
I can only hope Nick won't be heartbroken when he receives my gift. I had to make him strong too and this was the only chance he could get training. I didn't had a task for him to give for now. Him being away from Aspor would be good for me.

Even if Zippy didn't update me I had known the situation of the base, my subordinates and the 

things I had to take care of. After the fire incident in the Capital University Lab, I had called Nick back to the base because there was nothing to investigate more there.

He was enjoying the break these days and from today he is gonna suffer. 

I had been informed that Eve and Ray had entered the Antidote Group headquarter while Si had slipped into the underworld. I didn't ask how they did, the only thing that mattered to me is the final result and their actions shouldn't be immoral or put their own life at risk.