
Enjoying a yandere

"Yes! She even told me how frustrated she felt when you always outsmarted her" Mom said while laughing a bit to ease the atmosphere.

Seeing that she stopped fretting over it, she smiled at me and continued eating while I on the other hand got excited for the night. I can't wait to masturbate while thinking of Aika-sensei forcing her body onto myself.


-{The next day}-

Waking up, I couldn't help but wet myself again thinking of Aika-sensei. Since today would be the day I can confirm if the order still works, and to confirm how long it stays, whether forever or just for a few days, I have to leave the order be, and mark how many days it lasts, I will do this everyday for a month, if it still doesn't disappear then I can assume that it stays there forever.

Nodding to myself, I stood up from my bed and stretched a bit before going to the bathroom and took a refreshing bath.

And after that, I did everything the way I usually did, took some bread and greeted my mom good morning and then left for school. Looking up above, I couldn't help but form a smile and then thank the being that gave me this power.

'Thank you for giving me the chance to use this powers or chant for myself' I thanked the being up there and continued walking towards the school in a happy mood.

• • •

As I reached my classroom, I looked around and I saw a shadow move fast towards the stairs, I only saw a glimpse of a white coat. And only one person inside the whole school uses a white coat, and that is the nurse. Since the students use the uniform, and the teachers use their uniforms, only the nurse uses the white coat as a uniform.

Grinning, I opened the door to my classroom and got in, after that I walked towards my seat and tried to communicate with my seatmate.

"Hi, can I ask for some assistance?" I asked my seatmate.

Looking at her, I couldn't help but gaze at her for more than a few seconds, she has colored-green eyes with blonde hair. Above average face and had the curves any girl would ask for. She had a good bust, big enough to hold with your whole hand, and firm enough to enjoy it.

My musings were interrupted by the girl herself. "A-ah Shizu-san, of course! I don't mind!" She said while holding my hands.

As I felt her hands touch mine, I felt some small bloodlust outside, looking towards the windows I see Aika-sensei looking at us with a shadow being hanged on her eyes.

'Is this really happening?! That shadow! That bloodlust! The way she looked at her! It seems like Aika-sensei became a yandere!' I smiled towards her as I waved at her.

Her face returned to normal and had a smile pasted onto it while she waved back at me. Scary how she can just change face expressions like that.

Looking at her for a few more seconds then I faced towards my seatmate again. "I was actually having trouble with some lessons here" I said as I pointed at my book, emphasizing the problem by circling it aggressively.

"Ah of course! It's actually pretty simple! The way it works is that you first pu-" as she explained to me how to solve it, she unconsciously got closer to me while explaining, which in turn made the bloodlust I felt before intensify.

I nodded here and there when she looked at me to see if I was catching up with her. Of course I don't really need to listen to her explanation since I already understood the lessons from the start, I just used her as a reason for Aika-sensei to force herself upon me. While thinking of that, I smiled again, I can't help but think that I've been smiling so often that my mouth hurts a bit.

"So do you understand?" She asked me as I jolted a bit.

"Ah of course! Thank you for assisting me!" I bowed a bit to her as a way to show my thanks.

"It's fine! It's really fine! Helping others always felt good for me!"

"Is that so? Well thank you anywa-" I got cut off as the teacher got inside the room.

"Good morning class!"

""Good morning Hoshi-sensei!"" We greeted back, as for I, well I looked outside the window again to see if Aika-sensei was still there but I didn't see her there anymore. So I assumed she already left to her infirmary.

Since she saw me being touchy and talking to another person, the event would definitely happen! 100%! For now I should just wait for the bell to ring. I rubbed my hands together and smiled like a maniac, but to others, it might've been cute.

• • •

*Ring ring*

"Okay class! That concludes our lesson for today, remember to do your assignments and pass them in time!"

""Yes sensei!""

"Okay your all dismissed"

After she said that, I quickly packed the things I have taken out, and took off to the cafeteria. But knowing how a yandere thinks, I know I wouldn't have time for that right now.

Right on cue, Aika-sensei appeared in front of me and quickly put her hands onto my shoulders while secretly making some quick glances on my body here and there. Well it won't a secret since I saw her glancing on my body, but that only fueled my lust more, she's showing her lust for me publicly!

"Shizu, come with me! It's of urgent matter" She said with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

"A-ah what is it about Aika-sensei?"


"Huh?" I asked, acting oblivious to the situation that is happening right now.

"Call me Aika from now on" she requested, no, more like demanded me to call her that.

"Y-yes Aika-sense- I mean Aika"

"Good" she said while still leading me to who knows where. I was silent the whole trip since I didn't know what to say anymore since she's just dragging me to the infirmary.

As we got inside the room, she quickly locked the room and pushed me onto the bed. I looked at her, acting confused at the situation.

"Aika-sens- I mean Aika? Why did you push m-" I wasn't even able to finish my words since she just forcedly pushed herself onto me while holding my chin upwards.

"How dare you talk to others and touch them" she stated with authority in her tone. Looking me dead in the eyes, she demanded an answer from me.

"H-huh what do you m-mean Aika-sensei?" I asked, 'seemingly confused'.

She forced my face to look towards her which forced a whimper out of me as she got closer to my face. "Didn't I tell you to call me Aika from now on?"

"A-ah yes, A-aika" I whimpered pathetically while on the inside I was enjoying the forceful actions she did to me.

"From now on you shall only look and touch me, if I even see you talk to someone else, then-" she got closer to me and licked my neck and then bit onto it, which made me cry out of pain for a bit and made me wet.

"W-why do t-this Aika?" I asked her, still acting innocent and oblivious.

"Because from now on, your mine, forever"

"N-no! Let go of me!" I tried to pry my hands out of her grip but didn't use my full strength since I wanted this to happen after all, I needed to look weak and breedable to her as well.

She smiled and giggled at my antics and licked and kissed my neck multiple times while huffing and puffing a few breaths. "Never, your mine, I won't let others touch you. As a way for them to know that, I will leave marks for them to notice your taken." She said and did what she just said. Making me moan and lose strength around my legs and arms.

"A-aika~ p-pls stop Ah~" I begged at her while humping my hips towards.

She then stopped licking and kissing my neck, and then looked at me straight to my hair covering my eyes, she moved them aside then kissed my lips. "You look more beautiful like this dear~" She seductively licked her lips in front of me which made me wet myself more.

I looked at her shaken and blushing a bright red hue then muttered a few words which she didn't hear.

"What was that dear?"

"I said..."

"I didn't quite catch that, may you speak up?" She asked as she kissed my lips more, and then tried to force her tongue inside my mouth.

"I-i said, thank y-you for saying tha- Ahmmm" she forced her tongue inside my mouth as I was thanking her for her comment about me.

Which she heard and stopped her french kiss. " Your welcome dear, you know I was jealous of seeing someone other than me getting close to you and touching you, I thought you would be safe from any touching and talking to others since you were a loner before. But what happened there was out of my prediction." She said while looking at somewhere else with hatred.

"But now that you're here, with me and to top it off, below me, then I wouldn't have to kill her since I've already marked you"

What are you a dog? Marking? Really? Well I wouldn't mind since your making my fantasies come true anyways so I don't care.

"B-but why me! I-i wanted to save my p-pussy for the one I choose..." I said hesitantly.

She chuckled at that then led her hands closer to my pussy and rubbed my clit which made me climax fast.

"AHHH! Aiko!" I moaned her name as I hugged her body while climaxing myself.

"Ah~ Shizu~ your finally mine forever" She said as she french kissed me again.

With nothing I could do to get out or run, which by the way I won't even do even if I'm given the chance to. I just accepted her kisses and pleasuring of myself.

"Ah! I somehow forgot of that!" As soon as she said that she got out of our position and walked towards her bag on the floor. The sudden feeling of losing the warmth around me made me whimper a bit. Which she obviously heard.

"Aww~ you're sad I left you even for a bit? That's cute"

I blushed at her comment and looked at her bag, what could she be getting? My question was soon answered as she took out a strap-on from her bag.

"W-what?" I was confused and scared of the pain that will befall me with that strap-on.

"Don't worry dear, I would've been gentle with you, but since the girl from before tainted you, I would have to be aggressive with you dear, don't worry the pain would only last a few seconds~" She said while putting the strap-on on. I looked towards it and gulped down a chunk of my saliva. A thing as large as that, inside me?

Well... Let's just see what happens next then.