The Origin Of It

"Wait! I came here looking for Kelly, not you... Wait... how did you get in this room?!" I demanded, as my brain finally caught up with my dick as I looked around the room.

"Hmm? Oh, that creature? I already put her at the end of the trial! I mean, you can't get out of here unless you complete the trials, so it just made sense, right?" The Vampire asked me, and I narrowed my eyes. My dick got the best of me before, but I was not going to play any more games. This Vampire was turning out to be quite suspicious.

"Do you think that you can actually hold me here? You do know who you are talking to, right?" I growled, this time letting the darkness come, but the Vampire put up her hands defensively.

"Wait, wait, wait! I know you can destroy this place, Ophiuchus, Zodiac Cat God, but there is more to this than you think! I have yet to tell you who I am and the real reason I am in here!" The Vampire exclaimed, and I rolled my eyes but stopped pulling in Negative Energy.