
A disturbance

"Don't worry dear, I would've been gentle with you, but since the girl from before tainted you, I would have to be aggressive with you dear, don't worry the pain would only last a few seconds~" She said while putting the strap-on on. I looked towards it and gulped down a chunk of my saliva. A thing as large as that, inside me?

Well... Let's just see what happens next then.


Just when we were gonna start, a knock forced us to stop, her actions then became stiff and looked towards the door.

"Uhm Aika-sensei! Are you there? I've been feeling sick since this morning so I thought I could visit you right now"

I then heard a small 'tsk' from Aika-sens I mean Aika, and looking at her expression right now, she glared at the door menacingly, if looks could kill, the door would've already been cut a hundreds of times.

Aika then quickly got out of the bed and took off her strap-on, she then put her clothes back on and gestured me to do the same, and I happily complied.

"I'll be there in a minute!" Aika said as she quickly changed the sheets of the bed and hid the sheets that were tainted by my wet pussy inside her bag.

I looked at her blushing a bit then quickly hid myself in a nearby curtain. As I did so, the door to the infirmary opened and a student came inside. It was Shoji Rin, my crush.

"Hello there Rin-san, may I ask what seems to be the problem?"

"I accidentally got hurt from a ball that was headed towards me, which made me fall and gave me a headache. And it's been giving me some problems inside the class"

Aika then put her right hand towards her chin and looked towards Rin-san while muttering something, which I didn't hear since they were a bit far from me.

"I'll do some checks on you for a bit, just relax for now" Aika said as she walked towards the cabinet right beside me, as she opened the cabinet she let her left hand wander towards the curtain I am at then she left her hand there to harass my left leg which almost made me moan a bit and made my legs weak a bit.

"Just stay there for now till she leaves us Kay sweetie?"

She whispered to me then pinched my skin near my pussy, I moaned then quickly tried to cover my mouth while blushing a lot.

After a few minutes of them talking and Aika-sensei checking her up, which made me a bit mad, but since I ordered her to be obsessed with me, then why would she go for Rin-san?

"Thank you Aika-sensei! I'll be going now!"


As Rin left the infirmary, Aika then closed the door and headed towards me, I also left the curtain since Rin already left. I then packed my things up and quickly walked towards the door, but a hand blocked me.

"You know Shizu... If I ever see you close to another person again... I'll kill them and then take you for myself, am I making myself clear?"

She looked towards me with dark, unfocused eyes and with bated breath I nodded quickly. Honestly I didn't mind her doing that, I can already imagine it happening, I really don't know when my degeneracy started but I always loved this feeling.

Feeling a wet liquid between my legs, I blushed and looked towards Aika, asking permission to leave the infirmary, which she agreed right before she grabbed my ass and licked her lips, making me blush more and shakily walk towards the exit of the school.

"T-thank you Aika..." I silently said to her before running towards the exit, albeit a bit wobbly.

After getting out of the school, I forced my thoughts to the order I gave her, since the order still has not dissapeared, I can check the note as confirmed for 1 day.

Though... What if someone or something made an impact onto her? Would the order stop working? Or would it still work? Well I'll work it out tomorrow. So what now, should I talk to other people and see if she actually does what she said, or just try to not talk to other people? Not like I talk to others that much anyways.

Should I test my powers to another person? Does my power differ from person to person? Is it from the mentality of the person? Or does my power wane if I affect more than a dozen of people?

I might have to do it to others tomorrow as well, sorry Aika-sensei, I need to actually be near to the person to use them so hopefully she would be busy by the time I do it.

Setting my thoughts straight really does distort my sense of time, like I'm already in front of my house and it didn't even feel like a minute passed.

I opened the door to my house and announced my arrival.

"Mom! I'm home!"

Mom must've heard me since I heard some kind of noise like a glass hitting another glass? Then mom came into my sight and welcomed me with open arms.

"Welcome home sweety!"

I rushed towards her and gave her my best hug and kissed her on her cheek, I might be a degenerate but I'll never use it on my mom ever. I love her too much.