Nightmare 4 (Cont.)

All of a sudden I see my sister. 

She is in a bed, hooked up to machines, needles and tubes running along her entire body. There is a masked man with a big syringe waiting near her and by the looks of it, it was a lethal substance.

"All I have to do is give the word, and she dies. I don't think you want to risk it all and get your sister killed, do you now?"

"You're bluffing!" I said, as I clenched my teeth from the excruciating pain Shayde was inflicting on me. 

"Oh, I'm not really," and he says, 'do it' and the masked man begin to slowly inject my sister.

"STOP, STOP! Please, okay, I'll tell you, just leave my sister out of this."

'Enough' he called out and then told me to proceed,

"It's a scarf given to me from a man named, Elliot." I stated.

I wish I didn't have to mention Elliot's name, but I was literally backed into a corner with this one.

Shayde's surprised look, now turned into a big devilish grin.

Why is he smiling like that? What has changed his mood? It's as if he knows who I got this scarf from. But, that is impossible, I mean, he can't really know Elliot, can he?

"Crystal, my darling. Do you have any idea how happy this makes me feel? How incredibly over joyed about these turns of events? I mean, holy fuck balls! I'd be damned if I were in your shoes right now, Crystal. Do you know this changes everything, baby? Yahoo!"

He's a fucking creep. What the hell do you suppose he's going on about. Did I just  screw myself over.

"I'm going to wish I never asked this, but why are you overjoyed, who is Elliot to you?" I said in disgust.

"Haha, god, this is too good, baby. You, know, haha, it could have been anyone else, but you just had to stumble upon, Elliot."

Out with it already! Who is Elliot to you!" I cried.

"My sweet Crystal, Elliot is my brother."

Yep, I am screwed.

I glanced up at him with wide, teary eyes and began to clench my fists with outrage, and he begins to tussle my hair.

This is totally bullshit. I ain't buying this. No way. No fucking way, did I hear that right? Elliot is Shayde's brother? He can't be, I won't believe Shayde's lies!

"You are lying! Why should I even believe a word you tell me?! I scolded.

He snarled and pulled my hair, dragging me to the cement ground, onto my knees.

"I do not tolerate that attitude towards me Crystal and mark my words, if you shout out again I will push deeper into your wound, most likely causing you to lose blood. Now, I seriously doubt you would like that."

At this point, my tears just flooded my eyes, they were never ending. I felt so weak, so helpless, and although, him pulling my hair hurt like a bitch, I laid on my knees no resisting to get back up. Although, before I could get a word in, he cut me off by continuing,

"Besides, have I ever lied to you my love?"

I didn't answer. How could I? He hasn't lied to me; that I know of.

"That's what I thought. Oh Crystal, just think how much you'll love spending eternity with me. It will be absolutely glorious, you can have all the riches, palaces, silks, things you want, and ruling by my side."

Eternity with you? I'd rather die.

"First of all, I am not your love, your sweet, your anything. Second of all, aren't I already being punished? You invade my mind, as if I am just your puppet. You have me locked up for fuck sales and lastly, there is in no hell that I will enjoy my time with you, ever!"


My left cheek became flushed and throbbed like a bitch. My face burned and I whimpered in agony. He then pulled the chain and yanked me on top of his lap, I tried to resist, this time, but I was too concentrated on my throbbing face. and my leg wound that was now starting to soak the scarf with my blood.

I feel so weak, I think I am going to throw up, but I can't.

"I did warn you Crystal, but you disobeyed me," and pushed onto my wound.

I screamed and at that moment, I didn't care about my face any longer. I couldn't move either because he was holding me tightly on his lap, while his other hand was on my wound.

"I can feel your weakness traveling along your body. How you quiver at the sight of even you own blood. How delicious you smell, and he kisses my neck again.

If it wasn't already bad enough. 

"It might not be the real thing, but it is a warning and if I might add; you look so beautiful when you cry. It makes you look so sweet and innocent."

I want this to stop.

I was exhausted, like the energy was being sucked out of me. Elliot was right, Shayde is getting stronger, but to think I got played by Elliot. I mean, he knew everything, down to the single detail and I don't want to believe it, but honestly all the pieces seemed to be adding up now. How can I be so stupid to let myself be manipulated like that, I know I deserve this though, it was my own god damn emotions that got me into this mess in the first place.

"Please let me go. I'm begging you. Please. It's bad enough as it is that you captured my sister, but being on your lap, it's repungnant!" I pleaded to Shayde, as tears were continuously falling down my face. 

He smiled,  as he replied,

"I don't see anything wrong here and you'll have to get used to this. Remember? If you want your precious sister not to die. You'll be my Queen and do as I wish. Do I make myself clear?"

Every time I tried moving away from him, the bulge underneath me got more harder and more defined.

"You know, escaping me right now is futile, and the more you struggle, and try to resist, I'll only tighten the grip I have on you."

Ew, I wish I wasn't on his boner right now. This is disgusting!

"If Elliot is your brother and Celia is your sister, why aren't you all together? How come they aren't with you, I mean you're family after all? Am I right?." I answered, disregarding everything he just said.

"If you are questioning whether or not we are blood related look here, but other than that, I had better things to do then to be around them."

He pointed to his left-upper arm, and that's when I saw it. It was a tattoo of a werewolf crest.

"Look familiar to you?" He asked, as he came in to kiss my neck.

I wish I could get out of this hell hole.

I gazed up trying to remember where I have seen that crest. It was a brief occurrence, but I do remember now. Elliot had something similar on his right arm. Yet, I was still pretty out of it myself, that I wasn't too sure if it was the exact same or not.

"Yes. I didn't think of it as anything special, but I do recall seeing something similar to that tattoo placed on Elliot's right arm." I replied.


"Don't worry Crystal, I'll be giving my dear old brother and bratty sister a visit shortly. A visit to him is long over due and when I arrive, I do hope to see you there." As he runs his hands on my face, wiping my tears. 

I couldn't get away, his hold on me was too strong, all I could do, was to just let it happen.

Elliot is my enemy? How could he! I thought he was on my side and now I find out this guy is not only the one who captured my sister, but his brother as well! When I am no longer in Shayde's spell, I got to escape from Elliot. I have to run as far as I can! I need to WAKE THE FUCK UP!

"I seriously doubt you'll make it in time. What if I escape? I am pretty keen on that, as you have noticed me slipping away from your men that night."

"Then not only will your sister die, but you won't be ale to say goodbye to her either. It's your choice, yet, that's kind of cruel, wouldn't you think?"

He loves to toy around with my emotions as always.

"You bastard, using my sister as bait to lure me in! You are sick, you know that right?"

"You know what? I'll let that slide for right now. Just know you will be taught better manners while you're my Queen, I will not stand for your insolence. "

He finally released me from his lap and backed me up against the wall. He then kissed my lips, they were cold, yet my lips felt as if they were on fire. His kiss felt like an eternity and then he backed away and walked to the entrance of my cell.

He licks his lips; tasting remnants of mine, and he sighed,

"How dare Elliot find you and not tell me. I am so angry, but, yet, happy, that if anyone in this world could be with you, it was him. He thinks he can have you all to himself, well, he'll soon find out what happens when he screws with my plans."

"You're serious? You're going to pay your family a visit?" I called out, hoping that he would rethink his choice.

"Yes, I think it's about time I do." He opened the cell, then locked it behind him.

I am damned.

He blew me a kiss, then snapped his fingers and everything went fuzzy.

I blacked out.