The Three That Were Once One

"It can be done, but it will take time. You need to find a way to get all of them to cooperate, and not just the ones in your area. Try speaking to those who you think might have more insight into what is going on with the witches. Visit other places, talk to different people." Kadeon said.

"What you are suggesting is to get someone else to clean up my mess? That really does sound like something that you would suggest. Thanks for the info," I said and opened a portal to go see Listenia and Elfina.


Watching Galio go, Kadeon fumed inside, but he held his composure until the portal closed and the three Guides appeared.

"He is a menace, and even with my twisting of the damned woman, he still prefers Nemoria more than me! I need to figure a way to make her look bad or for me to look better!" Kadeon snapped and then gave a sideways look at the Guides. "What is your view on all of this? We do share common interests, do we not? What is the point of hiding it all?"