Entering the fourth layer

"Why would I–"

I chuckled, "You think you have the choice to answer or not? Don't be delusional, Mr ex-Wega officer."

Listening to my way of addressing both people had their eyes wide open.

Si had his eyes open because he had never expected to meet someone from Wega whereas Hari haven't imagined that anyone would know that he was once related to Wega.

"What nonsense are you spouting? How can I be related to Wega?" Hari tried to deny it.

"Oh! Has Wega's disappearance made you so bold that you can deny being its part? Don't be so arrogant as to deny, who knows you may meet someone from there and make enemies?" I chuckled.

"Who…who are you?" 

"You aren't qualified enough to know." I snorted. "I don't have enough time to chit-chat with you so I will move directly to my interrogation; did you or Danny abduct children from Weery City?"

He tried to keep quiet but I poked him with a needle. The pain made him grunt, "I don't know."