Curiosity to know Eva's life

I am proud of myself as I have chosen such a smart subordinate. I don't have to waste my time teaching him what to do and what not. But his arrogance should be kept in check even after his defeat with me.

"Congrats on your first mission success. You can be my subordinate but you have to be far from your hometown and family, can you do that?"

"I have talked with my family. I am fine with it."

"Okay then, I have a bonus for your success so celebrate with your family." I gave him a red packet.

After he left the house was silent. Quietness and silence have been a part of me for a long time. I myself have forgotten when I had the family time or maybe never.

I had planned to go to Belovgad ( Capital city) before but I couldn't leave Del and Nia alone here. I had no choice but to extend my stay.

It has already been a couple of days but Del wasn't waking up. Did he have some psychological trauma? If he doesn't wake up soon, my plans and journey would be disrupted. I have no idea what would I do if he won't wake: Will I wait for him or leave him and continue my journey? But before my journey continues I need some answer from him.

I remembered that Beta has given me (when I acted as Eva) the documents of the private clinic. It was a share transfer document. I could be the director of the private clinic with those papers.

I don't think Eva will be kind enough to join the clinic to care about her adoptive grandpa. Maybe she was planning to do something different. To know more about her I could start with the document. She could be a bridge between me and Antidote group.

I have a feeling that Eva couldn't be the adopted grandchild. But if she was then she should have gotten a better life not best like the biological ones but why would she be in Wega to suffer? Or Why work with someone against Del? Even if she isn't directly related to the Antidote group she was involved in the mess.

I can't make a conclusion about Eva without knowing her life.

'Why did Beta want someone not related to Wega dead or is there something that I don't know? Maybe Eva knows how Rit got toxic in her body or she could lead to them who took part. She could be a part of my clue.'

It's raising my curiosity. I don't want to meddle in other matters but my curiosity is uncontrollable. So let it be satisfied.

As I don't have anything to do these days I could check it out. The previous time I couldn't enter the clinic but this time I could. I have a choice: Should I use the documents to enter or should I act like Eva?

At last, I decided to act like Eva.


The next day, asking Ray to look out for Del wearing a mask, I went to the clinic. When the guard saw me at the gate, he greeted me.

"Hello good morning miss Elva, you are here so early, mostly you are here only after an afternoon"

'Why does he call me Elva' is on my mind. 'I should ask Eva later on.'

"Good morning, Can I enter? Oh, and can you tell me where the head office is? I have something to discuss with them."

"Sure miss Elva. Go to the right around the corner and turn again right, you will see a red building. The head's office is on the second floor."

"Thanks "

When I reached outside the door I could hear loud sounds of people inside. 'Was there some celebration or a problem?'

I didn't enter and sat on the bench nearby as I could hear their discussion so what's the need to go? As I listened there seems to be a problem among them as they weren't informed who the person replacing the position of one of the directors was.

I don't wish to poke my nose into other matters. It was Eva's problem, not mine. I went to meet the so-called adoptive grandpa of Eva. The ward in which he stayed was a VIP ward, everything on the ward was of top-notch quality. How could the facilities be low in such a private hospital? No poor could afford such treatments. From the tight security one could say that someone in a very respectable or high position was staying there.

Was the important person Eva's grandpa? I doubt it as I have seen some trained guards standing outside the next door. When I tried to enter the room of Eva's adoptive grandfather, no one stopped me.

Inside there was a man in his early fifties, sitting on the sofa. The nurses were doing the daily check-up routine on the person on the bed. I didn't enter and stood at the door watching. It wasn't to disturb them but to read the situation. Everything seemed fine, his health and the surroundings too but why do I get a feeling of alertness within me as I saw both of them.

After the nurse left Eva's grandpa looked at me,

"Oh, Elva you are early. I didn't expect to see you today. Come inside and have a seated child."

He was looking at me with a doting smile but his eyes reflected guilt, embarrassment, and manipulation on those. The eyes never lie so maybe he did something before or is going to do.

I sat on the sofa far from the middle-aged man who looked somehow similar to Eva and looked at the interior of the ward. I didn't want to face them as I know they want to know something from me. Let's wait.

One second…

Two sec….

Thirty sec….

One minute…

The silence broke.

"Elva, I will be leaving this clinic in two days."


"The time passed so quickly. It's been about a year. I had a wonderful time here and you are here with me. As much as I want to, I can't stay here forever. If you wish we could bring you together with us but there is something we want you to do before."

"Tell me, grandpa. I will do my best to return back to the family."

"We don't have the right to ask you but we want you to donate your kidney to someone."

"Tell me who? As I have two, if someone is compatible with mine, I can do it. But I won't do it for any strangers."

The middle-aged man replied "It is for your brother. We have checked and it's compatible."

"When is the operation grandpa?"

"In two days. I know you will do it. Didn't I tell you, John? You didn't believe it. She is the most filial child. How can your own child not help?"

John: "Yeah dad. I wasn't sure she would help after what happened before—."

"John, stop talking. It's all in the past."

I could see a glimpse of panic in his eyes. I was disgusted to talk with them by being so lovely and sweet. But to get information on the total situation I had to act till last.