Hogwarts start

I got my Hogwarts acceptance letter on May 14, 1992. The day after my birthday.

The same day, I get all of the supplies needed for school, all 7 years of them. I actually got the old list from Regulus' bedroom in the Manor. So I go ahead and buy everything. With enough money, everyone is willing to help me. Although I already own a wand from Gregorovitch, I got another one from Ollivander. I don't want anyone noticing my Gregorovitch wand. I will remove the tracer from Ollivander's wand later at Hogwarts.

Soon come the day I go to Hogwarts.

My parents apparate me to the platform. They look really good after months of recovery. By the way, before I used the Philosopher stone for the ritual, I chipped away a quarter of the stone to use for making the elixir of life. So now we have supplies for another 500 years. I already drank a bit, as did my parents. It worked wonders.

At the platform, people look at us wearily. News has spread that Orion and Druella are married and together have a daughter, which is me. Orion is active in politics once again. We all wear powerful amulets for protection and bring several emergency portkey which bypass any anti-portkey wards. I consider making a Horcrux later when a bit older.

I also see Potter coming inside the Platform. He looks like a normal second-year schoolboy now, not a short scrawny looking boy. He wears no glasses anymore. I guess he solves the Dobby problem at the platform entrance.

Things then go by like usual. Others go to their respective houses. I got into Slytherin.

People start to warm up to me because of my family name. I already have several boys in mind to make babies with later in the coming years.

Months pass by without a hitch. Then Halloween came.