Being a foodie

I checked Ray's phone's GPS as I left the hospital and was able to locate him. I felt so nauseous from being in the hospital and breathing its smell that I wanted to inhale some fresh air in my lungs. So, I didn't take the road but strolled towards the green fields for an hour. 

After returning back to the highway and hailing a ride, I arrived at the food market.

I could see Ray conversing with a few locals from a distance. Due to the epidemic, the crowd in the market was very less. I stayed nearby him but didn't reach him. 

My nostrils were overwhelmed with the street's food tempting aroma. I couldn't help myself from ordering some food even though I wasn't hungry.

I wasn't fascinated with eating before the Horn Mountain tragedy; any food that could fill my stomach was good. There have even been days when I survived without a grain of food. My sense of taste was also dysfunctional. Not my taste buds are developing.