I opened my eyes and I was back in Elliot's room. I wasn't alone though, both Elliot and Celia were asleep on the chairs that were seated on either side of the bed.
Shit. How am I going to escape...
I slowly made my way to the edge of the bed, remembering that it creaks from before and I stopped to make sure I am not making too much noise. Finally, I get both my feet on the ground and just as I was about to head for the door, I heard a loud thud coming from outside.
Wait, no fucking way! There is no way that Shayde was already here?
Elliot stumbled awake and so did his sister. He was shocked that I was finally present with them, but concerned about what made the noise.
"Crystal, thank god you are okay!" Celia commented.
Me? Okay? Fuck no. I am not okay. Not until I get the fuck out of here.
I glare at Elliot and basically with what little strength I had, I snapped at him,
"Elliot, thanks a lot for lying to me. You sure know how to be very convincing and you might not be with your Brother, but you sure as hell are keeping too many secrets from me. Fuck, you might as well be your brother's accomplice."
I just don't understand why he did this?
Anger boiled throughout my entire body. Elliot was stunned, and Celia too, although, she was young and not really able to do much about the situation, yet, she knew she had another brother though and she could have told me. So, therefore, as much as I do not want to admit it, she is much to blame for this as well.
My blood was oozing now down my leg and I tried to not focus my attention on it. The smell was infuriating and my stomach was turning.
I got to calm down.
The door downstairs blew open and pieces flew in every direction and I felt his presence. I could not believe it took him a short amount of time to get here. Elliot seemed confused and alarmed when he heard the downstairs door burst into pieces.
"what is going on?" He yelled out.
Really? Isn't it obvious, someone is intruding your place.
He looked at his sister and she ran to his side.
"Crystal, what are you talking about? How do you know I have a brother and what do you mean about being my brother's accomplice?"
"Well, it looks like you can ask him yourself. Since your house is basically being destroyed by none other than your Brother, Shayde Howler himself."
Suddenly, the door of the room opened and all the hair at the back of my neck stood up. This was for real now, no more locked cellar, no more darkness, it was like a nightmare had turned into reality. He was here in the flesh. A tall man, with jet, black hair, beefy arms, and tattoos everywhere. His green eyes shot in my direction and he grinned, ear to ear.
"I found you, my sweet, beloved Crystal, you're mine at last."
He was accompanied by his elite team, and that smile on his face was, oh so familiar.
He is not just a nightmare in my mind, but a real man or more like monster that I desperately want to kill.
Elliot stood in front of me and his sister.
"Shayde..." Elliot hissed.
Shayde nodded and looked at Elliot and Celia.
"Hello dear brother and sister. Long time no see and may I add that I am truly intrigued. I would never have guessed that my own brother would have betrayed me and kept Crystal all for himself. You used that retched mirror spell didn't you?"
Elliot's face went white, and asked,
"How did you know about the Mirror?"
"Easy, I knew of someone who could do the same spell, she was very dear to me. How else would I know. The fact that you used it, hurts my feelings greatly." Shayde scoffed.
"Well, that doesn't matter now, I have found Crystal and by keeping her hidden from me, I am punishing you to be executed."
Celia pleaded as she went over and grabbed Shayde's hand,
"No! Not brother! Please Shayde, do not kill our brother."
Shayde looked down at Celia and raised his hand.
Celia fell to the floor in shock and in a few minutes started bawling her eyes out.
I went over to Celia and tried to calm her down, knowing the pain she felt right then.
"Shayde, she's just a kid, why would you do that to your own sister?" I screamed out in anger.
Elliot ran and picked up his sister and said,
"If you touch her again, I will kill you."
"I'd love to see you try, brother."
Shayde then turned his attention back on me.
I hate his whole being. Just him being here stirred my stomach, as it wasn't already stirred from my blood oozing out of me.
"Crystal, my lovely. I do not tolerate anyone interrupting me, as I wasn't finished. Don't be angry, this punishment will teach her to be obedient and not do it again."
"You're sick." As I ran up to him and spat in his face.
Serves him right. I can't stand here doing nothing; I just wish I could do more, anything really.
He did not move, which made me surprised, I thought I'd get slapped too, but he smiled and replied,
"You do know what happens later. Don't think I am letting you off easy this time."
Not only is my sister on the verge of dying, but in a stupid letter from some mysterious person, I find out that Elliot is suppose to be me and my sister's protector. That I am destined to be the Queen of this world and now I am faced with an even harder truth, that Elliot is Shayde's older brother! Like Fuck me. My parents are dead, and my sister is no longer present with me, what am I suppose to do?
"Isn't this fun." Shayde said as he wiped his face.
"You're a fucking idiot. Do you see anyone else clowning around?" Elliot stammered.
Shayde gestured his men to grab Elliot. He tried to fight them, but he was clearly out numbered. it was useless.
Shayde waved them to grab me and I quickly backed up and tried to dodge them, but soon realized I was backing myself up in a corner.
Fuck, I am cornered, good one Crystal. You should seriously learn how to get out of these situations.
"This is not clowning around. This is me finally getting what I came here for,' and he grazes his hand upon my face and brushes my hair from my eyes.
I was pinned by his men, and I couldn't budge.
"To touch you in real life. To be able to feel you brushed up against that wall; weak and helpless. I don't care if you're not afraid of me because, I like my women feisty, yet vulnerable ." He sneered.
I wanted nothing more than to sucker punch his face so hard, and I replied,
"Feisty is my favourite attribute, but you wouldn't know that and you think you can paint me whatever the fuck you want, but I am not your canvas to do what you please with. I will make sure you are taken down, one way or another, mark my words."
Elliot just stood there clutched by three men, just watching and not saying a word. I started to believe that he was enjoying this and if he was our protector, he sure wasn't great at playing the part.
I cannot believe I listened to his lies.
"Don't touch her Shayde!" Elliot shouted.
Why is he being all defensive like that?
Aren't they on the same side or something? I mean, look at him. He's just standing there not even trying to break a sweat and help me. Pfft, protector? I think not. Stupid letter must have been staged and I bought the whole act. Typical Crystal, why me. You know I probably wouldn't have been in this mess if I just broken both mirrors when I had the chance.
I am useless. I am entangled in this never ending nightmare; now this time for real. I don't know my past and I barely know what is meant for me in the future. All I know is, I have been defeated. Not saying I have lost the war yet. I may not know how I am going to get out of this mess, but I will find a way to free me and my sister and get back home.
For now.
"Can't we discuss things Shayde. Negotiate, brother to brother? Elliot pleaded.
"Hmph. Elliot, there is nothing more you could do or say, for me to ever willingly give up Crystal. I do have to thank you for keeping her in prestige condition though, it would have been tragic if anything happened to her before our wedding day."
Wedding day, what the fuck?
He grabbed my waist and shouted in what I though to have been Spanish,
"Nosotros nos casamos!"
I glanced over to Elliot with confusion and rage, and Elliot's face said it all, that I was being taken for real this time. That I had no chance of escape, and that this is what has become of my fate.
We headed back down the stairs, and through the door, and a portal had been conjured up. I was pushed inside of it, and just like that, we vanished from Elliot's farm.