What the hell just happened?

⚠️ Read this chapter at your own convenience as some parts may be violent and bloody.***

When Beta's team was trying to attack Del they heard a high screeching sound making them feel irritated and was an entry of three young men with a parrot (cockatoo). The cockatoo was happy to see Del and flew towards him.

"Oh Beta you are finally rebelling, I thought you will take a lot of time but so soon as you became the head." one of them spoke.

"If you want our leader dead then first go through the three of us. We will fight to the death and make your life a hell." other spoke.

"You both stop talking and have my fist first," Beta spoke in an aggressive manner.

The two men defended the opponents while one of them ran towards Del and both made eye contact and nodded. Ohhh … they are planning something…what was it?

They were communicating with their eyes and the eye of a young man seemed to say that they were on their own, no one was willing to help them in this situation.

As I was on my seat I was checking the servers of Wega before and someone had sent a message for help and a distress signal to Virtue Group, Gamma, and the military from the computer in Del's office.

How could only two defeat those around forty/ fifty people as adding those left military and Gamma teammates? Del and the man joined them but also weren't able to win. It was hard to tell who will win the battle...

During those period those two helpers walked toward me and one of them handed me a phone as someone was on the line,

As I placed the phone on my ear I heard an instruction"Miss Eva everything has worked as we planned. I'm sure Del will die today. So miss you have to leave with tomorrow morning so be ready for it."

"How can you say that Del is sure to die? Did you do something that I am unaware of?"

"Miss Eva it will be good if you don't know certain things. It was decided by higher-ups. So don't ask anything which you shouldn't. At last, what matters is the death of Del."

'Why were they so against Del? Did he commit a big or larger crime?' was in my mind.

"I won't leave with them but I will be at Weery city airport, two days afterward. I want to relax these days."

"Ok if that's your decision."

Maybe he was the same person who had messaged Eva before.

When I was thinking of their plan after returning the phone to those helpers, I heard a loud sound, and the helpers were nowhere to see. Someone blasted a small explosive and shot one of those on Del's side with a poisonous dart and the next one.

I could smell the poison on the dart as it was a horrible poison that could corrode the flesh that came into contact with it. Within a second those wounded by the poison turned into a pool of bloody liquid. The remaining one on Del's side and Del both were wounded and horrified by the situation. Maybe they also hadn't expected the situation to turn worse.

How could something like this enter Wega within such high security? Someone outside of Wega who can have permission had joined the hand. Who could be beside the military? But was the whole military involved or some of the corrupted hearts?

Even the last one was fighting his best and Del shoot Beta in his palm. No one has thought about the explosion because some of the Beta group were also hurt. The two helpers went forward to Del taking the situation as a distraction and were about to fire a bullet at Del's head.

The one alive used his body to protect Del. Even Del had been careless for not thinking that someone could have infiltrated the Wega and the illegal entry of those weapons. He was lifeless as if accepting death.

All of them were pointing the gun at Del and one helper shot the gun with a bullet in Del's chest. It was going to be the end of Del.

Suddenly the light went off. Within the dark night, a very very loud scream and sound of the explosion were heard, piercing the ear and even people of the Weery city could hear it clearly.


The next day, the people of Western City were horrified by what they saw near the port and the scenery.

The beaches were filled with body parts and some were floating in the ocean. The color of the water has changed to a bloody red. It was a horror.

The women took their children to their home running so they could be far from that place whereas some had their feet glued on and couldn't move, some even were throwing out seeing the scene.

The port side and beach were in chaos. And even something astounding happened, the island Wega was nowhere to be seen. It seems as if there was never an island before as if seeing Wega till yesterday was a dream.

The body parts scattered on the ocean and beach couldn't be recognized. Not a single intact body could be found. This will be the greatest incident happening in Weery City for many many years to come.

In the midst of the growing crowd, two boys were staring in the direction where the Wega used to be. They couldn't believe what they were seeing and they grieved.

"Ray, do you think B left us just like that, I don't believe it."

"Nick I feel the same but we can see what has happened and the situation here. So how will B remain alive ?"

"But also, I have a feeling she is alive."

"I do hope so. And what are we going to do with the girl who is in the old house, Nick."

"I don't know, let's wait for some days then we can send her to the hospital."


On a beach far from the Western City Port,

I am looking in the direction towards where the Wega used to be and the port, sitting on the sand. My emotions haven't been stabilized till now and I feel bloodthirsty, wanting to skin out certain someone's alive.

A lot of things happened after midnight of the ceremony.


As the ceremony was conducted, during the first conversation between Beta and Del, I was quiet because I knew Del could deal with it. But when Beta started to talk about Del's subordinate missing and death I was curious as no one in Wega told me who the two that were killed were.

I don't believe, whatever the reason was Del won't kill his subordinate cruelly. If he really did, he would kill in the blink of an eye and give a fast death.

What's the inside story of Del killing Riz and Belle? I don't know about Belle but Riz was Rit's brother, after the death of Rit how could he kill him? I feel like he had sent Riz far away faking his death but I am not so sure about the reasons.