Why Are You Here?

I used magic to grow enough tables and chairs to save the house workers from pulling out the ones in the house. There were about fifteen women here now, but there had been more earlier. Some of them needed to leave and take care of their business, so it was mostly the women from the barracks and the ones in the house.

"Does it matter where we sit?" Cherry asked as she looked around the large round table.

"All the spots are the same, right?" Breya asked as she took a seat where I was sitting with the two now healed girls. Both Eliza and Chili were in better moods now.

"I hope you don't mind me taking this other seat?" Penny asked as she came over to my other side, and I shook my head.

"No, go ahead. I was wondering how you were doing. I didn't get to see you much after you went to fight. After that, things started to happen fast," I explained, and Penny nodded, taking the seat beside me. Nyala took the seat on the other side of her.