
Aahh… I hate it when this alarm wakes me this early, waking up from the bee I sluggishly moved to the bathroom after screaming to my pillow, " when will all this end.. I wish I could have a series of Sundays for a century

Then I dont have to open the bakery shop nor see anyone, but I had to, because I needed to work for a living. I moved slowly to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and took my bath…

Finally ready for work, dressed in my petite gown and Martin boots, almost ready, just my hair!Letting my newly cut bangs fall on my pale face, " peach perfect" I muttered before grabbing my key…

, I can't tolerate Mrs Anna's lectures today. Her sermon about punctuality always makes me want to rip her tongue out of her mouth, but she pays me real well and serves as my social mother. I can't let her go….her death would be unique and blissful..

I couldn't help but chuckle as I imagined her on her kitchen counter with her hands tied behind her back , and her mouth taped… her legs wide open so she won't have any way to resist….

After the numb drug fades , then I would gradually rip her tongue off, she won't be able to talk or tell me anything anymore, I let myself enjoy the thought as I boarded a cab.

" Hey Amelia!!" Jordan yelled as I stepped out of the cab.. shit why does he have to be the first person I see every morning," hey Jordan… how are you doing…. Looking really sharp" I said.

With time I have been able to merge my sarcastic life with that of my Normal life, it blends so perfectly, " yea thanks so much" Jordan said as he blushed like a woman.

I hate it when he does that, " aww, I like it when you blush like that, give me that morning kick to start off my day" I said, sarcastically with a fake smile on my face…


Gradually his face was turning to a red tomato…already tired of his face, I have known Jordan ever since I started working, at this bakery, he has become such a pest, how many times do you have to turn down a guy before he goes away…

I don't want anyone anymore, I don't want to love anymore, Eden was my first and last mistake, love is just too painful, I hate it when I become really vulnerable towards anyone…

I love it the other way around, " ok bye jordan… you know madam Annie, she doesn't joke with time" I said before waving him goodbye hurriedly", ok,see you at lunch time" he said before waving me goodbye…

Not minding to respond I walked into the shop, it was already open. I hope I am not too late, looking at my wrist watch, just a minute late, that's not bad, " welcome Amelia, we have three orders we need to fulfil before noon" ma'am Annie said…

A middle aged woman in her glorious form, her slightly wrinkled face and her red hair, she is the only person in the whole of Australia who has the perfect natural red hair…

Such dazzling nature, she should have gone for acting, she would fit perfectly in the role of mermaids and Charming school girls, but she decided baking was the right option , so lame…

She opened her arms, as she welcomed me, "come, I have a surprise for you" she said, as she pulled me to the back of the counter, " you have been a good girl, so good girls have presents.. right?" She asked with a childish smile on her face…

I was lost… I just nodded so she could continue. I had no interest but my facial expressions said otherwise " good, so here's a snow bulb, and your passport for a vacation in California, special invite to whitehaven beach" she said ….

I was awestruck, how did she come up with these lame ideas, I don't need the snow bulb, I am opportune to see it every winter, so what's the use of the bulb…but this passport to a beach?! Wow …

" Aww thanks mom…. I love you so much " no you don't my inner goddess sighed as she rolled her eyes, I couldn't help but chuckle inwardly, my mind is a mess.

No one should ever wish to be in my head, it would be traumatizing to the feeble minded, " you are welcome darling, good habits Pay " she winked at me, I held the ticket in my hands, my face slowly Turning red, miss anna is just trying her best to make me enjoy and felt at home but all the same I really love the present

My wish has been fulfilled, finally I don't have to pretend to be punctual, anymore, I have a week to myself " I love you so much Mom" I said before staring at the ticket again then placing a kiss on her cheek

Indeed I did well telling her that I am an orphan, she doesn't need to know my family background no one needs that, to them I am an orphan, and to my mom and everyone that knew me I am dead just like my father so what's the use of bearing the name of a dead man…

" Ok...ok amelia, we have work" she said as she tried freeing herself from my tight embrace, back to serious mode I guess, I adjusted my rough dress, and composed myself…

" Ok, what do we have to do today!" I asked, still amazed about how good my morning was. Mrs Kate eyeballs really brought luck, I would get her eyeballs some treatment , for the luck, no no she deserves a break, maybe I would give her an extra large jar

" We have a seven step cake to make, for a wedding ceremony". She said, ``I couldn't help but roll my eyes, people and unnecessary expenses, "I guess they love cakes that much" I said, while sighing inwardly,

" Who said you can't eat your cake and have it?, Miss Annie said, I couldn't help but laugh, it doesn't make any sense, but i have a role to play

I need to laugh at her jokes, so she wouldn't see me as weird, " yes right?" I said, trying to hop along with her cheap talk, we started off my bringing out the necessary required for baking a huge cake