Parting with Del

I told Del about Nia and her incidents and told him that I had to go to Ohane city for an investigation with Nia.

"Del, I do feel as if Capital University is involved in Rit's case and Nia may be the link to find out about it. Capital University seems to have joined hands with the Antidote group for some deals. I am having a strong feeling if I don't clean up this mess faster I will be in big trouble soon. I don't want to mix with these people but something in me is pushing me to go through these processes."

"Then listen to your feelings Biva. Don't worry about me I have made some decisions. I will go with Pri to Freuna and live a mundane life." he spoke with seriousness.

"WHAT...are you for real? I thought you will stay as my support. Arghh...whatever. It's your life and you have your choices. But can you tell me anything you know when Rit got the poison or was she abducted--?"

"How did you know about her abduction--" Del spoke in a sharp and cold voice but realized what he was speaking so stopped.

"Then it's true that she was abducted. Who did that Del and where is Riz?"

"It would be better if you don't know. Otherwise, I will push you into a dangerous abyss. Don't ask more." he tried to ignore the question.

"Del do you think I am not in danger now? Okay, I won't ask you more. But do you know...if you say anything or not I will be soon in that dangerous abyss. I will find the answer myself, maybe I have to spend more time and resources on it but I am sure that I will find it" I replied with a cold smile.

I left the room and went to the sofa in the living room. I was tired mentally and physically. I had to restore my energy so I could fight strongly in my upcoming battles. I meditated.

When I was closing my eyes I noticed the return of Pri. He looked at me once and then entered Del's room. Both were inside until the evening. As Ray, Nia, and Eve were out I had no choice but to prepare my own food. Luckily, Ray had refrigerated some cooked food enough for three people. I heated the food, went to knock on Del's room door, and informed them the food was ready.

Both people inside the room were out after five minutes. Having dinner in silence, Pri helped with the chores and both went back to their room. I was checking my emails and phone in the living room as I had to book a flight for Ohane.

About an hour later I heard the footstep in the living room. I diverted my eyes from the phone to the people present. Pri and Del were dressed well with a backpack. Del handed his bag to Pri and asked him to wait outside. Pri bid me bye before he left.

"Are you leaving now? Have you prepared everything? If not, why don't you stay in this house for a few days?" I questioned him.

He showed his best smile ( I have never seen his smiling freely), "You don't have to be responsible for me Biva. I didn't slack off a day to take rest all these years to build Wega but little did I know it would a reason someone wants my life. I want to be retired and only take a rest. I have prepared everything I need. You can meet me when you want and I know you will find the way by yourself."

"Before I leave I have something for you. Only open when you finish your investigation of Ohane and have time to think about only yourself and relax". He gave me a glass vial, inside seems to be something.

"You want me to relax, it's not you Del !!" I tried to crack a joke.

"Hahaha....whatever you say. I like this cheerful version of your than your previous gloomy one. Be careful with every step you take. I will leave immediately as I have prepared everything for my departure a few days ago, but for some days I wanted to stay in this place with you and look towards the disappeared Wega. Biva, you know I wish sometimes if you were my own grandchild... but what can I do when I even don't have children either? Be safe and stay alive. Go on girl and don't miss me too much."

"Who is gonna miss you? Live well old man." I gave him a hug for the first time and he left without turning back to me. I know I could have cried by his words if he stay for more. He was also one of the people I care about.

I didn't walk outside for him or did I bid him goodbye because I know I will surely have to meet him in the nearby future.

The house was once again silent. Before, at least someone would be present whether sick or ill lying on the bed but now I was left all alone. As Del had left I called Ray.

"Hello...where are you three?" I could hear the sound of a crowd in the background.

"Hi!! B, do you need anything? We were searching for a suitable place for accommodation for Eve." Ray replied to the call.

"No, you guys have your dinner and return back to the house. No need to stay outside." the call was disconnected.

As I am alone I reached the terrace and observed the night. The sky was clear with the full moon and I brought a chair and continued to observe the sky. 'Will all the people I care for leave me?' I am feeling lonely. Del's departure reminds me of my reality. The search for my identity and revenge is the only thing that makes to move forward and live. I was lost in my though looking at the sky for an hour.

The light cough of the people made me realize their presence nearby. 'Why am I acting so vulnerable? Anyone could hurt me if I stay in this state. Luckily I am in my safe zone." I am irritated by my state.

"You guys have to rest and prepare your backpacks. My friend has already left, we are leaving Weery city tomorrow. And Ray, today go stay with your family and bid them bye. Maybe you will only meet them after a long time if you miss this moment. Leave." I suggested Ray.

"B, are you going to stay here? What time will we leave? " Ray asked.

"Yeah, I will stay here for now. We will leave early in the morning."

"Okay, have a good rest B."

I rested until midnight and returned to my room as I hadn't packed my bags.

Early morning everyone gathered in the living room ready to leave. As we exited the house, a man in his 70s was outside the house waiting for us. I handed him the house keys.

"Thank you grandfather for renting the house. As I have to leave I called you early morning. Sorry for the trouble. I have sent the rental fee to your account."

" No problem young lady. Please do visit us when you are in Weery city. Have a safe journey child." the old man bid us goodbye.

"Sure grandpa. Bye." The old man lived in the same neighborhood. Before leaving the house I had booked a cab. I asked the cab to take a detour near the port first before reaching the airport. I wanted to bid goodbye to the disappeared Wega for the last time. It was time for me to bury my memory of Wega deep inside me.

As we reached the airport, Ray also arrive. The four of us took flight for Ohane.