Over-Sized Broom Closet

I flew back to the city with Elfinia in my arms but cloaked myself in a reflective mist that blurred my image temporarily. I flew over the city, but to anyone on the ground, I would look like a big bird landed directly in front of Listenia's shop. The moment I hit the ground, I awkwardly opened the door and spun inside, locking the door.

"You are quite the popular person today… Why is my mother in your arms?!" Listenia asked in shock as I turned around from the door.

"Well, I need a place to put her to work, so I thought that you might want some help around the shop," I said as I walked over with the once Elf Goddess.

"You are kidding me, right? Do you think that my mother will listen to me? She would rather eat her own undergarment than lower herself like that. While you may be able to control her, I am not as strong as you," Listenia said, and I nodded.