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"What is this supposed to be? besides a bitten-off finger?" Kadeon asked with disgust as he took the vial.

"This is our finger. Before our body was completely torn apart and split in three, we bit off our own finger to save a piece of ourselves. If you eat this, you will gain some of our power, and you stand a chance of beating Galio if he frees Nemoria, which is inevitable," Apocolios explained. However, Kadeon was still looking at the finger skeptically.

"You want me to eat this...?" Kadeon asked incredulously, but the three nodded.

"Yes, when the time comes," Helios said, and then the three disappeared, leaving Kadeon to stare at the finger in the glass tube.

Kadeon had wanted to become the god that stood above the rest, and the Guides had given him what he wanted. He had asked that Galio be his servant, to control his wife, and to separate his daughter from Galio. He received all these things, but the spell had said nothing about what happened afterward.