Riz in the wanted list of Mafia

Both ran as fast as they could.

After they left, I punched the wooden table and it made a small dent and my hand got hurt. The blood and pain controlled my rage. I had to stay calm as I couldn't still find those two children.

I made a deadline of five days for myself: first to treat S and Mac and use both of them to my advantage and second was to gather information and focus on the mission given to me by Del.

Informing Dr. Moore about my close door treatment, I got busy. I didn't give them a chance to ask if I had got the precious herb or not. I wrote a note telling them not to disturb me for a week and if they did, they had to bear the consequences of any mistake that occurred in the ward with bold letters and pasted on the door of the ward.

Thanks to it none dared to disturb me. Even P, Q had backed off due to the note.

Beside the food and water delivery through the door hole, not even a mouse could enter from outside.