Finish Chewing First

"What is she talking about?" Eliza asked, and I shook my head.

"Nothing. It doesn't really matter who I am, just what I am here for," I said, and Chili looked up at me as food started to come out.

"What are you here for?" Chili asked curiously.

"To spend time with all of you! That and save the world from certain doom," I laughed, and Chili tilted her head.

"Really? You came here just to spend time with us?" Chili asked as giant plates of sandwiches were placed on the table, and everyone started to dig in.

I didn't really want to talk about who I was yet, or any of that stuff. I still didn't know everything, so there was no point in trying to explain what I didn't fully understand.

"More or less. Why I am here really isn't that important. What I have to do here is the key, so, while we are eating, why don't you all start asking me some questions. If we don't get started soon, we are going to be here all day with this," I said, and Breya gave me a look.