The Diary

Ginny's been busy. She's killing all the roosters from Hagrid's hut. But lucky for me, I ask my new house-elf, Pinky, whom I acquired before Hogwarts to secure me 3 of them before they were all butchered. Then, I stunned them for later use.

On Halloween day, I ordered Pinky to stay at Myrtle's bathroom invisible, 3 hours before Mrs. Norris' incident bringing all 3 stunned-rooster. I joined Pinky in the bathroom an hour later. We were hiding below Harry's invisibility cloak. The thing's top-notch.

A half-hour of waiting later, Ginny came to the bathroom. After she opened the chamber and came inside, I followed her with Pinky in tow. After we enter, the entrance closed by itself. Good thing I bring along my vanishing cabinet from the ROR. Well, Pinky could also disapparate me outside anyway.

Inside the chamber, after she awoke the basilisk and open its chamber, I rapidly stunned her 3 times from the edge of the room away from the chamber. I took the book by accio and put it inside my mokeskin pouch. I took one of my rooster, levitate it near the entrance to the basilisk chamber, un-stun it, and will it to crow. And crowed it did, loudly.

There's a loud thud sound from the chamber. I will the rooster to crow once again just in case.

Five minutes later, I enter the chamber with Pinky. The basilisk's dead. For such a magnificent being, dead by just a crow of a rooster is a bit pathetic.

I put my dragon-hide gloves on and take off the basilisk's fang. I pierce the book with the basilisk's fang fiercely. The book bleeds out black ink. After it's done bleeding, I incendioed the book until nothing remains.

I order Pinky to harvest all of the basilisk parts and put them all inside the jars I provided from the mokeskin bag. I gave Pinky a magical katana to use.

I take out my vanishing cabinet and install it inside the basilisk chamber and ward it.

I took out Ginny's wand and snap it into two. After that, I burn the wand.

I levitate the stunned Ginny to the cabinet and we both are gone to the Black Manor.

I put Ginny on the Black Family's altar. After a few incantations, I slit her throat and let her bleed on it until she died. She was awake, but couldn't move. After that, I burned her body until the ashes remain. With a quite banishing spell, she's gone.

Back in the chamber, I order Pinky to use the cabinet to transport the basilisk to the Manor. I've informed my parents of it. They're very proud of me.

Pinky also could rest in between harvesting and ask Kreacher's help. It's a monumental task after all.

After that, I ask Pinky to disapparate me into my room.

Voldemort's gone. I got the Black's ward updated.