On The Prowl

"I am not her," Listenia growled, and I shrugged, putting my hands up to the side.

"You were pretty violent when I first met you. I am just making sure that we are still on the same page. I am putting a Goddess that has no power or strength in your care while I deal with other things. Unfortunately, right now, I have things to take care of, but this is a problem that needs to be dealt with. I am asking that you help me with this," I explained, and Listenia nodded, reaching slowly around to touch my tail.

I smiled, and it grew, swishing forward to wrap around Listenia, pulling her into me. Listenia placed her hands on my chest and then rested her head on me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.

"So, what do you think of my look?" I asked, and Listenia looked up with a smirk.