in Elliot's house.
More like his bed; in his room.
I looked up to see him on an arm chair asleep. He looked very cute, if I say so myself, but this was no time for being cheerful and giddy, or whatever.
The bed began to creak, as I was trying to get out of it and Elliot jolted awake.
Shit. Haha.
"Crystal?! Oh thank god you're okay! I got extremely worried. You just fell to floor and I had no idea what happened. I tried waking you up, but it was no use. Therefore, I picked you up and laid you on the bed, it's been a few hours since you fell unconscious."
"At least it hasn't been three days, but jokes aside, I am a bit confused at the moment and just need to grad a hold of my bearings."
I don't know if I should share my little secret with Elliot, that me and my sister have this bond of some sort. I don't trust Elliot to the full extent yet, so, best if this stayed between me and my sister.
"Elliot, I'll be alright. I think? I probably needed rest due to everything that has happened within these past few days. My sister has been taken, my teacher is dead and I just recently found out I am not exactly, human. I am now known to be a half fairy/ half werewolf. It's just a lot to take in and I am guessing that is why I passed out. Thank you for being so kind and worried about me, but you didn't have to watch over me."
I am not a child.
"Crystal, I wanted to watch over you. You're special."
"Are you flirting with me, at a time like this?"
"Truthfully, I admit, the first time I laid my eyes upon your beautiful eyes, I knew I couldn't resist and you know, speaking of which, at first I was not going to reach out to you that one night. Although, the only reason that I did is because, I got this letter by an anonymous sender."
He's absolutely ridiculous, I just can't put my finger on why he would be so interested, then it clicked.
"A letter, but from who?" I stammered.
For now, get some rest, and I will tell you all about it tomorrow evening, after dinner."