Revealing Choice

Rui remained frozen with a shell-shocked expression while Amare's expression with disgust and horror.

"H-He's not a stud to be used for breeding!" her protests emerged.

The Blood Lord shifted his gaze towards her blankly.

"Who are you again?"

Her eyes widened as his earnest question reached her. 

"Ah…" his eyes lit up as he recalled. "His partner. Right. Well, don't worry, little miss. You can think of this as 'science' as opposed to infidelity. Pure and impassive copulation. A purely biological process. Nothing more. Nothing less."

His words evoked deep disgust from her. "…That's impure!"

The Blood Lord tilted his head with confusion as he failed to parse his words. "Impure? You mean the specimen is contaminated? I am unable to understand what that means."

"It is spiritually impure," she insisted with a defiant expression.

The Blood Lord stared at her with pure confusion.