
There were two forces clashing in Rui's mind, influencing the decision he would make.

The first force was, of course, Project Water. It was the most important goal, ambition, and desire that he had and the thing that he had dedicated his entire life to fulfilling. Inherited from John, it had very quickly become the foundation of his Martial Path.

This force pushed him towards straightforwardly accepting the deal so that he could get his hands on the powerful bloodwhirler species. With this, he would get one step closer to fulfilling Project Water, allowing him to better adaptively evolve.

On the other hand, was the second force, which was, well, everything else.

A feeling of kinship for his unborn children and a desire to protect them. He knew that his children would suffer their entire lives. And even if they didn't exist at the moment, he simply didn't want to subject them to such horrible suffering.