The Origin Of Answers For A Cost

"I believe you." I groaned out, closing my eyes so that I wouldn't get distracted from what she was saying; otherwise, she would just be taking advantage of me again. "So anyway, you were about to tell me about what is going on? How did you end up in here?"

"Oh yeah. What I was about to say is that I am not all here. My essence has split into seven parts, and they are locked inside of these trials," Olivia explained as she stopped rubbing herself on me but still straddled my lap; her huge tits were in my face while her swollen belly was pressing against mine now, so this was decidedly bad for trying to think straight. "You must complete the trials."

"First, you have to get off of me! I can't think straight like this!" I complained, but Olivia bit her lip and shook her head. "If you don't get off me right now, then so help me goddesses..."