
"That may be true, but we still need to find Hilda. Do you think that I could talk with your girls?" I asked, and Grenada looked hesitant but eventually nodded.

"I suppose it couldn't do any harm, and I would like to get this mess sorted," she said before standing up and going to grab something from her desk. She came back with a key ring jingling in her hands before handing it to me. "The girls will be one street over at Marney's, but some of them might be too much of a mess to talk to. If you see any like that, be a dear and take them home for me. I have found them in piles of horse shit before the next day, and they tend not to be as productive for the rest of the day."

"Sure, I can do that. I'm sure that I will be able to help out," I said with a nod before standing up and walking toward the door. As Grenada stepped back from it and opened it for me, she smiled warmly at me.