The emergency rescue mission

"I need the results of the investigation within two hours." I directly cut the call.

Two hours' wait was equivalent to two years and more.

With the Yash team, I had sent some mechanics that could help to remove the signal barrier for my subordinate.

Within the wait period, Sihan called me.

"B, I couldn't contact you and the few messages were my last resort. We were expecting help and thankfully you sent."

"Any updates?"

" Eve and Ray have entered the inner circle so can't contact you. I have only had a few meetings with them. Eve said she had seen someone similar to the child in the pile of dead bodies but it was a false alarm. Phew…B, can you tell where the child was abducted?"

"Should be around Weery City"

"That is the most far city from Northern Hill. I will do my best. Don't be ignited and remain calm. I will call you later and spread our search vastly. This place stinks like a grave." R made a complaint.