Personal Brew

Grenada's house was just as Teresa had described it. It was modestly sized and surrounded by a low wall, but the lights spilling out from inside made it look warm and inviting compared to the rest of the families, but there could be more under the surface. Most of these families seem to like to hide in the safety of the walls of their homes, but they also seem to think that they get to pick and choose the rules they want to follow.

That was something that was going to change in the near future when I got Hilda back, but now it was time to see if I could fit some of the last pieces to this puzzle together. This whole thing had taken much longer than I had anticipated, but I would be a fool to think it was going to be over after this meeting. If I had learned anything about this world from being in Torrain, it was that the word danger was not synonymous with violence. It was synonymous with power, something that nobody could afford to ignore.